
Does Your Life Feel Stuck on Repeat? Try this remedy.

Most people these day spend too much time talking a good game. Am I right? They literally have this fantasy version of themselves they talk about that’s going to be living the life they want. Having the job they want. In relationship with the perfect partner. Becoming the ideal weight and body shape of their dreams. Living financially happy, thriving and abundant. They are highly respected, revered and educated. The list goes on. And on. And on.

Trouble is that “day” never arrives. It’s as if that day was supposed to get the “memo” and know exactly when to show up on your doorstep. You keep wondering what happened. You sure thought about it enough - but, if you’re honest, your actions didn’t match up.

Angel Card Message: 4 of Spring (Celebrate Good Times)

Fire or Wands, depending on the deck you are using, represents action and celebration!  Creative endeavors.  Renewed excitement in work, career or a vocation.  Artistic gifts manifesting in different forms.  Showing the world how amazing you are.  Having the courage to follow your convictions.  Trusting your inner guidance to empower yourself and go after your dreams.  You may also feel strongly guided to develop and grow a stronger inner life.

Angel Card Message: Ace of Spring

Wonderful new opportunities.  Time for renewed creativity.  Ideas for re-igniting your career or a possible change in your current job that will bring more excitement, joy and fulfillment. Pursuing your dreams.  New opportunities.  A call to move away from procrastination and into action.  A chance to do something amazing.