Rarely does a day go by that I haven't had someone ask me about my transformation from classroom teacher and competitive horsewoman into an angel communicator and spiritual life coach. Believe me it was not an overnight one, to say the least. My shift and change in mindset has been a process. And in an act of full disclosure, I’ll admit it’s a process that I have enjoyed and not enjoyed at the same time.
Positive Thinking Not Working? Try this sure-fire solution
Against our best efforts our minds can get carried away with worry, fears, anxiety, and worse-case scenarios. We hear about the powerful ways of calming the mind that have worked for others. Positive affirmations and thinking only positive thoughts top the list. However, when we feel afraid inside and utter the words it seems to feel shallow and soul-less. Truth be told, we feel anything but happy, calm and content.
Are we imposters? Aren’t we supposed to fake it until we make it?
Why Positive Affirmations and Positive Thinking Doesn't Always Work
Against our best efforts our minds can get carried away with worry, fears, anxiety, and worse-case scenarios. We hear about the powerful ways of calming the mind that have worked for others. Positive affirmations and thinking only positive thoughts top the list. However, when we feel afraid inside and utter the words it seems to feel shallow and soul-less. Truth be told, we feel anything but happy, calm and content.
Are we imposters? Aren’t we supposed to fake it until we make it?