How Good Are You With Slowing Down the Pace of Your Life?

I know this may seem simple, but I encourage you to really ask yourself this question truthfully.  Because most people I know pack their schedules full and then wonder when life is going to slow down.  And why life remains so hectic.  There seems to be a strong disconnect between habitually over-scheduling on one end of the spectrum. And the desire for destination addiction to rescue you from your very own predicament on the other side.

What I've found is that most of us feel like we need to prove our worth, prove our right to be here.  And because this low self-esteem mantra plays over and over in our heads like a broken record we begin to put our awareness elsewhere. 

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Most of us have one or several ways of escaping these uncomfortable feelings of low self-esteem and self-worth.  It could be an addiction to food, exercise, work, alcohol, drugs, shopping, surfing the internet, watching mind-numbing t.v. programs, hooked on news coverage, engaging in gossip or gambling.  

These are just a few that come to mind easily. The list is certainly not exhaustive and I'm sure you can easily connect the dots.

The point is that most people dream, talk and wish for a life that is "simple" or "less stressful."  And rightly so.  The frenetic pace of today's high paced world is enough to make most people's heads spin (at least mine anyway.)  

The irony is that we can slow it down as much as we truly desire.

 The only one who is making your own schedule packed back-to-back is you.  I am not saying this to shame anyone, simply pointing out the obvious.  I have found that sometimes what is most obvious is often clouded over by our being so close to our own lives.

The old saying I can't see the forest through the trees comes to mind.

I've mentioned in previous articles the importance of putting yourself first.  And not falling for the FOMO trap (fear of missing out.)  This leads to a never ending cycle of always feeling like you should have, could have or would have been better off if you chose something else.

Here's the truth, my friends.  Instead of thinking about what you "should" do, why not ask your body what it feels like doing?  

You read that right.  I'm talking about completely bypassing the logical, rational mind that thinks it has the answers to everything.  The big news here is that it doesn't have all the answers.  None of the deeper, self-introspective answers, anyway.

The wisdom of the body is often dismissed, yet I find it's an invaluable tool. It's been a huge shift for me in my own life.  As I have put self-care and high self-worth front and center for how I make decisions, the natural inclination to learn from my body has taken over.

I follow my gut instincts now more than ever.  And guess what?  When I do listen and follow what my inner guidance wants, my day goes a lot smoother.  I rarely over-schedule myself anymore.  On the rare occasion I do, it's more than likely due to a holiday or celebratory festivity that I feel called to attend.  

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It's an experiential learning, I think.  Once you feel what it's like to have your days filled with just enough, you effortlessly lose the habit of needing to over-schedule.  It begins to become your natural state.  Slowing down and being more balanced is what your body and soul crave and the mind's chatter dulls to a whisper.  

Sounds pretty nice, right?  

Warning: This is not an overnight fix.  However, for those who feel called to really deep-dive into self-care I strongly encourage you to give it the respect it deserves.  It is a committment, but well worth the effort. 

I make a point to meditate and calm my mind several mornings a week to center myself before I move forward during my day. I ask my spirit guides and angels to assist me in making choices that are for my highest good.  

I then ask them to clear my aura/energy field of any negativity I may have inadvertently picked up from others and my surroundings.  Continuing on, I ask to clear any of my own negative thoughts I may still be holding onto that could be clouding my aura.

After I have cleared my aura/energetic field I then ask for Divine protection throughout the day.

That's it.  Pretty simple and very important.  

The thing is if we do not make a conscious effort to clear, clean and protect ourselves our energetic field can pick up all sorts of toxicity.  This leaves us feeling tired, grouchy and prone to illness.   

We will just continue to pick up more and more of other people's stuff and junk hanging around in the surroundings we encounter.  To me, it's not worth it.  Especially when I know how to remedy it.

Just to be clear, this does not keep you from ever feeling grouchy, irritable or sick.

It does however keep you more aware of your own sacred space.  My days have a nice flow to them and it's much easier to keep my schedule manageable for my peace of mind. 

Slowing down and enjoying each and every day becomes a way of life.

Are you ready for a slow down?  Or, are you already there?  
Leave a comment below and share with us what you are doing to honor yourself this year, we'd love to hear.

Here's to living fully and flourishing!

With love and light,

“a trusted voice to your angels and guides”

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