
How to end the cycle of regret and missed opportunities

Most of us are experts in beating ourselves up and holding a sword over our own heads. We go over and over how we could have, should have or would have done something differently.

The truth is…we can’t ever control how another person is going to react to us. I know we’d like to think we can, but it simply doesn’t work.

In Angel Tarot the Five of Water represents our relationship to this habitual thinking. The angels remind us that we can only take ownership in “how” we work through a challenge. We cannot ever be the deciding factor in the ultimate outcome. That just leads to suffering and control issues.

Are You Stuck in a Cycle of Regret and Beating Yourself Up? Try this Angelic Advice.

Most of us are experts in beating ourselves up and holding a sword over our own heads. We go over and over how we could have, should have or would have done something differently.

The truth is…we can’t ever control how another person is going to react to us. I know we’d like to think we can, but it simply doesn’t work.

In Angel Tarot the Five of Water represents our relationship to this habitual thinking. The angels remind us that we can only take ownership in “how” we work through a challenge. We cannot ever be the deciding factor in the ultimate outcome. That just leads to suffering and control issues.

Angel Card Message: 5 of Summer

Whenever I see a Five of any suit in an Angel Card Tarot Reading I know right away there is a major challenge afoot.  Not that it can't be overcome- it simply needs to be handled with care.  How we work through the challenge is the important part. The suit of Summer or Cups is indicative of leading with our heart, intuition and emotions. This can be helpful or it can be a hindrance, depending on the situation.