Angel Card Message: 9 of Winter

Introducing the Nine of Winter.  In my experience as an Angel Card Reader this is perhaps the most feared and transformative card in the entire deck.  Why is it feared you might ask? Well, the Winter suit represents the mind, logic, reasoning, truth and legal matters.  The mind is also where anxiety, worry, and stress lives when we aren't mindful of our thoughts.

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The message of the card indicates worrying out of proportion to the issue or person you are focused upon.  In fact, this card has a strong manifestation energy to it.  What you think about expands - a lot!  

The situation is actually neutral.  

However, your perception of the situation has been very negative and troublesome.  To the point that you are not sleeping well.  

When you aren't sleeping well, your health begins suffer.  It's not possible to make healthy decisions due to the overwhelming energy that is stuck in your system of anxiousness.

Again, the Nine of Winter is feared and incredibly transformative.  It is typically not a surprise to the client I am doing a reading for when it shows up in their reading.

Rather, it is a confirmation of what they have very much been feeling and experiencing. With this being said, I always see it as a huge message from your Angels telling you to stop the incessant worry.  

The sky is not falling.  This situation is not really as doom and gloom as you think it is, BUT thinking it is will in fact make it so.

I like to remind people that when you feel yourself getting pulled into the downward spiral of worry, anxiety and stress of someone's else's life - you must take a pause.

Imagine pressing the buttons:  Cancel. Clear. Delete.

Now, insert a new thought that is more uplifting and affirmative.  A wonderful place to start is the simple and powerful affirmations of Louise L. Hay, author of You Can Heal Your Life.  

Some of the ones I use frequently are:  
Life loves me and I love life.  
I allow life to support and love me.  I am safe.  All is well.  
Everything is working out for my highest good.

With the conscious awareness of your thoughts you can stop the downward spiral and reverse it.  Especially in knowing that you are going to be okay.  

The only person you can ever change or transform is yourself.  Nobody else.  Just you.  

It simply doesn't work to want more for others than they want for themselves.  Let them grow themselves up.  They need to discover they can have their own back.  Turn the focus back onto yourself and revitalize your own life.  

At the end of the day, Your life is the only one you can make any type of lasting changes to.  

See yourself as a precious commodity that is worthy of your own time.  Worthy of your own energy and worthy of your own respect.

The other powerful imagery that comes with the Nine of Winter is a white owl or white dove.  Owl's symbolize the messages of wisdom, knowledge and beauty.  Beautifying your thoughts is the medicine called for right now.  Doves, as many of you know, represent peace, love and gentleness.

There is great wisdom to be gained from this situation.  It could be that you learn it is too high of a cost to yourself and your inner resources of energy to try to rescue, save and fix others.  It simply does not work.

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It could be the reminder to trust your intuition and inner guidance more than you do.  

More than likely, you received intuitive "gut instinct" messages on how to proceed going into the situation.  But, you over-rode it with justification and rationalizing.

Whatever the nugget of wisdom is that you learned or gained from this situation, do not worry or hang on to the shame energy of wishing you should have reacted differently. 

Just like the owl and the dove, you have been blessed with the vision to see with new eyes.  

You have the insight now to shift your thoughts.  Take off the "what's going wrong glasses" and put on the "what's going right glasses."

Deep restful and restorative sleep is the priority now.  Know that you will rebalance quickly.  The Nine of Winter indicates high manifestation and high transformation.

What do you want for yourself?  Start with being even kinder, even nicer and even more loving to yourself.  Make that your number one focus because you are oh, so worth it.

I wish you a beautiful rest of your day, my friend.



I help you communicate with your angels, receive angelic guidance and heal every area of your life. Click here to schedule a Private Angel Card Reading.

p.p.s. To watch this weeks Angel Messages Video FREE on my YouTube channel, click here.