Teaching Story

The Brilliance of the Tortoise and the Hare

This is hands-down one of my all time favorite stories.  As a child I enjoyed the simplicity of the message and the animals as the main characters.  I've always been a huge animal lover so anytime they take center stage in a story or movie, I am in my element!  As an adult, I see it from an entirely different perspective.  One that has a much deeper meaning.  The power of continuing  on - one step in front of the other.

The Care and Feeding of Our Inner Wolves...

I am always a huge fan of great story's that teach through wonderful imagery and vivid words. At times, I will come across a story that I think many of you will enjoy. Other times, I recall a story I had heard from someone else that struck me at just the right time and had just the right message that I needed.  Today is one of those days. I love this story particular story, Two Wolves, and another version of it that comes from the  beautiful Cherokee lore and tradition.  Enjoy!