inspirational thinking

Miracles: When Angels Rush In

People pray for them. Others hope for them. Sometimes we even find ourselves saying it when there’s an event that logic, reasoning and rationale simply can’t explain.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve found myself on more than one occasion saying, “I need a miracle” or “It would take a miracle” or “That was an absolute miracle!”

As humans we are naturally curious and frequently seek out answers, solutions and guidance. Sometimes we find it through other people, but more often than not we find it through…

What to do when those you love can’t support your dreams

You know the feeling where you’re so excited to share a new, inspired idea with a friend or family member? And in your giddiness you’re confident they’ll be supportive, joyous and elated. They'll be so excited, you tell yourself. Surely they'll see what I see, you optimistically think. They'll feel what I feel. They'll want to know more ~ just think of all the brainstorming we could do…

Right? Wrong!

Books I love that Inspire Me

Often I am asked by friends, clients and students about books or teachings that have inspired me.  That is an excellent question.  I've heard it said that you can tell a lot about a person by what books they have read AND the books that stay on the shelf evading the donation run.

I am part of a book club in my hometown that I absolutely love.  I joke with Eric that it's a good thing I am part of one because it encourages me to read books outside of my preferred genre of angels, yoga, self-help, motivation and inspiration.  I also typically have anywhere from three to five books I am reading through at any given time.  To say I love the written word is a definite understatement!

A Remedy for Unrealized Dreams and Disappointments

One of the most common excuses or complaints I hear around the concept of following dreams is not having what it takes.  Whatever "it" is?  The truth is, we all have dreams and visions of creating something tangible from our imaginations.  And thinking about sharing this with others and enjoying the fruits of our labors can be intoxicating.  Exciting. Yummy!

If we really allow ourselves to dream big, we can easily envision ourselves living a full and thriving life. Laughing. Exploring. Spending time with friends and loved ones. Working passionately in our chosen vocation.  And having the overall sense of living life on our own terms.

But…eventually we come back to our so called "senses" and sufficiently scare ourselves right back into staying small.  The excitement was palpable. The smiles and laughter felt real. Our life was so different. But. But, the doubts begin to settle in.

Why You Shouldn't Count on the Lottery to Live the Life of Your Dreams

Have you ever noticed how most people you meet want to win the Lottery? They dream of the Big Win.  All troubles will be over, right?  Well...let's take an honest look at this concept of easy money and the accompanying trouble-free, fabulous lifestyle.  My own personal belief is it's not the actual money people want (yet, that is definitely a perk) it's the lifestyle the lottery winnings would bring.  

Are You A Stuck Creative?

What is a stuck creative, you ask?  In a nutshell--a stuck creative is someone who either consciously or unconsciously has enormous creative and artistic abilities and potential. However, through upbringing or socialized patterning was told repeatedly that it was not acceptable to have these gifts or talents be anything legitimate.

How I Got Started With Tarot Card Readings

As most of you well know by now, I do A LOT of Tarot Card readings.  Now, if you asked me a year ago if I thought I would be doing them at the level I am now I would have told you, No Way!  Not because I haven't always held curiosity around Tarot cards.  The answer would have come from a major lack of self-confidence and the fear around being seen as too "woo-woo."

Beware Creative Snipers!

What is a creative sniper you ask?  These are well meaning people, often close family and friends, that literally and figuratively "shoot down" your creative ideas.  We don't  even know what hit us. You know the feeling.  You have a great inspiration for an upstart business, painting, novel, song, etc... and you can't wait to share this exciting idea with those who are close to you.  They'll be so excited. Surely they'll see what I see, you tell yourself. They'll feel what I feel. They'll want to know more about this and support me with it. Right?  Wrong!