Inner Curiousity

Angel numbers are angel messages

Have you had the experience of seeing the same number sequence over and over? Perhaps it's in the same day or within a few days.  Maybe you wake up and its 5:55 a.m., then later in the day you see 555 on a license plate.  Then, that evening you happen to look at your clock and it's 5:55 p.m..  Most of us have been trained and schooled to think of this as pure coincidence or just random happenstance.  However, I've come to learn and appreciate the deeper meaning in these number messages.

Were You Raised to Think You Must Struggle in Order to Deserve Happiness?

Most people today worry about their finances, their purpose, their peace of mind, their jobs, finding meaning in retirement or cultivating a healthier lifestyle overall. Ironically, there is still a strong connection to suffering that precedes any type of happiness.

The mindset has been hard-wired into most of us that suffering, complaining, struggling and the like must be in equal proportion or higher than our connection to joy, laughter and good times.

We must work hard and struggle in order to “deserve” a better lot in life. Sound familiar?

Do You Struggle with Peace of Mind?

People today struggle to feel a clear connection to their peace of mind. They read about it. Watch videos about it. Attend workshops, seminars and conferences to learn in-depth about the ancient art of quieting the mind. In hopes to find the stillness within that will ultimately bring contentment, inner peace and clarity.

Sounds wonderful, right? Right. Realistic? Maybe.