Angel Manifestation and Spiritual Life Coaching

As your angel communicator and spiritual life coach I can help you shift gears from being a victim to taking responsibility for your life. I’ll help you draw your focus away from any negativity or judgements surrounding yourself so that you can take charge and focus on the positive. You’ll truly begin to understand that what we give our attention to grows, and I’ll help you shift your thinking from despair to appreciation.

Can You Relate?

  • You may have lost somebody you love.

  • You may feel the undeniable call of spiritual growth, but you know going it alone is not an option. You need a trusted mentor and guide.

  • You may feel overwhelmed by a lack of Purpose.

  • You might be feeling unsure about true success and what it means in your life.

  • You might be struggling through a divorce.

  • You may be experiencing a mid-life crisis.

  • You may not feel comfortable talking to friends and family members about your problems due to a fear of judgment and ridicule.

  • Perhaps what you are experiencing is too private and personal to share with the people in your life.

The truth is such barriers don’t exist between me as your spiritual life coach and you. And rest assured, I am here to hold you in a private, sacred container overseen by the angelic realm where you can open up about how you feel deep down inside and make room for healing and growth.

Why Spiritual Life Coaching?

Oftentimes, we seek the aid of professionals who do not validate our sense of spirituality, and a big part of us becomes lost. As your angel guide and spiritual life coach, however, you will find it easier to talk about life in a more meaningful way, and you will feel safe and secure when opening up. There are no judgements, concerns, or mocking comments, only a deepening of your faith and sense of spirituality. I am here to listen to you, be your guide, and help you grow in any way you can.

Spiritual growth challenges us and opens us up to compassion, love, and things that make our lives fuller and richer. It gives life a deeper meaning and strengthens the connection between you and your inner wisdom. Being connected to your inner guidance will, in turn, lead you to live a life full of gratitude and giving.

Nobody mocks a child for falling down when learning how to walk, and as your coach I will not mock you for your mistakes or imperfections. Mistakes are just one of the ways that we learn, and during spiritual life coaching I keep that in mind as we explore your history and help you map out your next steps in life.


When we are too deeply engaged in the drama and chaos of life, we tend to see our world from a distorted perspective. We may make judgments and victimize ourselves by justifying our negative views of our lives. When things get really bad, we may even blame God or the universe for our misfortunes. As your spiritual life coach I can help you discover your spiritual and energetic blocks to happiness and help you figure out why you are not where you want to be in your life.

When we complain about our situation without searching for a solution, it can feel like digging ourselves into a deep despair. It is my job to dig you out and help you find your whole, healed self. I am here to show you that life doesn’t have to be painful and that you can start living the life of your dreams now.


What Others Are Saying …

“Joanna’s energy is contagious and inspirational. She has a toolbox to fit the needs of everyone with whom she works. She is an expansive, creative, and wise soul that helps you get in touch with what is important on the inside, so that you can become all you are meant to be on the outside. She is all about infinite possibilities, practical business advice and loving angel guidance, a true joy to be around.”

~ Renee P. Horse Trainer, Clinician, Reining Horse Champion


“Joanna, I can't tell you how relieved I am after today's session. I walked in having the worst day of my life and walked out a new person, ready to take on the world. Your advice and guidance is indispensable.”

~ Angela E. Real Estate Broker and Happy Grandma


“Joanna can only be described as an unwavering light in the darkness of night. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with her as it has helped me grow spiritually and remain positive about each step of my path. After a session with Joanna, you will undoubtedly feel a sense of peace, tranquility, and renewed love of life. It is my belief that after extended work with her, you will more easily maintain that high vibration throughout everyday and every facet of life. Best money I’ve spent in a long time and totally worth it!!!”

~ Tanya C. Realtor, Horse Trainer and Entrepreneur


“I know Joanna was put in my life to assist me on my path of spiritual growth. She is extremely insightful and has an amazing gift for life mentoring through the filter of love, compassion and resiliency. I leave our time together with a feeling of gratefulness, clarity and connection that brings tears to my eyes. She is love and joy personified.”

~ Gena B. Home Health Care Angel and Jewelry Designer

Meet Your Coach

Joanna is an angel intuitive channeler who actively teaches others nationally and internationally. A teacher, horsewoman, yogi, writer, card reader, and coach, she has extensive experience learning, mentoring and working under the guidance of renowned coaches, Nancy Levin and Robert Holden. She has successfully mentored others to use the challenges in their life and their story as a powerful catalyst for life-changing transformation.


The benefits that you can receive from your spiritual life coaching experience are beyond life changing. You will not only grow and expand as a person but also as a spiritual being having a human life experience.

Working with me as your spiritual life coach will:

  • allow you to see your world and your life in a new light.

  • support you in becoming the creator of your life rather than the reactor.

  • encourage you to make decisions that strengthen your bond with yourself and others.

  • help you learn how to keep peace in your life even when you are surrounded by chaos.

  • deepen your sense of knowing what life and the universe is all about.

  • help to clear your mind and finally understand what you need to become happy, whole, and spiritually in-tune.



Working with me as your trusted mentor and guide is simple. Let’s plan a call in which I ask you several questions, then we will customize a plan tailored specifically to you.

If mentoring with me sounds like an answer to your prayers simply Request a complimentary Clarity session to explore options that could not only bring you the peace, joy and happiness that comes with a more heart-based plan when it comes to creating the life of your dreams, but the clarity, energy and courage that helps move you forward. Yes, it's that awesome!

Exclusive Coaching Packages

5 - Weeks of ongoing Spiritual Life Coaching & Mentoring sessions to support your transformation to an extraordinary life.

Our powerful and enlightening sessions together are either in-person or via an easy-to-use video chat platform like Zoom, FaceTime or FB Video Chat.

Cost: $1200 USD

  • cost includes any and all materials required

  • video calls or in-person sessions are 75 - 90 minutes

  • split payment option available upon request

10 - Weeks of ongoing Spiritual Life Coaching & Mentoring sessions to support your transformation to an extraordinary life.

Our powerful and enlightening sessions together are either in-person or via an easy-to-use video chat platform like Zoom, FaceTime or FB Video Chat.

Cost: $2400 USD

  • cost includes any and all materials required

  • video calls or in-person sessions are 75 - 90 minutes

  • split payment option available upon request

Are You Ready to Begin?

Schedule your 30-minute Complimentary Call - simply click on the image.

Your heart has answered the Sacred Call. Congratulations! Let’s get started.

Click on the image to pay.

Begin your Spiritual Life Coaching journey with your trusted mentor, Joanna Easton.

“For those of you out there contemplating spiritual mentoring, I highly recommend working with Joanna!!!! We started working together at the start of this year and my life has changed DRAMATICALLY for the better since beginning this work. Joanna is truly an earth-angel!”

~ Dori G. Nurse, Runner, Dog lover


“I'm at a loss for words as to how much you've impacted my life, my career and my relationships. You are so worthy of your weight in gold. You’ve given me confidence, clarity and tools. I tell everyone I come across, THIS is what a coach should do. I so look forward to and enjoy our conversations. They are life changing.”

~ Cindy M. Pediatric Physician and Wellness Coach

“In just a few short months of working with Joanna, I have experienced what I can only describe as exponential internal growth. Joanna’s unique insight, her attention to the not so obvious, lends to her overall spirit and excellence as a spiritual life coach. I am blessed our paths have crossed. She is indeed exceptional.”

~ Jason S. Inventor, Coding Wizard and Musician


“There’s no way to put a dollar value on the immeasurable personal growth I’ve experienced as a result of the coaching sessions. Joanna has helped me listen to myself and my desires, and by serving as an external “cheerleader” when I can use extra support, she’s enabled me to be stronger on my own, and become a force for love in my own life. I’m more grateful for the things I have and more aware of the things I desire and deserve—and you can’t put a price on that.

I recommend Joanna’s Spiritual Life Coaching to anyone who is committed to living their best possible life--no matter how distant that “best life” feels.”

~Bonita W. Assisted Living Activities Director, Fusion Dancer