
Miracles: When Angels Rush In

People pray for them. Others hope for them. Sometimes we even find ourselves saying it when there’s an event that logic, reasoning and rationale simply can’t explain.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve found myself on more than one occasion saying, “I need a miracle” or “It would take a miracle” or “That was an absolute miracle!”

As humans we are naturally curious and frequently seek out answers, solutions and guidance. Sometimes we find it through other people, but more often than not we find it through…

4 ways your angels are communicating with you

Did you know that your angels are constantly communicating with you?

In fact, after you invoke a prayer or invocation that asks for your angels help they immediately go to work on your behalf. Often times they work very quickly, so be on the lookout! In an answer to your prayer or question, they will connect with you in one of two ways:

The Wisdom of Angel Readings and Why They Work

Are you curious and fascinated by the world of Card Reading and Angelic Messages? Have you had a reading yourself or has someone you know had one and it left you surprised and stunned at the accuracy of the messages? This accuracy can be very eye-opening and introspective for people.

After doing hundreds of Angel Card Readings myself with clients, I frequently hear that the messages are much softer, kinder and gentler then anticipated. This is quite refreshing, helpful and quite honestly - a welcome relief - to those receiving the reading.

What you need to know about the 7 abundance angels

Most people I’ve met believe in angels. They trust and know that there is something beyond our realm of understanding that is tapped into the Divine. Many of us may not completely or fully understand how angelic guidance works, but we know it’s there. The invisible world in it’s own miraculous ways makes itself known.

Not everyone knows as much about the Archangel realm. Or, if they do know a little bit about it, they may not know the specifics behind their talents and skills.

Although this article will not be exhaustive by any means, my aim is to help you have a better understanding of the seven archangels that are considered abundance masters.

Angel remedy for burn out

If you are feeling exhausted, tired, irritable, crabby and short fused there’s a good chance you’ve been putting everyone else’s needs before yours. And.. you may have been wanting to say No to people or situations and end up saying yes in order to keep the peace.

The only problem with this scenario is it’s unsustainable and simply doesn’t work.

The Angel Tarot Card - 10 of Fire - speaks straight to the heart of this draining and exhausting cycle.

Why angel readings shed light on hope

The angels are constantly communicating with you. Their mission is to help make your life easier, more joyful and less stressful. They are wildly crazy about you and love helping you. Many of the ways they leave signs for us is through feathers, pennies, rainbows and butterflies.

But, did you know that one of the easiest way to cut through the mental chatter and get message directly to your soul is through cards?

Why? Because cards have images and illustrations that speak to our psyche. It was our first language when we were young. Long before language, we spoke pictures. And as the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words.

7 Angel Signs and Symbols of Love and Support

You’ve probably heard that angels surround you and are here to help. These celestial beings are some of the most powerful and creative forces in the universe, and they can help keep you safe, inspired, and uplifted.

Angels are heavenly messengers. In fact, the word angel means “messenger of God” so they are here to help you live a more peaceful, stress-free and joyful life. Even better, they do not need you to suffer or make bargains with them in order to help.

7 Fears that keep you stuck and the archangels to support you

Did you know the angels are superb beings in helping overcome fear, worry and anxiety of the unknown? They know we can feel incredibly anxious in our perpetual need for certainty and how things are going to work out.

The incessant desire to know our future and fear around making the “wrong” decision literally paralyzes people and freezes them in their tracks.

The truth is most of the logic used to rationalize staying small or staying stuck is rooted in the past. We are literally allowing past memories to replay over and over again in our heads until they are cemented in like grooves.

How to end the cycle of regret and missed opportunities

Most of us are experts in beating ourselves up and holding a sword over our own heads. We go over and over how we could have, should have or would have done something differently.

The truth is…we can’t ever control how another person is going to react to us. I know we’d like to think we can, but it simply doesn’t work.

In Angel Tarot the Five of Water represents our relationship to this habitual thinking. The angels remind us that we can only take ownership in “how” we work through a challenge. We cannot ever be the deciding factor in the ultimate outcome. That just leads to suffering and control issues.

Are You Tired of Saying Yes Just To Keep The Peace?

If you are feeling exhausted, tired, irritable, crabby and short fused there’s a good chance you’ve been putting everyone else’s needs before yours. And.. you may have been wanting to say No to people or situations and end up saying yes in order to keep the peace.

The only problem with this scenario is it’s unsustainable and simply doesn’t work.

The Angel Tarot Card - 10 of Fire - speaks straight to the heart of this draining and exhausting cycle.

Are You Stuck in a Cycle of Regret and Beating Yourself Up? Try this Angelic Advice.

Most of us are experts in beating ourselves up and holding a sword over our own heads. We go over and over how we could have, should have or would have done something differently.

The truth is…we can’t ever control how another person is going to react to us. I know we’d like to think we can, but it simply doesn’t work.

In Angel Tarot the Five of Water represents our relationship to this habitual thinking. The angels remind us that we can only take ownership in “how” we work through a challenge. We cannot ever be the deciding factor in the ultimate outcome. That just leads to suffering and control issues.

Angel Wisdom for Holiday Self-Care

If you are feeling exhausted, tired, irritable, crabby and short fused there’s a good chance you’ve been putting everyone else’s needs before yours. And.. you may have been wanting to say No to people or situations and end up saying yes in order to keep the peace.

The only problem with this scenario is it’s unsustainable and simply doesn’t work.

The Angel Tarot Card - 10 of Fire - speaks straight to the heart of this draining and exhausting cycle.

Angel Card Message: 5 of Summer

Whenever I see a Five of any suit in an Angel Card Tarot Reading I know right away there is a major challenge afoot.  Not that it can't be overcome- it simply needs to be handled with care.  How we work through the challenge is the important part. The suit of Summer or Cups is indicative of leading with our heart, intuition and emotions. This can be helpful or it can be a hindrance, depending on the situation.

Angel Card Message: 10 of Fire

The Spring/Fire/Wands suit in the Tarot deck signifies and represents action, creativity, renewed energy and career.  This is also a suit of great passion.  Having the passion to follow your dreams and creative endeavors.  Giving you the boost of insight and energy to get going.  Lights. Camera. Action!