Angel Card Message: 5 of Summer

Whenever I see a Five of any suit in an Angel Tarot Card Reading I know right away there is a major challenge afoot.  Not that it can't be overcome- it simply needs to be handled with care.  How we work through the challenge is the important part. The suit of Summer or Cups is indicative of leading with our heart, intuition and emotions. This can be helpful or it can be a hindrance, depending on the situation.  

It's worth repeating that how we are perceiving the situation is key to the solution or it creates a bigger problem - it's all in how you view it.  With this card, the Five of Summer, it's an indicator that we are taking things way too personally.  To the point of imbalance.  Our thoughts are overly focused on negative, anxious and fearful thoughts.

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Most likely these aren't even your thoughts.  When I am doing a reading for a client and I see this card come up I know immediately that this person's energy is zapped. Whether unconscious or conscious, they have picked up the anxiety, stress and upset of those around them.

That is why the common phrase, "mind your own business," fits perfectly here.  Mind your own business carefully and conscientiously.  Melodramatic people and situations can trigger your own unresolved feelings of low self-worth and low self-esteem when you are not balanced.

Another message that comes along with the Five of Summer is the need for self-forgiveness.  Things may not have turned out as you had hoped.  This is not necessarily a bad sign.  Trust that the Universe along with your Angels have better plans for you.  

Release the habit of beating yourself up for thinking you "should" have done something different.  Trust that you were being Divinely guided to make the choices you made - even though you may not completely understand the reasons right now.  You don't need to know them.  

What you do need to focus on is having compassion for yourself.  There are so many gifts around you that you do not even see, yet they are everywhere.  What will help is to put on your "what's going right" glasses and take off the "what's going wrong" glasses.

Know that support is all around you.  Reach out for help.  

Most importantly, when working with a Five card, is to understand that brighter days are just around the corner.  A Five coupled with the suit of Summer indicates a major tendency to give your best energy to others.  This is the challenge.  And the opportunity.  

Keep your light shining within you.  Do not give your life-force energy to others. Remember the advice to mind your own business.  This is incredibly important at this time.  You are worthy of your own life.  You are enough.  One thousand times enough.

In both my Fairy Tarot deck and Archangel Power Tarot decks by Radleigh Valentine the image is of a young fairy/woman who has a worried look on her face.  She is incredibly beautiful and is surrounded by beauty.  The irony is she does not recognize this at all.  Her focus is completely outside of her and honed in on lack. 

Her lights are all around her.  Not woven together in one strong light.  Because her tendency is to hook into other people's negative thoughts, her most valuable resource (inner light) is fleeting away.

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Again, the Five is a challenge.  The guidance is to take the changes going on around you as the guiding hand of your angels encouraging you to move in a different direction.  See your situation with new eyes.

The call-to-action is to return to your own inner peace.  Remember what it feels like to have all your best energy inside of you.  And when you feel the hook of a melodramatic situation begin to sink in, simply reach out and remove it.  Just because someone else is anxious and wants to bring you in, you don't have to go with it.

You have the choice.  The beautiful piece of magic with a Five card is that just on the other side of it (if you take the counsel of the message) is the Six.  And sixes are powerful numbers of success, rewards and accolades.

You are much, much stronger than you think you are.  You can handle any situation if you are mindful of your awareness.  Focus your thoughts on optimism and positive outcomes.  Know that your Angels and Guides are with you and have your back.

Observe your words for a 24-hour period.  Are they uplifting, supportive and encouraging?  If not, practice changing them to words with affirmative energy.


Have a beautiful rest of your day, my friend.



Click here to watch this weeks Angel Guidance Tarot Reading via Youtube.



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