A rising tide lifts all ships ~ a time for giving thanks

Who inspires you?  Or, perhaps it's more accurate to recollect the many voices, faces, words, memories and lyrics that together have been able to lift you up to a fuller, more expanded version of who you are now.

It could be challenging to narrow it down to one singular person that is the sole inspiration for everything in our lives.  In my own experience I feel this is definitely the case.  I believe it takes several key individuals to help us rise to a greater potential.  As they say, No Man is an Island

Connect with the angels of serendipity to courageously follow your own star

We've all seen it. We've all done it (or have been tempted to do it.) Someone inspires us. We might know them, meet them, hear about them, watch a live lecture or TV special about them. Regardless of how we come to know about this person they awaken something within us that wants to live the lifestyle they live.

Perhaps they have similar beliefs or talents to our own. They might even awaken creative juices inside that haven't been alive in years. We think....Wow! Look how successful they are. If I applied myself a bit more here and tweaked a few things over there I could do what they are doing.

Sounds easy, right? Well, not so fast. Let’s follow this all-too-common train of thought a bit further.

Creative dreams awaken when your inner critic is asleep

You know that restless feeling of tossing and turning at night? Then feeling anxious because you’re not getting a full nights sleep? The mind racing back and forth in all its glory, regardless of how my times you try to count backwards or count sheep to slow it down.

Believe me, you’re not alone. What if… it was really your inner self, your wise self, your creative self trying to get your attention?

7 Fears that keep you stuck and the archangels to support you

Did you know the angels are superb beings in helping overcome fear, worry and anxiety of the unknown? They know we can feel incredibly anxious in our perpetual need for certainty and how things are going to work out.

The incessant desire to know our future and fear around making the “wrong” decision literally paralyzes people and freezes them in their tracks.

The truth is most of the logic used to rationalize staying small or staying stuck is rooted in the past. We are literally allowing past memories to replay over and over again in our heads until they are cemented in like grooves.

Make yourself your most important investment

Do you struggle with seeing yourself as a worthy investment? Be honest. Because if you’re anything like most people, you’ve been told it’s better to give than to receive. Support others and put yourself second, help someone else shine and dim yours down because you don’t want to be seen as a “show-off” or a threat.

Pretty strong beliefs.

And powerful enough to stop most of us from feeling the freedom to truly invest in ourselves and see ourselves as worthy of our own time, love, education and support. You might be wondering what truly stops us from going all in, going for broke and shining our light. Follow along with me as I shed some light on this all-too-common dilemma.

You can’t think your way through a heart-based decision

Have often have you found yourself in the cycle of trying to “figure out” a solution to a problem and come up exhausted and disheartened? To the point that you’ve analyzed it from every possible angle multiple times and without a solution you are happy with. This is called over-analyzing, which often leads to over-catastrophizing, over-awfulizing and ultimately scares us so much that we freeze in our tracks. Frightened to make a decision either way, lest in be the wrong one.

The truth is procrastination and excuses can suck the life force right out of us. Am I right? So many ideas, dreams, endeavors and projects can stay stuck in our heads - never to see the light of day.

The Art of Bringing Your Dreams to Life

Did you know we are wired for expansion, growth and transformation? Even the Buddhist teachings share the wisdom of our innate human need for balance in our lives. It’s important to be grounded in gratitude AND keep reaching and expressing ourselves creatively.

The rub comes in when we get frustrated by feeling our “dream” life is too hard or difficult to reach. Our mind starts displaying a running screen of pitfalls, challenges, road blocks and obstacles to our path that we ultimately believe we can’t overcome.

But, is this really true? Stay with me for a few minutes as we look more closely at this all-t00-common dilemma and how you can overcome it.

Angel Card Message: Gifts of the King of Winter (Professional, Motivational, Legal Matters)

By now many of you know that I love working with Angel Cards. They have an incredibly precise way of sharing sacred messages with the soul. Angel Cards are exquisite at articulating the language of the Divine, clearly giving us a way to see into a situation. They also share wisdom in how to see a situation differently, and often times highlight energies that would best serve us on a specific day.

Today, I’ll share with you an incredible card that is sure to help you when you need an unemotional, discerning and wise perspective. Introducing, The King of Winter. In other Tarot decks you might see it as the King of Air or Swords.

Note to Self: Remember to slow down

Most people today are busier than ever. Demands on time, energy, money and emotional support are at an all-time high. Many days go by are that a complete blur. Weeks feel like a few days and months are gone in a blink of an eye. That’s why it’s so common to hear people say they can’t believe they are another older already. Or, what happened to winter or what happened to spring?

Does this sound like your story?

Are you tired of avoiding conflict in order to keep the peace?

Are you tired of avoiding conflict in order to keep the peace? Like many people who are frustrated by feeling other people overly rely on them, you are probably secretly exhausted and tired of the job. In fact, if truth be known, you would love to take a break from all their drama, excuses, negativity and complaining.

What to do when those you love can’t support your dreams

You know the feeling where you’re so excited to share a new, inspired idea with a friend or family member? And in your giddiness you’re confident they’ll be supportive, joyous and elated. They'll be so excited, you tell yourself. Surely they'll see what I see, you optimistically think. They'll feel what I feel. They'll want to know more ~ just think of all the brainstorming we could do…

Right? Wrong!

Live your life as if you found Aladdin's magic lamp

Have you ever dreamed about having a day where everything literally goes your way? You found the lamp, drank the magic potion, won the golden ticket and… voila! Life is for you. Ideas easily pop in your mind. You follow hunches without hesitation. Your creativity is in overdrive and people shower you with praises!

Sound too good to be true? Think again.

There’s a card in the Tarot deck that, believe it or not, embodies the awareness of your potential. The card of being completely and totally absorbed in a creative endeavor that it literally takes on a life of its own and “flows” through you. The card that says YES to you embracing the expert, the master, the wise one. The card of Ka-ching! Without further ado, (drumroll please…)

Frustration means there is a better way

Have you ever noticed how some people "go" through life while others "grow" through life? The growth oriented folks have experienced the all-too-common feeling of being so incredibly close to giving up, yet despite the fact they have no idea what's ahead - they just keep moving on. They dig deep.

And on the other end of the pendulum, we find those that feel absolutely consumed by the pressure and ultimately completely backing off. Bowing out. Numbing out. If we’re honest with ourselves, we’ve been on and felt deeply both sides of this coin. And if you’re anything like me (and I’m betting you are) you’ve found yourself fascinated by the unique individuals that keep moving forward, despite the magnitude of what’s in front of them.

What is their secret? Read on to find the answer.

There is a fine line between helping and enabling

You know that friend or family member that seems to always be in some type of crisis? And just when you think your most recent “pep-talk” or “marathon phone conversation” actually worked you find out that, despite your best efforts, their life is once again falling apart.

They’ve crashed. Hard.

You may even begin to question what’s going on? Why doesn’t this work? I thought we really got somewhere. The truth is most of us are walking a blurred line of support and enabling. You may feel they are similar, one in the same. Yet, I assure you there is a huge difference.

Let's take a look at this interesting inquiry a bit further, shall we?

Thanking yourself is a true gift

You know that feeling of doing something nice for someone or being really helpful? Then, not getting thanked for it? Ouch.

If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone complain about not being thanked for a gift or service I would be very rich, indeed. Don't get me wrong, it is always wonderful to be acknowledge and appreciated for something we've done to help someone else out. However, there will be just as many times that it is overlooked or forgotten.

Trust me, I have been on both sides of this coin. And if we are all honest with ourselves I'm sure we can think back to times we still hold a grudge towards someone we think should have thanked us. Or, they did end up thanking us but it was such a pitiful attempt that it comes across as insulting.

You can have the balance and peace of mind you want

Without a doubt, the world is running at a faster pace than ever. We live in times where you can download, upload and “buy now” with little to no time delay. With all this instant gratification we are theoretically “freed up” to work on other, more important things that we desire.

But the big question is, are we able to easily unweave and untangle from this adrenaline rush and ease into balance and well-being?

Whether we like it or not, as a society we tend to pride ourselves on how many balls in the air we are able to juggle. In fact, we tend to wear it as a badge of honor. “Look how many tasks I can cram into an already full list?”

The most important question you will ever ask yourself

Do you know the most important question you will ever ask yourself?

Masters, sages, scientists, philosophers, spiritual teachers and many other wise and wonderful people have challenged themselves to think about this very question.

And have you noticed that people today feel frustrated and discouraged more than ever? Often times their good intentions, dreams, hopes and desires run into brick walls or completely fall flat.

They might have even tried several times to restart or recalibrate an incredible idea, only to have it never lift off the ground. Is it any wonder that many of us feel that the Universe or Life is conspiring against us?

Why can’t my ideas gain the momentum I so easily see in my mind’s eye? we ask ourselves.

The truth is, when we envision ourselves living the life of our dreams it seems so easy, but the harsh reality of the physical realm can be a tough pill to swallow.

I invite you to delve into this all too common dilemma with me as we turn our attention to one of the greatest inventors, thinkers and visionary’s of our time - Albert Einstein.

Plus… the all important question.

Elevator to enlightenment out-of-order, you must take the stairs

Were you raised to see happiness and joy as something you must sacrifice and struggle to achieve? Yep. Me, too.

Until the day my worldview changed.

In October of 2015 I joined my Mom and husband, Eric, for a trip of a lifetime. Itinerary name: The Holy Lands and Beyond. Highlighted port stops included Israel, Turkey, Greece, and Italy. I’ve always been fascinated by different beliefs and customs that make up the heartbeat of a culture. Walking through ancient ruins and feeling their stories ~ an absolute dream come true.

Are you tired of looking for happiness in all the wrong places?

Do you struggle to be happy? I mean really, truly happy in an authentic way.

Take a moment to sit with this inquiry and allow your Wise Self to answer honestly.

The truth is most people want to be happier, live more joyfully and feel on Purpose. Don’t believe me? Just look at the popularity of the “buy-it-now” and “on-demand” features that are everywhere. Or, the amount of vacations, technology, homes and automobiles purchased in the hopes that it will help achieve the happiness level people feel they deserve.

What I find fascinating about the “search for happiness” is that just underneath that inquiry is the deeper, more introspective driving factor. The search for meaning. The search for purpose. The hunger for sacred connection and feeling of “my life matters.”