
Angel Card Message: Two of Earth (guidance for feeling overwhelmed)

The fine line between being busy AND feeling downright overwhelmed is embodied beautifully by the Two of Earth in Angel Tarot. Earth represents our connection to more physical, material and educational pursuits.  

Whenever I see an Earth card show up in an Angel Intuitive Card Reading it shows me that the client has been thinking mostly about work, home, education or choices around abundance and prosperity.

Two's indicate a decision, a choice, a shift in perspective.  They also call for us to bring a more balanced perspective to a situation.  

From Darkness to Light: my brush with grace

In an act of full disclosure I will share with you that the years 2013 - 2015 were incredibly challenging for me. I was tested in ways I had never before been tested. I was pushed and forced to do what I did not think I was capable of doing.

At one point I remember feeling intensely sad and at an absolute loss. For all of my life up until this time I'd had the gift of resiliency. I'd get knocked down. Then, I would shake it off. Recalibrate. Re-center. I would gather myself up and keep moving.

Not this time. I distinctly recall mourning my former self. I was sad. Angry. Depressed. Regretful. Ruthless with myself and internally towards those I perceived had knowingly cut me to the bone. I felt like my soul had literally been sucked out of my body for good. What did I have to live for? The person I used to be vanished. Escaped.

I can't point to any one specific day that eventually led to my turn-around. Although, there were several events woven together that became my life line.

Angel wisdom for managing time

Question: What is the Number 1 excuse used by people when it comes to procrastinating?

Hint: Think about yourself and the excuses you tend to use... and what tops your list?

Answer: The top of the list of excuses by far is feeling there isn't enough "time"in the day to do what we really want to do.

Money comes in second place. That topic I will save for a different blog article. But, for today, I am keeping with the vein of time and how it works seamlessly with genius.

There is a fantastic book written by Susan Cheever called American Bloomsbury. In it she looks at some of the greatest literary giants in American history. Focusing primarily on the "genius cluster" in Corncord, Massachusetts in the 1850s.

Are you tired of avoiding conflict in order to keep the peace?

Are you tired of avoiding conflict in order to keep the peace? Like many people who are frustrated by feeling other people overly rely on them, you are probably secretly exhausted and tired of the job. In fact, if truth be known, you would love to take a break from all their drama, excuses, negativity and complaining.

What to do when those you love can’t support your dreams

You know the feeling where you’re so excited to share a new, inspired idea with a friend or family member? And in your giddiness you’re confident they’ll be supportive, joyous and elated. They'll be so excited, you tell yourself. Surely they'll see what I see, you optimistically think. They'll feel what I feel. They'll want to know more ~ just think of all the brainstorming we could do…

Right? Wrong!

Frustration means there is a better way

Have you ever noticed how some people "go" through life while others "grow" through life? The growth oriented folks have experienced the all-too-common feeling of being so incredibly close to giving up, yet despite the fact they have no idea what's ahead - they just keep moving on. They dig deep.

And on the other end of the pendulum, we find those that feel absolutely consumed by the pressure and ultimately completely backing off. Bowing out. Numbing out. If we’re honest with ourselves, we’ve been on and felt deeply both sides of this coin. And if you’re anything like me (and I’m betting you are) you’ve found yourself fascinated by the unique individuals that keep moving forward, despite the magnitude of what’s in front of them.

What is their secret? Read on to find the answer.

Thanking yourself is a true gift

You know that feeling of doing something nice for someone or being really helpful? Then, not getting thanked for it? Ouch.

If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone complain about not being thanked for a gift or service I would be very rich, indeed. Don't get me wrong, it is always wonderful to be acknowledge and appreciated for something we've done to help someone else out. However, there will be just as many times that it is overlooked or forgotten.

Trust me, I have been on both sides of this coin. And if we are all honest with ourselves I'm sure we can think back to times we still hold a grudge towards someone we think should have thanked us. Or, they did end up thanking us but it was such a pitiful attempt that it comes across as insulting.

Elevator to enlightenment out-of-order, you must take the stairs

Were you raised to see happiness and joy as something you must sacrifice and struggle to achieve? Yep. Me, too.

Until the day my worldview changed.

In October of 2015 I joined my Mom and husband, Eric, for a trip of a lifetime. Itinerary name: The Holy Lands and Beyond. Highlighted port stops included Israel, Turkey, Greece, and Italy. I’ve always been fascinated by different beliefs and customs that make up the heartbeat of a culture. Walking through ancient ruins and feeling their stories ~ an absolute dream come true.

Are you ready to let go of your past?

Have you ever wondered: What if. . . it’s my future self that is walking me towards it, not my past self pushing me? Most of us I imagine have been strongly influenced by the thinking of past events being what catapults us and motivates us forward. And to a point, I believe this is true.

However, I am also of the opinion that as we move through life there comes a time where we arrive at the realization that our past is literally complete. Not in a macabre, dark sense. What I mean is the knowledge, reasoning and intellectual pursuits that once gave us so much satisfaction are no longer enough for us. We have outgrown them.

When you hide parts of yourself, you lose yourself

We all have a side of us that is typically quite a bit different than the face, mask or persona we commonly project out to others. You know the filtered persona I'm talking about. This is the mask we work really hard to keep on so people only know the aspect of ourselves we want them to see. Flawless. Perfect. Organized. And quite honestly - exhausting!

Different names have been attributed to the various aspects of ourselves: think alter ego. The alter ego embraces the wilder, edgier, sassier side that always gets you what you want. And has a whole lot of fun doing it.

Motivation vs. there a difference?

A biographer of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart tells a story given to him directly from Mozart. A would-be student came to Mozart one day and said that he wanted help writing symphony's. To this Mozart asked if he'd written any yet. The would-be student said no. Mozart goes on to say that since the student was young yet it would be good to start with minuets. The student, pressing Mozart, says.. No. You don't understand. I want help with writing symphony's, not minuets. 

The Secret to becoming the happiest person you know

We live in a fast paced world. Everywhere you look there are cell phones, instant messages, direct messages, private messages, texts, video conferencing, video calls, email, etc… To say we are globally connected almost goes without saying. The question of whether we can handle and stay up with the pace has yet to be determined.

As much as I am lover of these easy and seamless way to connect, I have also found myself with the challenge of limiting the amount of time I stay connected. It really comes down to choices.

An inquiry I love working with is, does this choice serve my happiness or sabotage it?

Rethinking Simple Acts of Kindness

Mahatma Gandhi is quoted as saying, "the simplest acts of kindness are by far more powerful than a thousand heads bowing in prayer." I don't know about you, but this made me pause and read it a second time. Personally, I like to keep things simple.  Like the motto of the Golden Rule states,  "Do unto others as you'd have done unto you."  

Tired of Feeling Overwhelmed? Meet the Two of Earth

There’s a fine line between being busy or full AND being downright overwhelmed. This delicate dance of balance is embodied beautifully by the Two of Earth in Angel Tarot. The scales are temporarily weighted towards an imbalance between work, home, education or finances. Life has momentarily lost it’s joie de vivre, as the French like to say - our joy for life.

Wondering how to get the scales balanced? Stay with me.

Meet the Seven of Fire: Assertiveness and Extreme Self-Care

Are you frustrated by feeling other people are overly reliant on you? Are you secretly exhausted and tired of the job? You may even dream about taking a break from all the drama, excuses and complaining.

Yet… you were raised, praised and conditioned to be a people pleaser. You know the old mantra, it’s better to give than to receive.

Truth be told, you don’t mind some of the time. Just not all of the time. Why? Because it’s emotionally exhausting. Unsustainable.

Do You Have a Soft Spot for Anything Old School?

old school - anything that is from an earlier era and looked upon with high regard or respect.  Can be used to refer to music, clothing, language or anything really.  (Urban dictionary)

I love using the term old school.  For me it signifies values, memories or a love for things that resonate feelings of who I am on the inside that perhaps I find more challenging to invoke on a regular basis now.  Sometimes I use it when referring to technology.  

Remember the old Polaroid cameras that printed up a picture within minutes?  The Polaroid camera was such a trailblazer, right?  The photo would come out with the white paper frame where you could write information underneath it, capturing that moment in time.

Tired of Feeling Overwhelmed and Under-appreciated? Try this sage advice.

The fine line between being busy or full AND being downright overwhelmed is embodied beautifully by the Two of Earth in Angel Tarot. Earth represents our connection to more physical, material and educational pursuits.  

Whenever I see an Earth card show up in an Angel Intuitive Card Reading it shows me that the client has been thinking mostly about work, home, education or choices around abundance and prosperity.

Two's indicate a decision, a choice, a shift in perspective.  They also call for us to bring a more balanced perspective to a situation.  

How Good Are You With Slowing Down the Pace of Your Life?

I know this may seem simple, but I encourage you to really ask yourself this question truthfully.  Because most people I know pack their schedules full and then wonder when life is going to slow down.  And why life remains so hectic.  There seems to be a strong disconnect between habitually over-scheduling on one end of the spectrum. And the desire for destination addiction to rescue you from your very own predicament on the other side.

What I've found is that most of us feel like we need to prove our worth, prove our right to be here.  And because this low self-esteem mantra plays over and over in our heads like a broken record we begin to put our awareness elsewhere. 

Are You Ready to Spread Your Wings and Fly?

The caterpillar becomes a chrysalis.  A chrysalis becomes a butterfly.  A butterfly spreads its wings and flies.  It may only fly within a small area during its lifespan.  Or, like the amazing Monarch, it can literally soar thousands of miles one-way.  Then make the return flight to eventually land perfectly on the same branch of the same tree where it began its journey.  Pretty amazing, right?