Are You A Stuck Creative?

What is a stuck creative, you ask?  In a nutshell--a stuck creative is someone who either consciously or unconsciously has enormous creative and artistic abilities and potential. However, through upbringing or socialized patterning was told repeatedly that it was not acceptable to have these gifts or talents be anything legitimate.

Thus begins the downward spiral of disowning and stuffing down our natural abilities and talents. At quite a young age, I might add.  Our innate need as children is to please the adults around us.  We want more than anything to be approved of by parents, friends and other family members.  


If this means dis-owning and dis-associating with traits and abilities that make those around us uncomfortable, then that is what we will do.  What we really want is love and support. So... we begin to carefully craft and form ourselves into the molds and shapes of what gives us the least resistance and most acceptance.

You might not think this is a big deal.  And given our society's overall support of creativity, that is not surprising.  However, most people I know, work with and talk to wish, dream and desire a life with far more richness, depth and color than the one they are currently living.

Is it any wonder that dreaming of hitting it big with the lottery is so popular?  I honestly believe it is not the big bucks that drives this craze.  I feel it is the lifestyle the big bucks offers us that is the real hook. 

Who doesn't want to call their own shots? Live life on their terms?  Create.  Live. Laugh. Be the person they most want to be.

Many of the folks I work with still have that spark of a dream within them.  Notice I wrote spark.  It was a flame at one time. time went on that flame became dimmer over the years.  Now, it is relegated to that small space within the mind and heart that wonders what it would really look like to shine?

That spark stays within all of us.  It does not go out.  Call it a curse.  Call it a blessing. It's all in how you view it.  And what you decide to do with it.

It's a curse if you never let it shine brighter.  All that creative, powerful potential stays inside.  Over time, if not embraced and allowed to come out, it can literally start to burn us up on the inside.  We've all either experienced this or seen it play out in others. 

  • Short temper.

  • Criticism.

  • Judgement.

  • Easy to anger.

  • Unfounded fears.

  • Chronic feelings of guilt.

  • Resentment.

  • Constant arguing.  

  • Potential long-term health problems.  

  • You get the picture.  This is not the best side of us at all.

The spark is a blessing when we finally learn to see it for what it is.  A sparkler of ideas that lovingly embraced and respected can turn into a light that shines brightly inside. That light inevitably gathers its own momentum and shines outside as well.  It becomes like a beacon of hope not only to us, but to those around us.


"Stuck creative" is a term I first read about in Julia Cameron's fabulous, timeless work The Artist's Way.  Julia is truly amazing and incredibly gifted in her grasp of words used to describe this all-too-common phenomenon.  

A typical scenario is someone who deep down wants to be a novelist or stage actor. Instead of seeing this as something legitimate for them they often become a supporter of the arts through philanthropy or other types of help.  

Or, they can take the other end of the spectrum and become a critic or director. They now make their living finding faults in those who are brave enough to follow their heart (i.e. follow their art.)

Another possible scenario (that happens far too often) is the individual goes into a vocation that they feel their parents approve of or has the promise of bringing in the big money.  This "good job" is something very definable and describable to friends and family.  Usually having a desk, set hours, benefits, paid and sick leave and a title most people recognize.

From the outside looking in, everything "looks" great.  They really have it all.

But, do they?

From the inside looking out, it's a completely different story.  They long for experiencing more out of life.  They often feel the sting of seeing others doing what they really want to be doing.  Instead of supporting them, out come the twin pointing fingers of  judgement and criticism.  Then comes the double bind--if not pointing the fingers outward, they turn them inward.  Back and forth goes the inner critic.  It's exhausting. Debilitating.

Is there a way out?  What can be done?

Of course!... and, it's easier than you think.  To get unstuck, you simply need to realize that you are stuck.  With that realization you can then start moving.  One foot in front of the other.

I know you are thinking that I am making this sound all too easy. Perhaps, it does sound that way. But... think about some of the most profound ideas you know. Most have good ol' simplicity at their roots.  Right?

Most people I know are stuck creatives.  Varying stages, mind you.  Yet.. stuck all the same.  Excuses roll off their tongue easily as to why they can't do what they really want to do.  (Unless they win that PowerBall, mind you!) 

So... instead of leaving all that creative potential stuck inside, why not let some of it out?  The beautiful thing is you are not a child anymore.  You do not need permission to explore your talents.  You were born great.  You have so many gifts and talents inside that are jumping at the chance to come out.

The only one you need permission from is you, my wonderfully talented friend. Throw yourself the life preserver and allow yourself to become unstuck.  Take one step in the direction of the life you most want to live today. Not tomorrow. Today.

What is one small act of kindness you can do for yourself today that would mean the world to you?  Now do it.  Remember: One foot in front of the other.

Cheering for you!
