Why You Shouldn't Count on the Lottery to Live the Life of Your Dreams

Have you ever noticed how most people you meet want to win the Lottery? They dream of the Big Win.  All troubles will be over, right?  Well...let's take an honest look at this concept of easy money and the accompanying trouble-free, fabulous lifestyle.  My own personal belief is it's not the actual money people want (yet, that is definitely a perk) it's the lifestyle the lottery winnings would bring.  

Think about it. Let's say you won the $100 million Lotto.  What now?

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I'm sure you would take that dream vacation (possibly with friends and family included.)  Buy that luxury vehicle.  Purchase the dream property.  Maybe even buy second or third get-away style homes that you've always longed to have.  Donate or set up a worthwhile charity.  Spend time doing what you really want to do.

Most likely your grocery shopping and cooking days are over (thanks to your personal shopper and chef.) Cleaning?  Thing of the past now that you have an amazingly efficient house cleaner.

Your lifestyle is so freed up that you can really dive in and do what you want to do. The main thing is you can be happy.  Finally.  After all this time.  You have the money and that automatically equals happiness.  Right?

Well... maybe.  Let's be really honest, though.  Deep down you know that isn't true.

Think about the happiest people you know.  Do they have a lot of money?  Maybe. Maybe not.  Are they kind?  Yes.  Are they trustworthy?  More than likely.  Are they doing work they feel called to do?  Most definitely.  And best of all - they love life and have consciously cultivated a happiness attitude.  

They didn't wait for the world to get its act together.  Or for Santa to stuff a bunch of money and presents down the chimney.  They didn't wait for a Magical lamp to wish away all their problems.  

They happen to life, life doesn't happen to them.

Said another way, the outer world does not determine their inner world.  It's the opposite way around.  Their inner world is the one that determines the outer world.  

This is a huge distinction. One that should not be overlooked.

What are ways right now, right here-- that you can cultivate a Life of Your Dreams mindset?  Because. Let's be honest, it really isn't about the money.  You always have the choice to be happy now, follow your joy and be your own cheerleader.

If we keep thinking that cashing in our stocks, winning the Lotto or inheriting a bunch of money is the answer to our prayers, we'll be incredibly disappointed.

Where ever we go, there we are.  We always take ourselves with us.

It's one of the most interesting metaphysical paradoxes. The more you see yourself as already deserving, already worthy and already enough--you loosen the grip on striving, pushing and searching for the next best thing.

Because the truth is you were born worthy.  You are already enough.  You are deserving of everything you want and more.

It's the thinking that you aren't any of these qualities that keeps the false prison walls in place.  The constant thinking that you need to find the "secret key" to unlock the cell doors.  When, in reality, the doors were never locked to begin with.  

You are the key.

I've heard it said that it's our fear of success, not the fear of failure that truly holds us back. Who am I to shine?  Who am I to be great?  

As counterintuitive as this sounds, these beliefs hold a lot of truth.  We have been habituated to stifle our dreams and hold ourselves back way more than learning to have our own backs and Go For It!

A way to turn those old beliefs are on their head is to shift your mindset.  From doubt into willingness.  The willingness to embrace newer, more empowering beliefs.  Who am I not to shine?  Who am I not to be great?

Or, more accurately--

  • Who am I serving by believing I am unworthy of shining my light?
  • What old belief system tells me I'm not good enough to be successful?
  • Where did I hear these types of limiting thoughts?  
  • Hmmmm.  Maybe these aren't mine?  In fact, I know they're not mine.

When you imagine yourself as already living life on your terms, this in turn triggers the innate greatness that has been dormant for years.  Perhaps decades.

And what is more rewarding than knowing you've accomplished greatness on your own?  It was you who realized you are your own Lottery ticket.  You are your own Magic lamp.  You are the best thing that ever happened to you.

You did it.  You now call your own shots.

Become the person you've always wanted to be.  Dream big.  Now Bigger.  And bigger still.

Your inner world is waiting.  Are you ready?

Cheering for you,


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