Who Would You Be if No-one Ever Told You Who to Be?

There never seems to be a shortage of people telling us what to do and who to be. Many of us grew up surrounded by well meaning, yet ill advised, adults pointing us in all kinds of directions. Some of the suggestions may have had validity to them. Most of them not.

The problem was that we were too young to know how to form our own thoughts and give voice to them. We had no idea the power of other people’s projections. The dark side of shattered dreams, broken hearts and hopes blown away like the wind.

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Is it any wonder that by the time we reach teenage years or early adulthood we aren’t even sure who we are? And who can blame us, we’ve been in the business of trying to please others and managing their perceptions our entire lives.

We think that if we do whatever it takes to have others support us and love us, then we’ll be happy because they’ll be happy.

Even if it means going into a field of study or area of expertise we don’t love. Even if it means we need to shove down the beautiful light of what really lights us up.

It’s worth the cost we tell ourselves. I’ll come back to that someday when I have time, when I’ve made enough money, when I’m done with school, when the kids are raised, etc.. etc..

The truth is this rarely, if ever, happens.

It typically isn’t until we are well into our adult years that we look back and see the time and energy we spent trying to please others. And if we’re lucky we actually realize this is not sustainable nor is it healthy. It’s simply not possible.

This is a critical shift in awareness and one that is life changing.

Because when we become aware that no one outside of us can give us what only we can give ourselves, then everything changes.

We then transition to the hero of our own life. We can choose to make the decision to embark on the journey back to ourselves. The one before we were told who to be and who NOT to be in order to be acceptable to another.

A beautiful, well-known story The Tortoise and the Hare illustrates this important rite of passage or “hero’s journey.”

This is hands-down one of my all time favorite stories.  As a child I enjoyed the simplicity of the message and the animals as the main characters.  I've always been a huge animal lover so anytime they take center stage in a story or movie, I am in my element!  

As an adult, I see it from an entirely different perspective.  One that has a much deeper meaning.  The power of continuing on, one step at a time.

This timeless story is beautifully enough written to capture the whimsical innocence of youth.  Yet masterfully crafted and woven with a story-line that resonates with my grown-up side.

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I feel this particular story is resonating very strongly with me lately because of my "jump" into an area I know very little about.  The words you are reading right now are part of this adventure.  

Just over two year ago I purchased a website with my full name and a personalized email address.  Started blogging regularly.  Created several enrichment offerings that have the common theme of inspiration, self-love and self-care.  

I became more comfortable about sharing with others that I’m in full connection with the Angelic realm when I do Angel Card Readings.  

It's me doing the reading and it's not me.  It's much, much bigger than me.

I can't help but think how the story of the Tortoise and the Hare is a perfect metaphor for my path right now.  It isn't the fast track.  It isn't the fanciest.  I don't have all the bells and whistles that some of the other "racers" have, but what I do have is perseverance.

And I love what I do. It pulls me along. I am living my journey, not someone else’s.

I just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

There is a famous passage by the American Jungian psychologist Joseph Campbell that I often think about that speaks right to my heart.

"All we have to do is take one step forward. One step towards a future we do not know, but feels right on so many levels to our Soul. And, by taking this one step forward, there are one thousand unseen hands reaching towards us. Reaching to help guide us along the path."

The "race" is the metaphor of entering up to the life you are meant to live.  Keep walking.  Keep going.  So many beings, seen and unseen, are cheering me on.  Cheering you on.  Cheering us all on.

And, as many of you know, at the end of the story the tortoise wins the race.  To me the race is the journey inwards to our true identity. Who we are without all the masks and capes. Without all the heaviness of a false identity and persona.

We are truly at peace with who we are.

The tortoise was the long shot that no one expected to win.  It was about having the courage to enter.  It's as if no one ever told him he couldn't do it.

I leave you with the following thought to ponder, my dear and wonderful friends.  

Who would you be if no one ever told you who you were supposed to be?

With love and light,

“a voice to your angels and guides”

Your angels are talking and they have messages. I help you communicate with your angels, receive angelic guidance and heal every area of your life.
Click here to schedule a Private Angel Card Reading.

p.p.s. To watch this weeks Angel Messages Video FREE on my YouTube channel, click here.