Are You Ready to Spread Your Wings and Fly?

The caterpillar becomes a chrysalis.  A chrysalis becomes a butterfly.  A butterfly spreads its wings and flies.  It may only fly within a small area during its lifespan.  Or, like the amazing Monarch, it can literally soar thousands of miles one-way.  Then make the return flight to eventually land perfectly on the same branch of the same tree where it began its journey.  Pretty amazing, right?

Symbols of change and transformation are everywhere.  Some are metaphors of changes made with grace like the butterfly, swan or peacock.  

Yet other images reflect change that formed from a time of struggle (either internally or externally).  

Take the common chunk of coal.  Under pressure, over an inconceivably long period of time and under the right circumstances, a precious diamond is created.  

Now it's not so common at all.  In a strange turn of events, it is highly sought after for its exquisite and rare beauty.

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Another famous symbol born out of strife is the Phoenix.  This bird is recognized almost immediately for its analogy of re-birthing from the ashes.  Often times it is just as strong if not stronger than before.

Humans are an interesting lot because we all know that change is inevitable. 

However, some people invariably embrace change more seamlessly than others.  They understand and often connect to parts of themselves they see reflected through the symbols of rebirth.  

They see these challenges as integral parts in the process of gaining wisdom.  

These are not viewed as setbacks, but set-ups.

Other folks resist change and put so much energy into constantly protecting themselves that it literally drains their life force.  Thinking if they dig their feet in hard enough that they can stop time.

As tempting as this might be, it simply does not work. 

Many have tried only to find themselves sad, lonely, angry and bitter.  Ironically, those around them have learned to go with the flow of life instead of railing against it. 

The key here is to embrace a more balanced approach.

Life naturally and organically has a smooth rhythm to it.  Sometimes you'll feel the strong pull to spread your wings and make the jump. 

And in an uncanny turn of events, remembering that you've always known how to fly.  You do not need to learn.  The deeper, more intuitive part of you was born knowing how to fly.

Other times in our lives call for us to fold into ourselves and enjoy the quiet, slower pace of life.  Embracing the need for rejuvenation, relaxation and introspection.

The rub comes in when we get completely stuck holding tight to one end of the spectrum and altogether dismiss the other.

People who are always on fire, always on the go and jump from one adrenaline high to the next invariably burn themselves out.  Their bodies precious energy reserves can only handle so much high voltage before it literally shorts out.

On the other end of the spectrum there are folks that have almost no light in their system.  Sedentary.  Sluggish.  Lethargic.  Apathetic.  The day passes like a dull blur.

And because they snuffed their light out long ago they have no desire to reignite it. 

It almost goes without saying that these folks are very challenging to be around. 

The thought of jumping, expanding, changing and transforming literally freezes them in their tracks and causes them to break into a sweat.  Out comes the inevitable list of excuses as to why they have to stay in their self-induced rut. 

They may not see any way out.  However, to even the most casual observer, it would be clear as day the cause of their dilemma.  They are a prisoner of their own thoughts.

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So.  What's the answer?

Well, we all know that change is very much a part of the human experience.  We can either choose to be part of the shift and see the excitement in going with it.  Or, we can resist and completely make ourselves miserable in the process.

Personally, I've embraced the axiom of my friend and mentor Nancy Levin.  She loves to say, "rock your foundation before it rocks you."

Said another way - don't wait so long to feel like your life is falling apart all around you. When you feel the trembling underfoot, don't ignore it. 

The antidote:  Participate in your life.  Be pro-active instead of re-active.  Take the blinders off.  Remove your head from the sand.  Immediately.

Because the truth is that your life is calling you to make changes.  

  • Perhaps your lifestyle needs more attention?

  • Maybe it's time to look more honestly at your career and follow a new path that's more in-line with your heart's desire?

  • Perhaps you need to seriously consider walking away from a toxic relationship?

  • Do your thoughts need an overhaul?

  • Is it time to bring balance and conscious awareness to the way you spend and save money?

  • Are you honoring your need for self-care by making yourself a priority?

These are just a few questions to ponder.  Some may speak deeply to you and others may not.  The important take-away here is that self-transformation moves to the top of the list.

When you view it through the lense of excitement and you are fully participating in the process, change loses its scariness.  

The main reason we innately fear change is because we think we won't have any control while the shifts occur.

That's the exact reason we do need to be engaged in our lives.  Or better yet, become our own catalyst for change by following and trusting our inner guidance.  

Have the courage to feel fully again. Fully alive, fully present and fully inspired. 

I believe in you!  

(and I can see your wings)

With love and light.


p.s. Your angels are talking and they have messages. I help you communicate with your angels, receive angelic guidance and heal every area of your life.
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p.p.s. To watch this weeks Angel Messages Video FREE on my YouTube channel, click here.