Do You Struggle with Peace of Mind?

People today struggle to feel a clear connection to their peace of mind. They read about it. Watch videos about it. Attend workshops, seminars and conferences to learn in-depth about the ancient art of quieting the mind. In hopes to find the stillness within that will ultimately bring contentment, inner peace and clarity.

Sounds wonderful, right? Right. Realistic? Maybe.

You are not alone if you’ve gone down this rabbit hole and still haven’t found what you’re looking for. That’s why I love working with the Angel Cards when I do a reading for someone.

They illustrate beautifully the area of life to focus on and how to shift perspectives to make your desired changes.

This article is designed to help you if you can identify with monkey-mind (sometimes called “puppy dog” mind) and long for clarity, heightened insight and inspired, focused living.

I am honored to introduce the Angel Card - Seven of Water.

Sevens in an Angel Card reading represent soul-searching.  The intuitive guidance to turn-in for clarity instead of the habitual, knee-jerk reaction to life of asking everyone else what to do.  

The Water suit symbolizes our connection to inner guidance, intuition, feelings, emotions and heightened psychic abilities.

Put these two powerful energy's together and it yields an interesting, yet oftentimes confusing, combination.  The soul searching of the Seven means you are currently in the seeker's mode, not through it.  You would like to be, but you're not there yet.

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There is more to learn at this moment in Earth school.  When this card shows up in a reading I'm doing for myself or someone else I know right away that a decision needs to be made.  The energy of procrastination has been dominate.  

Confusion around choosing what to do has literally stopped you in your tracks. 

The irony is that deep down inside you really do know what you want.  What's stopping you is your own fears and worries.  These fears and anxieties are often catalyzed by the imagination running wild.  

We may have set ourselves up with unrealistic expectations around where we think we should be in our life at this time.  Or, we are wanting a different outcome than the one we are currently experiencing. 

The thing about unrealistic expectations is it keeps us in the loop of feeling like we have failed at life, at work, at relationship, at whatever. 

The powerful message that the Seven of Water brings with it is to stop the monkey mind.  Breathe.  Get quiet by being by yourself and in quiet for as long as you need.

When you really reconnect to your center and get clear on what makes you happy and joyful, the answers become clear.  And, I'll give you a fantastic tip from the Angels. 

The advice and counsel you receive will always be loving, kind and simple to follow.  Honestly.  The guidance often speaks simply enough for a five-year-old to understand.

Make a decision.  Then get busy!  Action alleviates overwhelm. 

This is the card of movement forward after a prolonged standstill.  When you are clear on what you want - take an action step.   Do not look back.  

Keep your eye on the horizon.  Keep your eye on the prize.  And by prize I mean admitting to yourself what you most want.  That is the key that unlocks the door of confusion. 

Because confusion most often stems from fearing what others will think or say to your decisions.

The Seven of Water recognizes that you are being faced with a complex decision.  This is causing you to have difficulty in choosing between options available.  Perhaps you need to do more research before proceeding. 

Or, you might be encouraged to seek counsel from a mentor.

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When seeking counsel - choose wisely.  Be absolutely sure that this person has your best interests at heart.  A misguided comment could add fuel to the fire of anxiety.  With this in mind, be sure to seek out someone you absolutely trust with this situation or decision.

Another message that comes along with the Seven of Water is to be aware of the tendency to indulge in excesses. 

Indulgence throws the inner guidance system completely out of balance.  Adds static to the delicate, highly tuned frequency's.  So keep in mind, there may be a need for detoxification.

Detoxification comes in many forms.  It could be a drama-detox.  Unhealthy food-detox.  Alcohol detox.  Judgement and resentment detox.  News and gossip detox.  The need to always be right detox, etc.. etc..

What decision have you been putting off?  If you completely trusted your intuition and followed that guidance what would you do differently - today?

.I wish you a beautiful rest of your day, my friend.



p.s. Your angels are talking and they have messages. I help you communicate with your angels, receive angelic guidance and heal every area of your life.
Click here to schedule a Private Angel Card Reading.

p.p.s. To watch this weeks Angel Messages Video FREE on my YouTube channel, click here.