Were You Raised to Think You Must Struggle in Order to Deserve Happiness?

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Most people today worry about their finances, their purpose, their peace of mind, their jobs, finding meaning in retirement or cultivating a healthier lifestyle overall. Ironically, there is still a strong connection to suffering that precedes any type of happiness.

The mindset has been hard-wired into most of us that suffering, complaining, struggling and the like must be in equal proportion or higher than our connection to joy, laughter and good times.

We must work hard and struggle in order to “deserve” a better lot in life. Sound familiar?

Just to be clear, this is not to shame or blame anyone. We are simply a by-product of our ancestors way of life. Which was much more reliant on the amount of work put in during the day to meet the base needs of survival, safety and security.

It’s really only in recent, more modern times that many people are starting to question this out-dated formula of suffering/working hard so I can maybe - possibly- be happier at a later date in time.

Many of us long to be happy now. To enjoy life today. However, our ancestral thinking usually runs the show. So it can feel like a constant battle between our minds and our heart with the mind usually winning out.

What if… you could reverse engineer this thinking? What if you could literally turn your thinking inside out?

What if you found out your luck had changed? That from now on your life would be much softer and less harsh? That you had full permission from your guides and angels to smile more and find reasons to see what is going right in your life, instead of what’s going wrong?

To help illustrate this important shift I’ll introduce you to one of my all time favorite cards in my Angel deck. The Wheel. Imagine yourself receiving this card message from your future self that wants you to be as happy as possible. It’s the gift you’ve longed for that is finally here.

The Wheel - Card 10 from the Major Arcana family.  

The Wheel of Fortune.  Good news is on the way.  Events and circumstances going your way.  A picking up of the pace after a time of stillness. Positive changes.  A relationship or situation suddenly moving forward.  The gift of inspiration about the future.  Unexpected events are revealed for you to see the beauty in a new direction.

As you can see from this short, yet powerful passage there is a huge abundance of forward movement with this card.  I have yet to do a reading for someone where this card is not welcome sight.

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The Wheel is truly a gift from your future self.  It represents movement forward after a long time of pause.  

The pause (Card 9 - the Hermit) was a soul-searching, deeply profound reminder to go within.  It literally stopped you in your tracks and invited you to stop looking outside of yourself for the answers.

Your time with the Hermit allowed you to shift perspective. The time spent in contemplation encouraged you to realign your priorities.  

It's not that the way of life you were living previously was wrong, per se.  It was simply not congruent, or in alignment with, where you are meant to go.

When we are getting off course in our lives, Life has a gentle and powerful way of helping us course correct.  Often times we'll feel as though nothing is happening.  No matter how hard we try to get an idea or venture off the ground it just won't go.

This can be for several reasons.  1. There could be more information needed before proceeding.  2. It might be that you are trying too hard to follow someone else's star, not your own.  3.  It could be that the idea just isn't ready yet.  Soon.  Just not yet.

The reason I bring in this information is to set the stage for the power of The Wheel from the Major Arcana family.  The Major Arcana cards (of which there are 22 out of 78 cards in an Angel Tarot deck) represent important messages from your future self.  

More than likely you’ve been receiving guidance in a more subtle way, but have not been listening or trusting it.  So, when a Major Arcana card shows up in your reading you know that you need to pay attention.

It literally symbolizes your luck changing for the better.  Ideas you were doubting now have the full-on green light.  

Movement is picking up speed so ideas for further study or research should be done without delay.  People you are meant to collaborate with or who will be helpful to you are lined up and easy to find.

Because this card has so much momentum to it there is a reminder to see sudden changes as happening for your highest good.  Albeit, they might be quite unexpected - rest assured that you are more than capable of handling the change of pace.  

In fact, deep down you know you have been wanting more out of life so here it is!

The other messages that come along with The Wheel are the connections to travel and home.  If you are traveling or wanting to travel soon, this is a very opportune time.

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If you are moving or thinking of moving to a new home then know this is a happy change.  It could be down the street, to another state or to a different country.

The Wheel reminds you to embrace the adventure, embrace the change.  You are far more prepared than you think, my friend.  An abundance of opportunities await you in the new location. 

Know that you are completely supported.  Good fortune is here! 

What synchronistic signs have you been noticing recently that might indicate your luck is changing for the better?


Here's to living fully and flourishing!

With love and light,

“a trusted voice to your angels and guides”

I help connect you with your angels loving messages and receive angelic guidance to help you heal your life. Click here to schedule a Private Angel Card Reading.

p.p.s. To watch this weeks Angel Messages via my YouTube channel, click here.

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