dreams realized

What would do differently, if you stopped putting off your life?

Many of us have a deep, internal struggle that decides other people are the ones naturally destined to be great. They have the "genetic predisposition" to be amazing.

However, when we turn this inquiry towards ourselves, we balk and instantly think of any number of reasons that we are unworthy of becoming an even brighter, more expanded version of ourselves.

What Are You Waiting For?

Are you familiar with this question and its equally important follow up question?  If not you, then who? If not now, then when?  It seems that when I've heard these two profoundly insightful questions it was at a time when I had been pondering my dreamed of future.  However, my ego or small self did not believe it could be me that lives dreams realized and certainly not now.  Can you relate to this type of thinking?