
You can have the balance and peace of mind you want

Without a doubt, the world is running at a faster pace than ever. We live in times where you can download, upload and “buy now” with little to no time delay. With all this instant gratification we are theoretically “freed up” to work on other, more important things that we desire.

But the big question is, are we able to easily unweave and untangle from this adrenaline rush and ease into balance and well-being?

Whether we like it or not, as a society we tend to pride ourselves on how many balls in the air we are able to juggle. In fact, we tend to wear it as a badge of honor. “Look how many tasks I can cram into an already full list?”

Are you tired of looking for happiness in all the wrong places?

Do you struggle to be happy? I mean really, truly happy in an authentic way.

Take a moment to sit with this inquiry and allow your Wise Self to answer honestly.

The truth is most people want to be happier, live more joyfully and feel on Purpose. Don’t believe me? Just look at the popularity of the “buy-it-now” and “on-demand” features that are everywhere. Or, the amount of vacations, technology, homes and automobiles purchased in the hopes that it will help achieve the happiness level people feel they deserve.

What I find fascinating about the “search for happiness” is that just underneath that inquiry is the deeper, more introspective driving factor. The search for meaning. The search for purpose. The hunger for sacred connection and feeling of “my life matters.”

Does your definition of success have love in it?

We’ve all grown up with a definition of “success.” Often we’ve been told to chase it. Strive for it. Double-down and go after it! We’ve also been told what types of achievements and material objects indicate a truly “successful” life. And, if we’re not living and owning these things then we clearly need to up our game.

Funny thing is, I think you’d be hard pressed to find anyone who agrees that love and joy are KEY ingredients. I know. I know. This is definitely not what we grew up with and can seem too far-fetched and tinged with rainbow, rose-colored glasses thinking.

Now, before you click away because it seems too unrealistic, I invite you to follow a different storyline with me.

Are you in? I thought so.

This is Not a Race, This is Your Life

Without a doubt, the world is running at a faster pace than ever. We live in times where you can download, upload and “buy now” with little to no time delay. With all this instant gratification we are theoretically “freed up” to work on other, more important things that we desire.

But the big question is, are we able to easily unweave and untangle from this adrenaline rush and ease into balance and well-being?

Does Your Life Need a Happiness Tune-Up?

People today struggle to be happy. I mean really, truly happy in an authentic way. Just look at the popularity of the buy-it-now features that are at an all-time high usage rate. Or, the amount of vacations, technology, homes and automobiles purchased in the hopes that it will help people achieve the happiness level people feel they deserve.

What I find fascinating about the “search for happiness” is that just underneath that inquiry is the deeper, more introspective driving factor. The search for meaning. The search for purpose. A life of purpose and meaning makes one very rich indeed. Not in a way that you can buy, rent or loan.

And at a cellular, spiritual level we all know this.

Is this possible in a world of duality? Yes. Keep reading, my friend as we explore this rich and vast area together.