new ideas

Angel numbers are angel messages

Have you had the experience of seeing the same number sequence over and over? Perhaps it's in the same day or within a few days.  Maybe you wake up and its 5:55 a.m., then later in the day you see 555 on a license plate.  Then, that evening you happen to look at your clock and it's 5:55 p.m..  Most of us have been trained and schooled to think of this as pure coincidence or just random happenstance.  However, I've come to learn and appreciate the deeper meaning in these number messages.

Angel Wisdom for Living Your Purpose

Now more than ever people are asking heart-based questions. I personally find it fascinating because we are living in a day and age that our ancestors may never dreamed of living. We have the time and resources to actually think more deeply about the questions such as, Why am I here? What am I really meant to be doing? How can I help serve others?

Angel wisdom for managing time

Question: What is the Number 1 excuse used by people when it comes to procrastinating?

Hint: Think about yourself and the excuses you tend to use... and what tops your list?

Answer: The top of the list of excuses by far is feeling there isn't enough "time"in the day to do what we really want to do.

Money comes in second place. That topic I will save for a different blog article. But, for today, I am keeping with the vein of time and how it works seamlessly with genius.

There is a fantastic book written by Susan Cheever called American Bloomsbury. In it she looks at some of the greatest literary giants in American history. Focusing primarily on the "genius cluster" in Corncord, Massachusetts in the 1850s.

Are you ready to let go of your past?

Have you ever wondered: What if. . . it’s my future self that is walking me towards it, not my past self pushing me? Most of us I imagine have been strongly influenced by the thinking of past events being what catapults us and motivates us forward. And to a point, I believe this is true.

However, I am also of the opinion that as we move through life there comes a time where we arrive at the realization that our past is literally complete. Not in a macabre, dark sense. What I mean is the knowledge, reasoning and intellectual pursuits that once gave us so much satisfaction are no longer enough for us. We have outgrown them.

Can you unplug for one whole day?

How do you feel when you hear the word unplug? Does the thought of a one day media fast send you into a cold sweat? How about two days? A week? Just to be clear, when I refer to media I'm talking about the whole enchilada--phone, internet, social media, TV, movies, newspapers, books and articles. Are you starting to get the shakes like someone going through major withdrawals? Eye twitches. Cold sweats. Dry mouth. Muscles tensing up.

Or, are you on the flip side?

Where just the thought of going one day or several days without an invisible leash feels like you drew the prized Get Out of Jail Free card?

When you hide parts of yourself, you lose yourself

We all have a side of us that is typically quite a bit different than the face, mask or persona we commonly project out to others. You know the filtered persona I'm talking about. This is the mask we work really hard to keep on so people only know the aspect of ourselves we want them to see. Flawless. Perfect. Organized. And quite honestly - exhausting!

Different names have been attributed to the various aspects of ourselves: think alter ego. The alter ego embraces the wilder, edgier, sassier side that always gets you what you want. And has a whole lot of fun doing it.

Books I love that Inspire Me

Often I am asked by friends, clients and students about books or teachings that have inspired me.  That is an excellent question.  I've heard it said that you can tell a lot about a person by what books they have read AND the books that stay on the shelf evading the donation run.

I am part of a book club in my hometown that I absolutely love.  I joke with Eric that it's a good thing I am part of one because it encourages me to read books outside of my preferred genre of angels, yoga, self-help, motivation and inspiration.  I also typically have anywhere from three to five books I am reading through at any given time.  To say I love the written word is a definite understatement!

Does Your Life Feel Stuck on Repeat? Try this remedy.

Most people these day spend too much time talking a good game. Am I right? They literally have this fantasy version of themselves they talk about that’s going to be living the life they want. Having the job they want. In relationship with the perfect partner. Becoming the ideal weight and body shape of their dreams. Living financially happy, thriving and abundant. They are highly respected, revered and educated. The list goes on. And on. And on.

Trouble is that “day” never arrives. It’s as if that day was supposed to get the “memo” and know exactly when to show up on your doorstep. You keep wondering what happened. You sure thought about it enough - but, if you’re honest, your actions didn’t match up.

A Solution to Self-Criticism and Self-Judgement

If you had to sum up who you are in one sentence, what would you say about yourself?  What is it that makes you uniquely you?  Even if you think you don't have anything interesting or special to offer I would encourage you to look closer, look deeper.  What is the diamond in the rough?

What do other people comment on or compliment you on that perhaps you take for granted?  What comes so naturally to you that you tend to think it's not anything special?  Can't everyone do this, you tell yourself over and over.

No.  They can't.  Time to embrace this instead of playing it down, my friends.

Each one of us has a unique set of traits and qualities that is special to us.  Carl Jung, the well-known psychologist, coined the term archetypes that works quite nicely with this discussion. 

Do You Have a Soft Spot for Anything Old School?

old school - anything that is from an earlier era and looked upon with high regard or respect.  Can be used to refer to music, clothing, language or anything really.  (Urban dictionary)

I love using the term old school.  For me it signifies values, memories or a love for things that resonate feelings of who I am on the inside that perhaps I find more challenging to invoke on a regular basis now.  Sometimes I use it when referring to technology.  

Remember the old Polaroid cameras that printed up a picture within minutes?  The Polaroid camera was such a trailblazer, right?  The photo would come out with the white paper frame where you could write information underneath it, capturing that moment in time.

Are You Stuck Seeing Only Your Flaws? Try this sage advice.

If you had to sum up who you are in one sentence- what would you say about yourself?  What is it that makes you uniquely you?  Even if you think you don't have anything interesting or special to offer I would encourage you to look closer, look deeper.  What is the diamond in the rough?

What do other people comment on or compliment you on that perhaps you take for granted?  What comes so naturally to you that you tend to think it's not anything special?  Can't everyone do this, you tell yourself over and over.

No.  They can't.  Time to embrace this instead of playing it down, my friends.

Welcome to YOU: Quirky, Unique and One-of-a-Kind

If you had to sum up who you are in one sentence- what would you say about yourself?  What is it that makes you uniquely you?  Even if you think you don't have anything interesting or special to offer I would encourage you to look closer, look deeper.  What is the diamond in the rough?

What do other people comment on or compliment you on that perhaps you take for granted?  What comes so naturally to you that you tend to think it's not anything special?  Can't everyone do this, you tell yourself over and over.

No.  They can't.  Time to embrace this instead of playing it down, my friends.

How Good Are You With Slowing Down the Pace of Your Life?

I know this may seem simple, but I encourage you to really ask yourself this question truthfully.  Because most people I know pack their schedules full and then wonder when life is going to slow down.  And why life remains so hectic.  There seems to be a strong disconnect between habitually over-scheduling on one end of the spectrum. And the desire for destination addiction to rescue you from your very own predicament on the other side.

What I've found is that most of us feel like we need to prove our worth, prove our right to be here.  And because this low self-esteem mantra plays over and over in our heads like a broken record we begin to put our awareness elsewhere. 

Are You Ready to Spread Your Wings and Fly?

The caterpillar becomes a chrysalis.  A chrysalis becomes a butterfly.  A butterfly spreads its wings and flies.  It may only fly within a small area during its lifespan.  Or, like the amazing Monarch, it can literally soar thousands of miles one-way.  Then make the return flight to eventually land perfectly on the same branch of the same tree where it began its journey.  Pretty amazing, right?

Angel Card Message: Ace of Spring

Wonderful new opportunities.  Time for renewed creativity.  Ideas for re-igniting your career or a possible change in your current job that will bring more excitement, joy and fulfillment. Pursuing your dreams.  New opportunities.  A call to move away from procrastination and into action.  A chance to do something amazing.

Are You Becoming the Change You Wish to See?

If you are like me you've heard or seen this famous axiom of Mahatma Gandhi's.  "Become the change you most wish to see in the world."  I have seen this painted on one of the wall's at Capital High School. I've seen it taped to the back of a bathroom stall.  I've even seen it painted in huge, beautiful letters at the Mumbai airport.  

Why You Shouldn't Count on the Lottery to Live the Life of Your Dreams

Have you ever noticed how most people you meet want to win the Lottery? They dream of the Big Win.  All troubles will be over, right?  Well...let's take an honest look at this concept of easy money and the accompanying trouble-free, fabulous lifestyle.  My own personal belief is it's not the actual money people want (yet, that is definitely a perk) it's the lifestyle the lottery winnings would bring.  

How I Embraced My Inner Creative and Entrepreneur

For years I struggled with the dilemma of wanting to allow my creative side to emerge more strongly.  Not that I didn't think I had some interesting creative talents waiting to sprout open... The main struggle came because I constantly wrestled with the prominent belief that I would never make any money doing creative work. 

Are You A Stuck Creative?

What is a stuck creative, you ask?  In a nutshell--a stuck creative is someone who either consciously or unconsciously has enormous creative and artistic abilities and potential. However, through upbringing or socialized patterning was told repeatedly that it was not acceptable to have these gifts or talents be anything legitimate.

Rethinking Cleverness

I typically do not start my articles out with a quote; however, this post lends itself beautifully to it.  

"Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world.  Today I am wise so I am changing myself."  Rumi

The poets describe so effortlessly and beautifully the internal transformations one goes through in a lifetime.  The perfect words are chosen.  Not too many.  Just right.The ethers sing the perfect message and letters to the poet's inner ear.  Written out on paper seamlessly to describe an indescribable experience.