How I Got Started With Tarot Card Readings

As most of you well know by now, I do A LOT of Tarot Card readings.  Now, if you asked me a year ago if I thought I would be doing them at the level I am now I would have told you, No Way!  Not because I haven't always held curiosity around Tarot cards.  The answer would have come from a major lack of self-confidence and the fear around being seen as too "woo-woo."

Rethinking Cleverness

I typically do not start my articles out with a quote; however, this post lends itself beautifully to it.  

"Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world.  Today I am wise so I am changing myself."  Rumi

The poets describe so effortlessly and beautifully the internal transformations one goes through in a lifetime.  The perfect words are chosen.  Not too many.  Just right.The ethers sing the perfect message and letters to the poet's inner ear.  Written out on paper seamlessly to describe an indescribable experience.

Beware of Freezing Yourself in the Past!

I know...I know... I know... You are probably thinking, I don't do this.  I live my life now. I have so much going on this week, how could the past possibly have anything to do with my life now?  I am over this or that childhood issue.  Every time a thought comes up around a person or situation from the past that I don't want to think about, I just redirect.  Focus on something else. Anything else.  See.. I have it all handled! I'm over it.

Hello? This is your intuition calling...(is anybody there?)

I write this tongue-in-cheek and with a healthy dose of reality. I'm sure many of you can relate to times that you are heightened to your inner feelings, gut- reactions and instincts.  These typically come in the form of knowing about a situation before it happens and/or knowing what your true creative talents are that need to be brought forth in the world.  You can feel this guidance, but perhaps you don't trust it?  Or, you can barely hear it anymore and wouldn't know what to do if you did listen.  So, you ignore the ringer and don't pick up. Sound familiar?

Beware Creative Snipers!

What is a creative sniper you ask?  These are well meaning people, often close family and friends, that literally and figuratively "shoot down" your creative ideas.  We don't  even know what hit us. You know the feeling.  You have a great inspiration for an upstart business, painting, novel, song, etc... and you can't wait to share this exciting idea with those who are close to you.  They'll be so excited. Surely they'll see what I see, you tell yourself. They'll feel what I feel. They'll want to know more about this and support me with it. Right?  Wrong!

5 Surprising Results From My Reader Survey

Well... the votes and tally's are in and I listened.  A big Thank You to all of you who responded back to let me know your thoughts.  And, if you were unable to get to my Survey, I am always open to feedback about what types of things bother you, what you'd like to see more of and what has been helpful.   If something arises and you want to share it with me please do so!  Your comments matter.

With all of this being said I would like to share the 5 Most Important Changes and Happenings that you will see.

Preparing for Lift Off!

One of the most common excuses or complaints I hear around the concept of following dreams is not having what it takes. Whatever "it" is? We all have dreams and visions of creating something tangible from our imaginations. Thinking about sharing this with others and enjoying the fruits of our labors is intoxicating. Exciting. We can easily envision ourselves living a full and thriving life. Laughing. Exploring. Spending time with friends and loved ones. Working passionately in our chosen vocation. And overall living life on our terms.

Put on your What's Going Right glasses...

Recently, I was listening to a wonderful podcast.  The host was mentioning that most of us have a habit of looking through lenses of What's going wrong instead of changing to the much more uplifting and empowering What's going right glasses. At first I didn't think too much about this, however, as the show went on and callers phoned in the discussions became very intriguing.  It became crystal clear this is a major issue most people struggle with in their lives.

Do You Play the Zero Sum Game?

What's the Zero Sum game, you ask? Well... it's one you probably know very well, but didn't know the name for it.  This is the thinking behind thoughts of, There's only so much money. If I have something I really want then someone else goes without.  If I feel bad enough it will change a situation. If I'm sick enough, it will help someone else feel better. If I please myself, I disappoint you

The Care and Feeding of Our Inner Wolves...

I am always a huge fan of great story's that teach through wonderful imagery and vivid words. At times, I will come across a story that I think many of you will enjoy. Other times, I recall a story I had heard from someone else that struck me at just the right time and had just the right message that I needed.  Today is one of those days. I love this story particular story, Two Wolves, and another version of it that comes from the  beautiful Cherokee lore and tradition.  Enjoy!

Beware Destination Addiction!

Ahhhh... destinations!  So enticing. So addicting.  The more exotic the better, too. What could be more thrilling than an exciting getaway for a couple of weeks? New locale. New foods. New sights. New sounds. Excursion possibilities galore. Not having to worry about who is fixing meals--it's already prepared for you! The mental check-list starts tick, tick, ticking away. Camera. Phone. Charger. Clothes. Accessories. Money. Passport. Airline Tickets. Car rental or maintenance on current vehicle if it's a driving journey. Hats. Toiletries. Backpack. Reading material. Several styles of shoes (because you never know.) Swimsuit. Jacket. Gloves. Scarf... Depending on the destination our minds are feverishly imagining ourselves already there and going about our day.

If Not You, Then Who?

Are you familiar with this question and its equally important follow up question?  If not you, then who? If not now, then when?  It seems that when I've heard these two profoundly insightful questions it was at a time when I had been pondering my dreamed of future.  However, my ego or small self did not believe it could be me that lives dreams realized and certainly not now.  Can you relate to this type of thinking?

Saying No To Madagascar....

I heard this phrase recently and I didn't understand the context until I heard the entire backstory. A few years ago Dr. Robert Holden was leading a weekend retreat for the executive Hay House team. He explained the importance of dealing with schedules and commitments. And, that Sometimes You Have to Say No to Madagascar.  Meaning: there will be times in our lives when we have to say no to the one thing we have longed for. Not because we don't want it, but because saying Yes to it would dilute everything else in our life.

What are your imaginary dragons?

Once upon a time, there lived a man who looked up in the sky and saw ferocious, scary dragons everywhere.  Because he was so frightened of them he built a castle and fortress to protect himself.  He also hired knights at the ready in the event of a full on attack. His days and nights were spent constantly worrying about these dragons. The more he thought about them the more he believed in the inevitible destruction of their fire-breathing ways. Every day was driven by the desire to escape their wrath. It completely consumed his every thought.

Who Am I (to be great? shine?)

Most of us, when asked, what we really want to do have a list of reasons we can't do it. Resistance is strong. Powerful. "Safe" jobs or careers overwhelmingly take precedence over creative, inspiring vocations that come from our heart. In our culture, there is a strong belief that a career in the creative arts should be relegated to a hobby--at best. Careers that focus on benefits, money and security are pushed hard by parents and schools. I find this interesting because undoubtedly you could find many, many examples of people doing exactly what you really want to do.  And, making a great living at it as well. So, the big question is: why do we pass it off as good luck, timing or divine lining up of the stars for others? Why do we not factor ourselves into the equation?

Pondering The Friendly Universe Question...

Albert Einstein is known the world over for ground breaking theory's and ideas.  He literally revolutionized how scientist's today view space and time. I think it's fairly safe to say that almost everyone has heard of his famous formula E=mc2. I have always been intrigued by progressive thinkers. Most of them are dubbed "ahead of their time." Interestingly enough, I have also heard it said that these great thinkers and change agents are not ahead of their time. They are "of their time"--it's the rest of the population that is behind the times.

Motivation vs. there a difference?

A biographer of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart retells a story given to him directly from Mozart. A would-be student came to Mozart one day and said that he wanted help writing symphony's. To this Mozart asked if he'd written any yet. This would-be student said no. Mozart goes on to say that since the student was young yet it would be good to start with minuets. The student, pressing Mozart, says.. No. You don't understand. I want help with writing symphony's, not minuets.