Angel Card Message: 10 of Fire

The Spring/Fire/Wands suit in the Tarot deck signifies and represents action, excitement, creativity, renewed energy and career opportunities.  This is also a suit of great passion.  Having the passion to follow your dreams and creative endeavors. Giving you the boost of insight and energy to get going.  Lights. Camera. Action!

The 10 of this suit is a very interesting card.  When I see this card in a reading it tells me the story of feeling overwhelmed, overburdened, shouldering too many responsibilities (most likely not your own), helplessness, boxed-in, all work and no play.  It is the epitome of Cinderella right before she meets her Fairy godmother.

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This may seem counter to what I described earlier about the powerful, creative and high energy traits of this suit. However, 10's represent completion.  This particular 10 is completion, but at a heavy cost.  In fact, there is not a feeling of excitement, joy, passion and creativity.  

Just the opposite. Why is that you might ask?

Well, let's look at this further. When we become overly involved in work and other people's issues we have no time to keep our own fire lit. All of the fantastic energy we have is used up on gossip, rescuing, low energy emotions and frustration. Over time, we end up feeling like a battery that completely ran out of a charge.  

More often than not this card represents impending or current health concerns as well because of the heavy toll our life has been taking. (i.e. our battery can't hold a charge anymore.)

It is so tempting to think we have to rescue and save everyone else. However, the cape becomes very, very heavy indeed.  The problem is when we spend our days swooping in and helping everyone else there is nothing left for us.

In my Fairy Tarot deck by Radleigh Valentine, the image is of a very worn-out and tired fairy. She has a basket on each arm loaded down. Her clothes are old. No smile appears on this fairy's face. She is exhausted.

Yet, there is light at the end of the tunnel.  Over her left-hand shoulder is a small angel hovering just beside her ear.  The reminder for this card is to ask for Divine help.   

Creativity, passion and joy for life are right here. You need to turn your focus on yourself. Immediately. The only one that needs rescuing is you.

The beautiful reminder here is that you are never truly alone. This journey you are on is best done with Spiritual guidance and connectivity.

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We can easily lose our self-awareness, our creativity, our life-force when we're always giving pieces of ourselves away. Ask the Angels, your Higher Self or Spirit Guides for help on this path. Right here. Right now.

Your creativity is needed now more than ever. Set the baskets down. Get some rest. Change into higher vibrational clothes. Say no when you mean no. Say yes when you mean yes. Say maybe when you mean maybe.

Trust that you are Divinely guided. Because you are. Angels and Spirit Guides cannot assist with our lives unless we give them permission (the only exception is in life threatening situations.) When we ask for help they lovingly do. 

The Divine realm only acts in ways that are supportive, loving and kind. They have your best interest at heart.  

And because of this reminder from the 10 of Spring/Fire/Wands, you may find that you begin to get the much needed rest you need. Your health starts to improve. Plus, a feeling of resurgence in delving into the creative parts of yourself that you have previously been ignoring.

Instead of saying yes to everyone and everything, you may just find that you embrace and love the part of you that is a No machine.

With love and light,


p.s. Do you want to learn more about the amazing world of Tarot Cards? Tarot is a powerful tool that works in miraculous and uncannily accurate ways to build a stronger connection to the Divine. It is a time-honored way that the invisible world longs to make itself known to you and wants to communicate with you.
Click the button below and discover more about this ancient divination system.

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