What Are You Waiting For?

Are you familiar with the following questions that bring to mind thought provoking calls-to-action?  If not you, then who? If not now, then when?  It seems that when I've heard these two profoundly insightful questions it was at a time when I had been pondering my dreamed of future.  However, my ego or small self did not believe it could be me that lives dreams realized and certainly not now.  Can you relate to this type of thinking?

I feel that many of us have this deep, internal struggle that other people are the ones that are naturally destined to be great. Others have the "genetic predisposition" to be amazing. When we turn this towards ourselves, we balk and instantly think of any number of reasons that we are not worthy of becoming an even brighter, more expanded version of ourselves.

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The truth is that no one has an edge on anyone else. We are all equally amazing. We all have unique talents that are meant to be cultivated and shared. We all have the right "stuff." I know what you're thinking... No. No. No. You don't understand. You don't know my story. Then, you would proceed to give me a list of reasons why you are not worthy of your own talents.

I'm sure the list would include the old standards like: I'm too old. I'm too young. I don't have enough education. I am over-educated. I don't have enough money. I don't have enough time. What will people think? What if I fail? What if no one likes my creations? What about my kids? What about my spouse? I don't have creativity. I don't have natural talents. And on.. and on... the record of excuses plays.

Are you tired of sounding like a broken record stuck on the same track? Or, are you even aware of the looping cycle of excuses that keep you stuck in the same, predictable life that deep, down you long to change? 

The question then becomes: What would you do differently if you stopped putting off your life? By answering this inquiry truthfully and with full integrity it sets you on the right path for looking more closely at the questions: If not you, then who? If not now, then when?

So often we easily scare ourselves with these questions. In my experience this happens because we think too big, too expansively right away. This frightens us right back into our safe, comfortable, predictable life. Don't get me wrong--I am a fan of having a certain amount of structure and stability in my life, but I don't use it as a crutch. I see the grounded foundation as necessary in order for me to grow and expand.

I have found that if I break things down into small, do-able, achievable steps I am much more likely to be supportive of myself.  However, I have been tripped up in the past by thinking so big that I scared myself before I built up any decent momentum.  

There is a vast difference between big thinking and bold thinking. Big thinking tends to be ego dominated and goal driven. Where you feel you have to get to the end no matter the cost. Bold thinking, on the other hand, is absolutely necessary to self-growth. I've heard it said that boldness isn't about winning. It's about deciding to enter.

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Taking the necessary small steps that move you in the direction of your dreams summons boldness. It's what you start now. Today. That is what truly matters. In all reality, you have no idea where it will lead you. You enter up anyway. And, why not? Instead of seeing it as scary, see it as exciting. Like an adventure story where you are the lead character. 

An exercise I find helpful to help focus my thoughts and add an element of fun is Mind Mapping. In Mind Mapping you start out with a blank piece of paper. In the center, draw a circle and write the word Fun. Now, draw five lines or spokes off the word Fun. Write a word, any word that comes to mind, to place in the new circle.

Remember, there will be five of these total. Now, draw five spokes off the new word with something, anything that you think of or that reminds you of that word. It might be small or big. It doesn't matter what, but it does have a meaningful relationship for you.

I'll give you a sample of what one of my circle words and five line spokes look like. Off the word Fun, I wrote Italy. For my five lines I have 1. Vespa scooter (because I really want to drive one over there sometime) 2. Caffe Latte (because they are delicious!) 3. Amalfi Coast (because I want to explore it more--it's so breathtakingly beautiful) 4. Learn more Italian 5. Spend Time in Tuscany (preferably at an older home that is quaint.)

As you can see, it isn't very difficult. It's meant to have a healthy dose of joy to it. The purpose behind Mind Mapping is to really help focus more on what you do want instead of what you don't want.  You begin to see yourself feeling, living and experiencing the life of your dreams. You can even take the Mind Mapping one step further by drawing 2-3 spokes off the five words that are small, do-able, achievable steps in the direction of the word.

In my example, I have Learn More Italian. My spokes include 1. check out Rosetta Stone's language program.  2. See what the Library has for easy-to-use language programs. 3. Find/ask around about cheap or free Italian movies with English subtitles (preferably children's or young adult for easy-to-understand content.)

Again, the more achievable and bite-sized we make our movements forward the more likely we will keep ourselves accountable. Do not underestimate the power of this seemingly simple exercise. You will be happy you did it. This is where you begin to truly take ownership of your own life and happiness. See the gift in moving consciously from A to B to C to D, instead of the spooky and highly unpredictable A to Z route. Slow and steady really does win the race. And, as I like to say, every time I read the story the tortoise always wins. (not the hare.)

Your life of adventure is waiting... just turn the page!



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New Year Special.  Buy the Tarot Card Basics Made Easy on-line Course and receive a FREE 1-hour reading with me.  Click here for more information

New Class, Archetypes and the Oracle, beginning January 22nd in Helena.  Insightful discussions and time to create your own deck.  Click here for more information

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