The Brilliance of the Tortoise and the Hare

This is hands-down one of my all time favorite stories.  As a child I enjoyed the simplicity of the message and the animals as the main characters.  I've always been a huge animal lover so anytime they take center stage in a story or movie, I am in my element!  As an adult, I see it from an entirely different perspective.  One that has a much deeper meaning.  The power of continuing  on - one step at a time.

I'm sure you can think back to a favorite childhood story that still holds a special place in your heart.  As an adult with loads of life experience, you see the multi-layered view of  it.  Beautifully enough written to capture the whimsical innocence of youth.  Yet, masterfully crafted and woven with a story-line that resonates with your grown-up side.

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I see this theme played out as well through many of the movies that are marketed for children.  The story is funny, follows a predictable theme, has a colorful cast of characters and very catchy songs.  Adults love it for a whole other set of reasons. Granted, there may be some overlap but mostly it's the one-liners or unexpected twist to the story that rings oh-so-true to a seasoned, wiser viewer.

Now, back to the Tortoise and the Hare.

I feel that this particular story is resonating very strongly with me lately because of my "jump" into an area I know very little about.  The words you are reading right now are part of this adventure.  

Just over a year ago I purchased a website with my full name and a name specific email address.  Started blogging regularly.  Created several enrichment offerings that have the common theme of inspiration, self-love and self-care.  I became more comfortable about putting the word out there that I work regularly with the Divine realm of Spirit Guides, Angels, Archangels and Elementals when I do Tarot Readings.  

It's me doing the reading and it's not me.  It's much, much bigger than me.

Then there's the other side of the pendulum.  Social Media and Marketing.  I know so little about this world that on more occasions than I care to admit I feel completely overwhelmed.  I see all these rabbits (i.e. hare's) running around, racing across the finish line, having all the answers, telling me how easy marketing and being successful is if I simply follow their "proven method."

And as tempting as it can be, there are many times that I've had to stop.  Center myself. Breathe.  Drop into my heart center and ask myself, does this work for me?  Does this resonate with who I am?  How does this message or program make me feel

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I can't help but think how the story of the Tortoise and the Hare is a perfect metaphor for my path right now.  It isn't the fast track.  It isn't the fanciest.  I don't have all the bells and whistles that some of the other "racers" have, but what I do have is perseverance. And I love what I do. It pulls me along.

I just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

There is an often quoted passage by the famous American Jungian psychologist Joseph Campbell that goes something like this.  "All we have to do is take one step forward. One step towards a future we do not know, but feels right on so many levels to our Soul. And, by taking this one step forward, there are one thousand unseen hands reaching towards us.  Reaching to help guide us along the path."

Just like the tortoise.  The "race" is the metaphor of entering up to the life you are meant to live.  Keep walking.  Keep going.  So many beings, seen and unseen, are cheering me on.  Cheering you on.  

And, as many of us know, at the end of the story the tortoise wins the race.  To me the race is the journey inwards to our true Self.

The tortoise was the long shot that no one expected to win.  I feel it was never about winning or not winning.  It was about having the courage to enter.  To wake up even when the odds were against him.  It's as if no one ever told him he couldn't do it.

I leave you with the following thought to ponder, my dear and wonderful friends.  

What if you were always told you were amazing and you could do whatever you set your heart and soul to do?  

What if no one ever told you that you had limits?  That the sky truly was the limit.  Keep reaching. Onwards and upwards. You'll always have the support you need.

Here's to you and taking it one step at a time!  And remember you are never truly alone.

I wish you a beautiful rest of your day.



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