
The Art of Bringing Your Dreams to Life

Did you know we are wired for expansion, growth and transformation? Even the Buddhist teachings share the wisdom of our innate human need for balance in our lives. It’s important to be grounded in gratitude AND keep reaching and expressing ourselves creatively.

The rub comes in when we get frustrated by feeling our “dream” life is too hard or difficult to reach. Our mind starts displaying a running screen of pitfalls, challenges, road blocks and obstacles to our path that we ultimately believe we can’t overcome.

But, is this really true? Stay with me for a few minutes as we look more closely at this all-t00-common dilemma and how you can overcome it.

What to do when those you love can’t support your dreams

You know the feeling where you’re so excited to share a new, inspired idea with a friend or family member? And in your giddiness you’re confident they’ll be supportive, joyous and elated. They'll be so excited, you tell yourself. Surely they'll see what I see, you optimistically think. They'll feel what I feel. They'll want to know more ~ just think of all the brainstorming we could do…

Right? Wrong!

Frustration means there is a better way

Have you ever noticed how some people "go" through life while others "grow" through life? The growth oriented folks have experienced the all-too-common feeling of being so incredibly close to giving up, yet despite the fact they have no idea what's ahead - they just keep moving on. They dig deep.

And on the other end of the pendulum, we find those that feel absolutely consumed by the pressure and ultimately completely backing off. Bowing out. Numbing out. If we’re honest with ourselves, we’ve been on and felt deeply both sides of this coin. And if you’re anything like me (and I’m betting you are) you’ve found yourself fascinated by the unique individuals that keep moving forward, despite the magnitude of what’s in front of them.

What is their secret? Read on to find the answer.

Thanking yourself is a true gift

You know that feeling of doing something nice for someone or being really helpful? Then, not getting thanked for it? Ouch.

If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone complain about not being thanked for a gift or service I would be very rich, indeed. Don't get me wrong, it is always wonderful to be acknowledge and appreciated for something we've done to help someone else out. However, there will be just as many times that it is overlooked or forgotten.

Trust me, I have been on both sides of this coin. And if we are all honest with ourselves I'm sure we can think back to times we still hold a grudge towards someone we think should have thanked us. Or, they did end up thanking us but it was such a pitiful attempt that it comes across as insulting.

A Tale of Two Pots: seeing with divine vision

I love the following story. I discovered it a few years ago and I felt called to share it with you today. Enjoy its simple...yet beautiful message of uniqueness and seeing a perceived weakness as a strength.

The Broken Pot A water bearer in India had two large pots, each hung on an end of a pole which he carried across his neck. One of the pots had a crack in it, and while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water at the end of the long walk from the stream to the masters house, the cracked pot arrived only half full.

Books I love that Inspire Me

Often I am asked by friends, clients and students about books or teachings that have inspired me.  That is an excellent question.  I've heard it said that you can tell a lot about a person by what books they have read AND the books that stay on the shelf evading the donation run.

I am part of a book club in my hometown that I absolutely love.  I joke with Eric that it's a good thing I am part of one because it encourages me to read books outside of my preferred genre of angels, yoga, self-help, motivation and inspiration.  I also typically have anywhere from three to five books I am reading through at any given time.  To say I love the written word is a definite understatement!

Motivation vs. there a difference?

A biographer of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart tells a story given to him directly from Mozart. A would-be student came to Mozart one day and said that he wanted help writing symphony's. To this Mozart asked if he'd written any yet. The would-be student said no. Mozart goes on to say that since the student was young yet it would be good to start with minuets. The student, pressing Mozart, says.. No. You don't understand. I want help with writing symphony's, not minuets. 

The Secret to becoming the happiest person you know

We live in a fast paced world. Everywhere you look there are cell phones, instant messages, direct messages, private messages, texts, video conferencing, video calls, email, etc… To say we are globally connected almost goes without saying. The question of whether we can handle and stay up with the pace has yet to be determined.

As much as I am lover of these easy and seamless way to connect, I have also found myself with the challenge of limiting the amount of time I stay connected. It really comes down to choices.

An inquiry I love working with is, does this choice serve my happiness or sabotage it?

What would do differently, if you stopped putting off your life?

Many of us have a deep, internal struggle that decides other people are the ones naturally destined to be great. They have the "genetic predisposition" to be amazing.

However, when we turn this inquiry towards ourselves, we balk and instantly think of any number of reasons that we are unworthy of becoming an even brighter, more expanded version of ourselves.

Does Your Life Feel Stuck on Repeat? Try this remedy.

Most people these day spend too much time talking a good game. Am I right? They literally have this fantasy version of themselves they talk about that’s going to be living the life they want. Having the job they want. In relationship with the perfect partner. Becoming the ideal weight and body shape of their dreams. Living financially happy, thriving and abundant. They are highly respected, revered and educated. The list goes on. And on. And on.

Trouble is that “day” never arrives. It’s as if that day was supposed to get the “memo” and know exactly when to show up on your doorstep. You keep wondering what happened. You sure thought about it enough - but, if you’re honest, your actions didn’t match up.

A Solution to Self-Criticism and Self-Judgement

If you had to sum up who you are in one sentence, what would you say about yourself?  What is it that makes you uniquely you?  Even if you think you don't have anything interesting or special to offer I would encourage you to look closer, look deeper.  What is the diamond in the rough?

What do other people comment on or compliment you on that perhaps you take for granted?  What comes so naturally to you that you tend to think it's not anything special?  Can't everyone do this, you tell yourself over and over.

No.  They can't.  Time to embrace this instead of playing it down, my friends.

Each one of us has a unique set of traits and qualities that is special to us.  Carl Jung, the well-known psychologist, coined the term archetypes that works quite nicely with this discussion. 

Are You Stuck Seeing Only Your Flaws? Try this sage advice.

If you had to sum up who you are in one sentence- what would you say about yourself?  What is it that makes you uniquely you?  Even if you think you don't have anything interesting or special to offer I would encourage you to look closer, look deeper.  What is the diamond in the rough?

What do other people comment on or compliment you on that perhaps you take for granted?  What comes so naturally to you that you tend to think it's not anything special?  Can't everyone do this, you tell yourself over and over.

No.  They can't.  Time to embrace this instead of playing it down, my friends.

Welcome to YOU: Quirky, Unique and One-of-a-Kind

If you had to sum up who you are in one sentence- what would you say about yourself?  What is it that makes you uniquely you?  Even if you think you don't have anything interesting or special to offer I would encourage you to look closer, look deeper.  What is the diamond in the rough?

What do other people comment on or compliment you on that perhaps you take for granted?  What comes so naturally to you that you tend to think it's not anything special?  Can't everyone do this, you tell yourself over and over.

No.  They can't.  Time to embrace this instead of playing it down, my friends.

Are You Ready to Kick Procrastination to the Curb?

Most people today feel frustrated or stifled by their current life situation. They feel strongly that there’s a whole other version of themselves that could live life even more fully and expansively. And when it comes right down to it, the other version of themselves has a specialty training, schooling or certification that would allow them to teach or share with others. Possibly in a way they long to do now, but are not able to.

What if… a future version of yourself showed up to you in a dream? And this future version of you is happy, smiling, laughing and content? She loves her life. She is absolutely living life on her terms. She has enough support financially to call her own shots so she’s not dependent on others.

She is in the sweet spot of being happy to be around others, yet she can choose to take some much needed down time when she feels the urge. She is also sharing and collaborating with others in ways that light her up.

Are You Ready to Spread Your Wings and Fly?

The caterpillar becomes a chrysalis.  A chrysalis becomes a butterfly.  A butterfly spreads its wings and flies.  It may only fly within a small area during its lifespan.  Or, like the amazing Monarch, it can literally soar thousands of miles one-way.  Then make the return flight to eventually land perfectly on the same branch of the same tree where it began its journey.  Pretty amazing, right?

What Are You Waiting For?

Are you familiar with this question and its equally important follow up question?  If not you, then who? If not now, then when?  It seems that when I've heard these two profoundly insightful questions it was at a time when I had been pondering my dreamed of future.  However, my ego or small self did not believe it could be me that lives dreams realized and certainly not now.  Can you relate to this type of thinking?

Are You Becoming the Change You Wish to See?

If you are like me you've heard or seen this famous axiom of Mahatma Gandhi's.  "Become the change you most wish to see in the world."  I have seen this painted on one of the wall's at Capital High School. I've seen it taped to the back of a bathroom stall.  I've even seen it painted in huge, beautiful letters at the Mumbai airport.  

Are You A Stuck Creative?

What is a stuck creative, you ask?  In a nutshell--a stuck creative is someone who either consciously or unconsciously has enormous creative and artistic abilities and potential. However, through upbringing or socialized patterning was told repeatedly that it was not acceptable to have these gifts or talents be anything legitimate.

Rethinking Cleverness

I typically do not start my articles out with a quote; however, this post lends itself beautifully to it.  

"Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world.  Today I am wise so I am changing myself."  Rumi

The poets describe so effortlessly and beautifully the internal transformations one goes through in a lifetime.  The perfect words are chosen.  Not too many.  Just right.The ethers sing the perfect message and letters to the poet's inner ear.  Written out on paper seamlessly to describe an indescribable experience.