Card Message Explained

Angel Card Message: Two of Earth (guidance for feeling overwhelmed)

The fine line between being busy AND feeling downright overwhelmed is embodied beautifully by the Two of Earth in Angel Tarot. Earth represents our connection to more physical, material and educational pursuits.  

Whenever I see an Earth card show up in an Angel Intuitive Card Reading it shows me that the client has been thinking mostly about work, home, education or choices around abundance and prosperity.

Two's indicate a decision, a choice, a shift in perspective.  They also call for us to bring a more balanced perspective to a situation.  

Angel Card Spotlight: Queen of Air, drama free and declutter master

Introducing one of my all-time favorite Queens in Angel Tarot- the Queen of Air. In a traditional deck the Air suit is congruent to Swords. Swords embodies our relationship to the realm of the mind, intellect, reason, rational thinking and logic.  No heart based thinking allowed.  

To be fair, some situations in life require us to use our minds to think things through without emotion. Too much emotion can allow us to fall prey to worrying about how our decision would impact others, therefore wandering into the precarious area of sabotaging ourselves so we don’t “rock the boat” and possibly upset someone else.

And in possibly upsetting someone else, we keep ourselves uncomfortable so someone else can be comfortable. Yet once again bend ourselves into a pretzel and jump through hoops in order to try to show how accommodating we are.

Not so with the Queen of Air!

Angel Card Message: The Wheel - Card 10 (positive changes and movement)

The Wheel.  The Wheel of Fortune.  Good news is on the way.  Events and circumstances going your way.  A picking up of the pace after a time of stillness. Positive changes.  A relationship or situation suddenly moving forward.  The gift of inspiration about the future.  Unexpected events are revealed for you to see the beauty in a new direction.

As you can see from this short, yet powerful introductory passage there is a huge abundance of forward movement with this card.  I have yet to do a reading for someone where this card is not welcome.

Angel remedy for burn out

If you are feeling exhausted, tired, irritable, crabby and short fused there’s a good chance you’ve been putting everyone else’s needs before yours. And.. you may have been wanting to say No to people or situations and end up saying yes in order to keep the peace.

The only problem with this scenario is it’s unsustainable and simply doesn’t work.

The Angel Tarot Card - 10 of Fire - speaks straight to the heart of this draining and exhausting cycle.

Angel Wisdom for Investing in Yourself

Have you ever noticed how most people today struggle with seeing themselves as a worthy investment?

I sure have.

They’ll daydream about a course, workshop, class or weekend intensive they want to do and how it will greatly impact their current life, but when push comes to shove, it rarely happens.

In my experience it has nothing to do with the age old excuses of time and money. Although those are handy to use at times, the truth is there are deeper underlying beliefs around worthiness and success/failure.

In fact, it’s common to see someone spend enormous amounts of money, time and energy on another person (valuable commodities, indeed) rather than actually earmark money and resources for bettering themselves.

Angel Wisdom for the Moon Card

Heightened intuition.  Vivid dreams.  Strong inner guidance.  Powerful connection and clarity from insights.  Accurate internal messages.  Sensing the truth of a situation. Trusting yourself over others for knowing just what to do.  

Starting to sound familiar?  As you can see from these short descriptions, the Moon card carries a powerful message to go within and stay tuned to yourself over others.

Angel Wisdom for the Call to Awaken

You know that old expression about being too close to our own lives to have a clear perspective?   Well, that definitely applies when the Awakening card shows up.

A call to awaken. Seeing a situation more clearly. A time to shift your perspective. Taking a pause in action. Card 12, Awakening, is part of the Major Arcana suit in Angel Tarot. There are 22 cards that make up this suit and anytime one shows up in a reading, it's time to listen up! Major Arcana messages have to do with life purpose, soul purpose and life trajectory choices.

Angel Card Message: 8 of Earth (embrace the inner student)

The undeniable desire to learn more. An inner pull to pursue higher education, trainings, seminars, workshops, certifications, or courses. A deep longing for mastering a specialty or interest that you may have deemed “silly or frivolous”, yet you know that’s not true. Your eyes and heart are open to the unlimited possibilities this “soul gift” offers you of a rich and rewarding life.

Angel Card Spotlight: 8 of Water (the spiritual quest)

The inner calling.  The longing for more out of life.  The spiritual quest, the one you've been longing to take but have been putting off for another time.  Or, perhaps that longing for more out of life is the one you did not think you were capable of taking. When this card appears in a reading, it is the reminder that you are ready!

Make yourself your most important investment

Do you struggle with seeing yourself as a worthy investment? Be honest. Because if you’re anything like most people, you’ve been told it’s better to give than to receive. Support others and put yourself second, help someone else shine and dim yours down because you don’t want to be seen as a “show-off” or a threat.

Pretty strong beliefs.

And powerful enough to stop most of us from feeling the freedom to truly invest in ourselves and see ourselves as worthy of our own time, love, education and support. You might be wondering what truly stops us from going all in, going for broke and shining our light. Follow along with me as I shed some light on this all-too-common dilemma.

You can’t think your way through a heart-based decision

Have often have you found yourself in the cycle of trying to “figure out” a solution to a problem and come up exhausted and disheartened? To the point that you’ve analyzed it from every possible angle multiple times and without a solution you are happy with. This is called over-analyzing, which often leads to over-catastrophizing, over-awfulizing and ultimately scares us so much that we freeze in our tracks. Frightened to make a decision either way, lest in be the wrong one.

The truth is procrastination and excuses can suck the life force right out of us. Am I right? So many ideas, dreams, endeavors and projects can stay stuck in our heads - never to see the light of day.

Angel Card Message: Gifts of the King of Winter (Professional, Motivational, Legal Matters)

By now many of you know that I love working with Angel Cards. They have an incredibly precise way of sharing sacred messages with the soul. Angel Cards are exquisite at articulating the language of the Divine, clearly giving us a way to see into a situation. They also share wisdom in how to see a situation differently, and often times highlight energies that would best serve us on a specific day.

Today, I’ll share with you an incredible card that is sure to help you when you need an unemotional, discerning and wise perspective. Introducing, The King of Winter. In other Tarot decks you might see it as the King of Air or Swords.

Live your life as if you found Aladdin's magic lamp

Have you ever dreamed about having a day where everything literally goes your way? You found the lamp, drank the magic potion, won the golden ticket and… voila! Life is for you. Ideas easily pop in your mind. You follow hunches without hesitation. Your creativity is in overdrive and people shower you with praises!

Sound too good to be true? Think again.

There’s a card in the Tarot deck that, believe it or not, embodies the awareness of your potential. The card of being completely and totally absorbed in a creative endeavor that it literally takes on a life of its own and “flows” through you. The card that says YES to you embracing the expert, the master, the wise one. The card of Ka-ching! Without further ado, (drumroll please…)

There are no happy perfectionists

Procrastination and excuses can suck the life force right out of us. So many ideas, dreams, endeavors and projects can stay stuck in our heads - never to see the light of day. Fears, worries and anxiety’s over what if and worst case scenario’s can cast an unwelcome shadow over the most hopeful of dreams. To the point that we literally believe all these negative, self-sabotaging voices to be true.

And, in spite of our best efforts at positive thinking, positive affirmations, meditating, journaling, reading uplifting books, listening to inspiring podcasts - we still stay frozen. Just waiting for the “stars to align” and for “everything to be just right” before we proceed.

Are you a professional at worrying? Try this remedy.

Many of us are Gold medalists at worrying. Even when, truth be told, we’d rather not be in the running at all. Like it or not, humans are downloaded for survival and to trouble-shoot situations that look and feel dangerous. Running away from trouble or assessing the possible outcomes of a fearful scenario is literally part of our wiring. It’s what helps us live another day. It’s part of why we’ve evolved through the ages.

With that being said, many of my students and coaching clients struggle to move past this ingrained cycle - often feeling like they’re doing something “wrong” by not thinking enough positive thoughts.

How to end the cycle of regret and missed opportunities

Most of us are experts in beating ourselves up and holding a sword over our own heads. We go over and over how we could have, should have or would have done something differently.

The truth is…we can’t ever control how another person is going to react to us. I know we’d like to think we can, but it simply doesn’t work.

In Angel Tarot the Five of Water represents our relationship to this habitual thinking. The angels remind us that we can only take ownership in “how” we work through a challenge. We cannot ever be the deciding factor in the ultimate outcome. That just leads to suffering and control issues.

Why you need the gifts of the Emperor Card

The Emporer is typically pictured in a throne or meticulously crafted chair.  In his right hand is a staff or writing pen.  These represent the power of the word, the power of intellect and the influence of conscious ruling.  In his left hand the image often shows a heart, an olive branch or a gold ring.  This represents his intention of peace, compassion and unparalleled ability to attract abundance.

This card represents structure, logic, discipline, organization, having a solid plan, stability, prosperity and efficiency.

Tired of Feeling Overwhelmed? Meet the Two of Earth

There’s a fine line between being busy or full AND being downright overwhelmed. This delicate dance of balance is embodied beautifully by the Two of Earth in Angel Tarot. The scales are temporarily weighted towards an imbalance between work, home, education or finances. Life has momentarily lost it’s joie de vivre, as the French like to say - our joy for life.

Wondering how to get the scales balanced? Stay with me.

Are You Tired of Saying Yes Just To Keep The Peace?

If you are feeling exhausted, tired, irritable, crabby and short fused there’s a good chance you’ve been putting everyone else’s needs before yours. And.. you may have been wanting to say No to people or situations and end up saying yes in order to keep the peace.

The only problem with this scenario is it’s unsustainable and simply doesn’t work.

The Angel Tarot Card - 10 of Fire - speaks straight to the heart of this draining and exhausting cycle.

Meet the Card of Good Fortune and Recognition

I absolutely love this card - the Three of Earth!  Why?  Because this is the "master craftsman" of the deck.  This is the card most of us long for and hope for - the treasured moment of recognition for your unique skillset is here.  The outside world is ready to acknowledge and reward the high-quality work that is seamlessly manifesting into physical.

The Earth suit, or Pentacles, in a Tarot deck has a focus on our financial security.  Our desire to make money.  Our need to pay the bills.  How we are getting our material needs met.  And, the type of material needs we desire.