Angel Card Message: Ace of Spring

Wonderful new opportunities.  Time for renewed creativity.  Ideas for re-igniting your career or a possible change in your current job that will bring more excitement, joy and fulfillment. Pursuing your dreams.  New opportunities.  A call to move away from procrastination and into action.  A chance to do something amazing.

Wow!  Who wouldn't want a card like this to appear during a reading, right?  As you can tell by the brief beginning description this card brings a lot of excitement and energy with it.  

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Aces in any suit are pretty much like their own suit.  What I mean is they always represent beginnings.  Seeds of ideas that will become manifest soon.  Not yet, but very soon.  If you take the message from the card and follow it then the results are quite powerful. 

When this card, the Ace of Spring/Wands, reveals itself in a reading I know that changes are soon to come.  The client is ready for more.  The Ace reminds us to be fearless.  The time has come to really give respect to your most treasured dreams.  Begin thinking about pursuing them and then take one action step.  Not two steps.   Just one.

Thinking about starting your own business?  The ideas and inspirations coming to you at this time are at an all time high.  Jot those down.  What does your ideal business look like?  What are you doing?  What are you creating?  Who are you serving with your message?  

This card is encouraging you to start walking and thinking forwards.  Move towards your dream job, your dream life.  Ideas happen in the dreaming, waking field first before they can move into something more tangible and tactile.  

With that being said, it's time to expand your vision of what you think is possible.  What do you really want to do that lights you up?  Allow yourself to really have fun imagining. Think about living a day in your dream life.

Recall that Aces represent seeds of ideas.  One and only one action accompanies this card.  Often times this step is allowing ourselves to dream so be prepared to take notes and possibly do some more investigating.  

Perhaps you want to start putting more energy into building your side job that would absolutely be amazing.  With this card in your energy field things are looking very, very good.

If you are desiring to switch jobs and pursue a trade or craft that brings out your inner creativity and excitement, now is an excellent time to do that.  Amazing career opportunities are here for you, so have the courage to think big.  And even bigger.

Have confidence in your abilities.  You have what it takes.  No more stalling out with excuses and living behind a veil of self-limiting beliefs.  Now is the time to take the much needed action to go forth and pursue your dreams.

You totally deserve to live an amazing, creative and original life.  The Ace of Spring represents that part of you that feels motivated to study the activity that most lights you up.  You are wanting more out of life.  Now is the time to go for it!

Another message that comes along with this card is to stop worrying about the how. Delay tactics are often a symptom of feeling overwhelmed.  Overwhelmed by the sheer mass of what an unknown future looks like.  The Ace of Spring's message is to take a step anyway.

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Sure, you may not know everything in the field or area you are envisioning.  Most people don't know when they are starting out either.  It doesn't matter.  The knowledge will come.  

The next step will reveal itself.  Trust this.   (p.s. it often seems mundane or too easy) That's good.  Follow the guidance.  Do it anyway.  Because small things overtime lead to big things.

Action alleviates overwhelm.  Stay with the excitement.  Stay with the feeling of enthusiam and inspiration.  Feel yourself incredibly happy.  Now, take one step forward. That's it.  The Ace of Action is the card of new beginnings so remember to embrace the beginner's mindset.  Have fun adventuring forth, my fellow traveler.


Jot down a few ideas that have come to you in the last few days or weeks that fill you with excitement just thinking about them.

Have a beautiful rest of your day, fellow adventurer.



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Feeling called to have your own Angel or Fairy Tarot card reading? 


Yes!  I am intrigued and curious about scheduling my own session.



Live in Helena, MT or surrounding areas? I will be offering 3-card readings for $10 at the Staggering Ox's coffee shop on a walk-in basis.  Next one is Tuesday, May 8th from 6 - 8 p.m.

 Click here for more information.

Looking for a unique way to add adventure to your life?  Love horses and yoga? All levels welcome to this heart-warming day.   

Wow.  This sounds very interesting.  I'd love to learn more.

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