
The Secret to becoming the happiest person you know

We live in a fast paced world. Everywhere you look there are cell phones, instant messages, direct messages, private messages, texts, video conferencing, video calls, email, etc… To say we are globally connected almost goes without saying. The question of whether we can handle and stay up with the pace has yet to be determined.

As much as I am lover of these easy and seamless way to connect, I have also found myself with the challenge of limiting the amount of time I stay connected. It really comes down to choices.

An inquiry I love working with is, does this choice serve my happiness or sabotage it?

A Story of Accidental Friendships

Recently, I have been contemplating the fascinating and multi-layered dialogue around friendship. Mostly stimulated by the great memories I've recently experienced after re-uniting with friends I had made 22 years ago.  They are all European.  I was the only American in the group.  We all worked together in Reception at the Hotel Cheyenne at Disneyland Paris in 1995.