
Are you a professional at worrying? Try this remedy.

Many of us are Gold medalists at worrying. Even when, truth be told, we’d rather not be in the running at all. Like it or not, humans are downloaded for survival and to trouble-shoot situations that look and feel dangerous. Running away from trouble or assessing the possible outcomes of a fearful scenario is literally part of our wiring. It’s what helps us live another day. It’s part of why we’ve evolved through the ages.

With that being said, many of my students and coaching clients struggle to move past this ingrained cycle - often feeling like they’re doing something “wrong” by not thinking enough positive thoughts.

Rethinking Simple Acts of Kindness

Mahatma Gandhi is quoted as saying, "the simplest acts of kindness are by far more powerful than a thousand heads bowing in prayer." I don't know about you, but this made me pause and read it a second time. Personally, I like to keep things simple.  Like the motto of the Golden Rule states,  "Do unto others as you'd have done unto you."  

Positive Thinking Not Working? Try this sure-fire solution

Against our best efforts our minds can get carried away with worry, fears, anxiety, and worse-case scenarios. We hear about the powerful ways of calming the mind that have worked for others. Positive affirmations and thinking only positive thoughts top the list. However, when we feel afraid inside and utter the words it seems to feel shallow and soul-less. Truth be told, we feel anything but happy, calm and content.

Are we imposters? Aren’t we supposed to fake it until we make it?

Why Positive Affirmations and Positive Thinking Doesn't Always Work

Against our best efforts our minds can get carried away with worry, fears, anxiety, and worse-case scenarios. We hear about the powerful ways of calming the mind that have worked for others. Positive affirmations and thinking only positive thoughts top the list. However, when we feel afraid inside and utter the words it seems to feel shallow and soul-less. Truth be told, we feel anything but happy, calm and content.

Are we imposters? Aren’t we supposed to fake it until we make it?

Angel Card Message: Page of Summer (meeting someone trustworthy)

By nature the Page or Messenger energy tends to be more shy, introverted and reflective. And, going a bit deeper here, the energy in Court Cards often embodies how you are currently feeling or it reflects someone you know or will soon meet that personifies these traits.

So, on with the show. What does the Page symbolize?  And how does her image speak to the suit she embodies - in this case Summer/Cups?

Personally, I find that background information is helpful in viewing the card.  In doing readings the first thing my eyes are typically drawn to is the suit and then the corresponding number.  If it's above the number 10 then I see which Court Card made it's appearance.  

Then, I begin to look at the image or picture shown.  

Angel Card Message: 9 of Winter

Introducing the Nine of Winter.  In my experience as an Angel Card Reader this is perhaps the most feared and transformative card in the entire deck.  Why is it feared you might ask? Well, the Winter or Swords suit represents the mind, logic, reasoning, truth and legal matters.  The mind is also where anxiety, worry, and stress lives when we aren't careful of our thoughts.