How Good Are You With Slowing Down the Pace of Your Life?

I know this may seem simple, but I encourage you to really ask yourself this question truthfully.  Because most people I know pack their schedules full and then wonder when life is going to slow down.  And why life remains so hectic.  There seems to be a strong disconnect between habitually over-scheduling on one end of the spectrum. And the desire for destination addiction to rescue you from your very own predicament on the other side.

What I've found is that most of us feel like we need to prove our worth, prove our right to be here.  And because this low self-esteem mantra plays over and over in our heads like a broken record we begin to put our awareness elsewhere. 

Are You Ready to Kick Procrastination to the Curb?

Most people today feel frustrated or stifled by their current life situation. They feel strongly that there’s a whole other version of themselves that could live life even more fully and expansively. And when it comes right down to it, the other version of themselves has a specialty training, schooling or certification that would allow them to teach or share with others. Possibly in a way they long to do now, but are not able to.

What if… a future version of yourself showed up to you in a dream? And this future version of you is happy, smiling, laughing and content? She loves her life. She is absolutely living life on her terms. She has enough support financially to call her own shots so she’s not dependent on others.

She is in the sweet spot of being happy to be around others, yet she can choose to take some much needed down time when she feels the urge. She is also sharing and collaborating with others in ways that light her up.

Were You Raised to Think You Must Struggle in Order to Deserve Happiness?

Most people today worry about their finances, their purpose, their peace of mind, their jobs, finding meaning in retirement or cultivating a healthier lifestyle overall. Ironically, there is still a strong connection to suffering that precedes any type of happiness.

The mindset has been hard-wired into most of us that suffering, complaining, struggling and the like must be in equal proportion or higher than our connection to joy, laughter and good times.

We must work hard and struggle in order to “deserve” a better lot in life. Sound familiar?

Does Your Life Need a Happiness Tune-Up?

People today struggle to be happy. I mean really, truly happy in an authentic way. Just look at the popularity of the buy-it-now features that are at an all-time high usage rate. Or, the amount of vacations, technology, homes and automobiles purchased in the hopes that it will help people achieve the happiness level people feel they deserve.

What I find fascinating about the “search for happiness” is that just underneath that inquiry is the deeper, more introspective driving factor. The search for meaning. The search for purpose. A life of purpose and meaning makes one very rich indeed. Not in a way that you can buy, rent or loan.

And at a cellular, spiritual level we all know this.

Is this possible in a world of duality? Yes. Keep reading, my friend as we explore this rich and vast area together.

Who Would You Be if No-one Ever Told You Who to Be?

There never seems to be a shortage of people telling us what to do and who to be. Many of us grew up surrounded by well meaning, yet ill advised, adults pointing us in all kinds of directions. Some of the suggestions may have had validity to them. Most of them not.

The problem was that we were too young to know how to form our own thoughts and give voice to them. We had no idea the power of other people’s projections. The dark side of shattered dreams, broken hearts and hopes blown away like the wind.

A Story of Accidental Friendships

Recently, I have been contemplating the fascinating and multi-layered dialogue around friendship. Mostly stimulated by the great memories I've recently experienced after re-uniting with friends I had made 22 years ago.  They are all European.  I was the only American in the group.  We all worked together in Reception at the Hotel Cheyenne at Disneyland Paris in 1995.

Are You Ready to Spread Your Wings and Fly?

The caterpillar becomes a chrysalis.  A chrysalis becomes a butterfly.  A butterfly spreads its wings and flies.  It may only fly within a small area during its lifespan.  Or, like the amazing Monarch, it can literally soar thousands of miles one-way.  Then make the return flight to eventually land perfectly on the same branch of the same tree where it began its journey.  Pretty amazing, right?

Do You Struggle with Peace of Mind?

People today struggle to feel a clear connection to their peace of mind. They read about it. Watch videos about it. Attend workshops, seminars and conferences to learn in-depth about the ancient art of quieting the mind. In hopes to find the stillness within that will ultimately bring contentment, inner peace and clarity.

Sounds wonderful, right? Right. Realistic? Maybe.

Angel Card Message: 5 of Summer

Whenever I see a Five of any suit in an Angel Card Tarot Reading I know right away there is a major challenge afoot.  Not that it can't be overcome- it simply needs to be handled with care.  How we work through the challenge is the important part. The suit of Summer or Cups is indicative of leading with our heart, intuition and emotions. This can be helpful or it can be a hindrance, depending on the situation.

Angel Card Message: 9 of Winter

Introducing the Nine of Winter.  In my experience as an Angel Card Reader this is perhaps the most feared and transformative card in the entire deck.  Why is it feared you might ask? Well, the Winter or Swords suit represents the mind, logic, reasoning, truth and legal matters.  The mind is also where anxiety, worry, and stress lives when we aren't careful of our thoughts.

Angel Card Message: Ace of Spring

Wonderful new opportunities.  Time for renewed creativity.  Ideas for re-igniting your career or a possible change in your current job that will bring more excitement, joy and fulfillment. Pursuing your dreams.  New opportunities.  A call to move away from procrastination and into action.  A chance to do something amazing.

Angel Card Message: 10 of Fire

The Spring/Fire/Wands suit in the Tarot deck signifies and represents action, creativity, renewed energy and career.  This is also a suit of great passion.  Having the passion to follow your dreams and creative endeavors.  Giving you the boost of insight and energy to get going.  Lights. Camera. Action!

The Brilliance of the Tortoise and the Hare

This is hands-down one of my all time favorite stories.  As a child I enjoyed the simplicity of the message and the animals as the main characters.  I've always been a huge animal lover so anytime they take center stage in a story or movie, I am in my element!  As an adult, I see it from an entirely different perspective.  One that has a much deeper meaning.  The power of continuing  on - one step in front of the other.

What Are You Waiting For?

Are you familiar with this question and its equally important follow up question?  If not you, then who? If not now, then when?  It seems that when I've heard these two profoundly insightful questions it was at a time when I had been pondering my dreamed of future.  However, my ego or small self did not believe it could be me that lives dreams realized and certainly not now.  Can you relate to this type of thinking?

Why Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Mahatma Gandhi is quoted as saying, "the simplest acts of kindness are by far more powerful than a thousand heads bowing in prayer."  I don't know about you, but this made me pause and read it a second time.  We all know people who profess to be lovers of faith and devoted followers of a religion or philosophy they most resonate with. Some of these devotees are true models of compassion, kindness and love.  However, there are others whose actions are out of alignment with what they say.  All too excited to let us know scripture.  Yet... there is a cavalier judgement and critcism to their thinking that just doesn't feel right to us.  

Are You Becoming the Change You Wish to See?

If you are like me you've heard or seen this famous axiom of Mahatma Gandhi's.  "Become the change you most wish to see in the world."  I have seen this painted on one of the wall's at Capital High School. I've seen it taped to the back of a bathroom stall.  I've even seen it painted in huge, beautiful letters at the Mumbai airport.  

How Much Fun Are You Really Having in Your Life?

Fun?  Who has time for fun? Isn't that something that is relegated to the weekends (if planned far enough out ahead of time?)  Or, something only young people can do before they join the real world?  You might be thinking, I'm an adult with a to-do list full of priority's that seriously need my attention and Fun is not on the list!  

Why You Shouldn't Count on the Lottery to Live the Life of Your Dreams

Have you ever noticed how most people you meet want to win the Lottery? They dream of the Big Win.  All troubles will be over, right?  Well...let's take an honest look at this concept of easy money and the accompanying trouble-free, fabulous lifestyle.  My own personal belief is it's not the actual money people want (yet, that is definitely a perk) it's the lifestyle the lottery winnings would bring.  

How I Embraced My Inner Creative and Entrepreneur

For years I struggled with the dilemma of wanting to allow my creative side to emerge more strongly.  Not that I didn't think I had some interesting creative talents waiting to sprout open... The main struggle came because I constantly wrestled with the prominent belief that I would never make any money doing creative work. 

Are You A Stuck Creative?

What is a stuck creative, you ask?  In a nutshell--a stuck creative is someone who either consciously or unconsciously has enormous creative and artistic abilities and potential. However, through upbringing or socialized patterning was told repeatedly that it was not acceptable to have these gifts or talents be anything legitimate.