
The Wisdom of Angel Readings and Why They Work

Are you curious and fascinated by the world of Card Reading and Angelic Messages? Have you had a reading yourself or has someone you know had one and it left you surprised and stunned at the accuracy of the messages? This accuracy can be very eye-opening and introspective for people.

After doing hundreds of Angel Card Readings myself with clients, I frequently hear that the messages are much softer, kinder and gentler then anticipated. This is quite refreshing, helpful and quite honestly - a welcome relief - to those receiving the reading.

Why angel readings shed light on hope

The angels are constantly communicating with you. Their mission is to help make your life easier, more joyful and less stressful. They are wildly crazy about you and love helping you. Many of the ways they leave signs for us is through feathers, pennies, rainbows and butterflies.

But, did you know that one of the easiest way to cut through the mental chatter and get message directly to your soul is through cards?

Why? Because cards have images and illustrations that speak to our psyche. It was our first language when we were young. Long before language, we spoke pictures. And as the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words.

Angel Wisdom for the Call to Awaken

You know that old expression about being too close to our own lives to have a clear perspective?   Well, that definitely applies when the Awakening card shows up.

A call to awaken. Seeing a situation more clearly. A time to shift your perspective. Taking a pause in action. Card 12, Awakening, is part of the Major Arcana suit in Angel Tarot. There are 22 cards that make up this suit and anytime one shows up in a reading, it's time to listen up! Major Arcana messages have to do with life purpose, soul purpose and life trajectory choices.

You can’t think your way through a heart-based decision

Have often have you found yourself in the cycle of trying to “figure out” a solution to a problem and come up exhausted and disheartened? To the point that you’ve analyzed it from every possible angle multiple times and without a solution you are happy with. This is called over-analyzing, which often leads to over-catastrophizing, over-awfulizing and ultimately scares us so much that we freeze in our tracks. Frightened to make a decision either way, lest in be the wrong one.

The truth is procrastination and excuses can suck the life force right out of us. Am I right? So many ideas, dreams, endeavors and projects can stay stuck in our heads - never to see the light of day.

There are no happy perfectionists

Procrastination and excuses can suck the life force right out of us. So many ideas, dreams, endeavors and projects can stay stuck in our heads - never to see the light of day. Fears, worries and anxiety’s over what if and worst case scenario’s can cast an unwelcome shadow over the most hopeful of dreams. To the point that we literally believe all these negative, self-sabotaging voices to be true.

And, in spite of our best efforts at positive thinking, positive affirmations, meditating, journaling, reading uplifting books, listening to inspiring podcasts - we still stay frozen. Just waiting for the “stars to align” and for “everything to be just right” before we proceed.

Do You Struggle with Peace of Mind?

People today struggle to feel a clear connection to their peace of mind. They read about it. Watch videos about it. Attend workshops, seminars and conferences to learn in-depth about the ancient art of quieting the mind. In hopes to find the stillness within that will ultimately bring contentment, inner peace and clarity.

Sounds wonderful, right? Right. Realistic? Maybe.