7 Fears that keep you stuck and the archangels to support you

Did you know the angels are superb beings in helping overcome fear, worry and anxiety of the unknown? They know we can feel incredibly anxious in our perpetual need for certainty and how things are going to work out.

The incessant desire to know our future and fear around making the “wrong” decision literally paralyzes people and freezes them in their tracks.

The truth is most of the logic used to rationalize staying small or staying stuck is rooted in the past. We are literally allowing past memories to replay over and over again in our heads until they are cemented in like grooves.

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This can be incredibly frustrating and debilitating. We can be left with the feeling of being helpless to our own thoughts. We become angry at ourselves for knowing that we should know better.

It’s this constant loop or pattern that, left to its own devices, can keep us entrenched. Afraid of our own thoughts. Afraid of the perceived judgments and criticisms of others.

How do we move past this loop? Is there a way out?

Yes! There is. I always like to remind people that we cannot solve a dilemma or overcome a fear at the level at which it was created.

What do I mean by that?

Let me say it another way. When you have exhausted your efforts in trying to solve a problem or find resolution to a long-standing conflict and you just aren’t getting anywhere, it’s time to go up a level.

Work with the band of celestial beings that are dedicated to bringing you peace ~ the realm of Angels, Archangels, Guardian Angels and Guides. Nothing is too great or small for these hard-working and loving beings.

They love to assist you and because they are not confined by space or time, they can help multitudes of people at the same time.

Remember, we are not meant to travel this human experience alone. We are always guided and supported by the Angels.

In this article I will share 7 of the most common fears that keep you stuck and the Archangels to work with that will be your trusted guides and helpers to alchemize the situation.

The Archangels have the gift of moving fear energy to fearless. Disempowered energy to powerful energy. Confusion to clarity. Poor health to thriving health. Lack and poverty mindset to abundance and prosperity thinking. Habitual pessimistic and toxic thinking to positive, self-honoring and uplifting thoughts. And even more.

Ready? I thought you’d never ask.

First things first. What does the word Archangel mean? What are they here for?

The word Archangel is comprised of two words with Greek roots.
Archi meaning first, principal, or chief. Angelos meaning messenger of God.

Archangels, along with the Angels and Guardian Angels, oversee the human realm. They are much, much older than humankind and are the helpers and messengers of the Divine. The Archangels want nothing more than for us to live happy, peaceful and joyful lives.

Because they cannot interfere with our lives without our permission, we simply need to ask them to help us or call out for their guidance. They can then work their magic to connect with us through loving, kind and intuitive guidance.

Whatever messages we hear, sense or feel need to be acted on. The Angels will definitely meet us half-way and encourage us to follow our instincts. Trust this guidance. It will be simple, easy to understand and loving. Always.

The 7 Most Common Fears and the Archangels to Support You


  • not having enough

  • fear of losing it

  • habitual bag man or bag lady thinking

  • emotional ties or vows to poverty mentality

  • fear of making good money or asking for a raise

  • not trusting yourself with money

  • feeling like money can’t be trusted or those with money aren’t honest

  • afraid that if you have money, people will constantly hit you up for loans

Archangels to work with include:

  • Ariel “lioness of God”

    • helps us connect to the healing power and spirit of nature

    • healing angel

    • helps us in meeting our Earthly needs like food, shelter, clean water, making and saving money, education, etc…

    • helps those who want to work closely with the environment and nature

    • color is light pink

  • Michael “he who is like God”

    • protection, safety, courage and confidence

    • shown with a sword of light that cuts through the toxic, negative thoughts and lower energetic cords that connect us to pessimistic thinking and people

    • guides those wanting to make a career change

    • helps those needing clarity in the next step to take on their journey

    • color is dark blue/dark purple sometimes with a hint of gold

  • Uriel “the light of God”

    • information, ideas, insights, clarity

    • helps us to understand esoteric and metaphysical teachings

    • illuminates our minds with ideas, epiphanies and a-ha moments

    • helps when we need a solution or guidance

    • assists with public speeches

    • color is pale yellow

    • typically shown carrying a lantern or staff with light emanating from it


  • fear of potential fallout of relationship

  • fear of being talked badly about on social media, to peer group or family

  • fearing the other person won’t be able to live without you (which by the way, is enmeshed co-dependency)

  • afraid something better (i.e. job or person) won’t come along

  • fear of being alone or going it alone

  • not trusting yourself

Archangel to work with:

  • Michael “he who is like God”

    • protection, safety, courage and confidence

    • shown with a sword of light that cuts through the toxic, negative thoughts and lower energetic cords that connect us to pessimistic thinking and people

    • guides those wanting to make a career change

    • helps those needing clarity in the next step to take on their journey

    • color is dark blue/dark purple sometimes with a hint of gold


  • habitual feelings of low self-worth and low self-esteem

    • (i.e. Who am I to shine? Who am I to be great? What do I have to offer the world that’s new, different or unique? I’m only one person, what difference can I possibly make in the world?)

  • all the women/men in my family do what they are told

  • it’s not safe to speak out or speak up

  • it’s not safe for me to be seen

  • I am more committed to feeling safe than leaning into the unknown.

  • I don’t want to be the weird one/ different one in the family.

  • What will people say? What will people think?

Archangels to work with:

  • Michael “he who is like God”

    • protection, safety, courage and confidence

    • shown with a sword of light that cuts through the toxic, negative thoughts and lower energetic cords that connect us to pessimistic thinking and people

    • guides those wanting to make a career change

    • helps those needing clarity in the next step to take on their journey

    • color is dark blue/dark purple sometimes with a hint of gold

  • Jophiel “beauty of God”

    • can help you clean your space and beautify any part of your life

    • Feng-shui archangel

    • Archangel of positive thinking

      • call on her to clean up your thoughts

    • her mission is to bring beauty to all aspects of life, including:

      • Thoughts - help you hold more positive thoughts about your life, relationships and circumstances

      • Feelings - she fills your heart with warm feelings of gratitude and enjoyment

      • Home/Office - helps you to reduce clutter and create a meaningful environment that’s conducive to work and relaxation

      • Personal Self-Care - guides you in all mental, emotional and physical acts of self-care, including beautifying yourself

    • helps to clear up and heal misunderstandings

    • color is dark pink and scent is roses

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  • fearful thinking of will people like me for me?

  • what’s the use? thinking

  • with my luck nothing will turn out

  • if I didn’t have bad luck I’d have no luck at all

  • just look at that other person, they tried x and it didn’t work out for them

  • comparison and competition thinking

  • there’s only so much to go around

  • too much focus on others and outside influences

  • overly fixated on someone else’s exterior persona (i.e. do not compare your inner self to someone else’s outer self)

Archangels to work with:

  • Michael “he who is like God”

    • protection, safety, courage and confidence

    • shown with a sword of light that cuts through the toxic, negative thoughts and lower energetic cords that connect us to pessimistic thinking and people

    • guides those wanting to make a career change

    • helps those needing clarity in the next step to take on their journey

    • color is dark blue/dark purple sometimes with a hint of gold

  • Raphael “God heals”

    • considered the angelic physician

    • from Hebrew “Rophe” meaning “medicine doctor or “God heals the soul”

    • helps to refer you to a health care provider of integrity

      • ask Raphael to guide and lead you to the best healer for your ailment

      • he’ll see that you are seen quickly

    • Patron Saint of safe travel

    • gives hope and comfort

    • heals pets and watches over them

    • imagine him with you at your next doctor’s visit or dentists office

    • helps to heal a broken, saddened or grief stricken heart

    • color is emerald green


  • staying stuck in the past

  • overly fixated on grief, heartache and loss

  • not able to move on and come to peace with a loss

  • fear of present moment

  • afraid of the unknown

  • not trusting yourself

  • not trusting others

  • not trusting life

Archangel to work with:

  • Azrael “whom God helps”

  • brings comfort when there is loss

  • helps to heal your heart and move forward in life

  • “angel of death” in the beautiful and healing sense

    • he greets our pets and loved ones as they transition to the other side

    • stays to comfort us during our grief process

  • grief counselor who lovingly guides souls to Heaven

  • consoles survivors and helps them heal from grief

  • if you choose to seek a grief counselor or therapist, he will help your search

  • color is soft beige


  • I can’t see where I’m going. (Wanting certainty)

  • what will people think?

  • who am I to be great?

  • who am I to shine?

  • will I have any friends if I change and follow my heart?

  • I need to know what I’m doing, I need to have a plan

  • what if I fail?

  • I don’t know what I’m doing

  • I feel ready but I need to know where I’m headed first

  • Can I trust what I’m feeling?

Archangels to work with:

  • Raphael “God heals”

    • considered the angelic physician

    • from Hebrew “Rophe” meaning “medicine doctor or “God heals the soul”

    • helps to refer you to a health care provider of integrity

      • ask Raphael to guide and lead you to the best healer for your ailment

      • he’ll see that you are seen quickly

    • Patron Saint of safe travel

    • gives hope and comfort

    • heals pets and watches over them

    • imagine him with you at your next doctor’s visit or dentists office

    • helps to heal a broken, saddened or grief stricken heart

    • color is emerald green

  • Uriel “the light of God”

    • information, ideas and insights, clarity

    • helps us to understand esoteric and metaphysical teachings

    • illuminates our minds with ideas, epiphanies and insights

    • helps when we need a solution or guidance

    • assists with public speeches

    • color is pale yellow

    • typically shown carrying a lantern or staff with light emanating from it



  • Am I ever going to get better?

  • I need a true healer.

  • Why is this happening to me?

  • What else do I need to be doing to heal?

  • Why can’t I find anyone to help give me answers?

  • I must have done something wrong to deserve this.

  • I’m frightened. I’m scared. This is hopeless.

Archangels to work with:

  • Raphael “God heals”

    • considered the angelic physician

    • from Hebrew “Rophe” meaning “medicine doctor or “God heals the soul”

    • helps to refer you to a health care provider of integrity

      • ask Raphael to guide and lead you to the best healer for your ailment

      • he’ll see that you are seen quickly

    • Patron Saint of safe travel

    • gives hope and comfort

    • heals pets and watches over them

    • imagine him with you at your next doctor’s visit or dentists office

    • helps to heal a broken, saddened or grief stricken heart

    • color is emerald green

  • Jophiel “beauty of God”

    • can help you clean your space and beautify any part of your life

    • Feng-shui archangel

    • Archangel of positive thinking

      • call on her to clean up your thoughts

    • her mission is to bring beauty to all aspects of life, including:

      • Thoughts - help you hold more positive thoughts about your life, relationships and circumstances

      • Feelings - she fills your heart with warm feelings of gratitude and enjoyment

      • Home/Office - helps you to reduce clutter and create a meaningful environment that’s conducive to work and relaxation

      • Personal Self-Care - guides you in all mental, emotional and physical acts of self-care, including beautifying yourself

    • helps to clear up and heal misunderstandings

    • color is dark pink and scent is roses

  • Michael “he who is like God”

    • protection, safety, courage and confidence

    • shown with a sword of light that cuts through the toxic, negative thoughts and lower energetic cords that connect us to pessimistic thinking and people

    • guides those wanting to make a career change

    • helps those needing clarity in the next step to take on their journey

    • color is dark blue/dark purple sometimes with a hint of gold

With love and light,

p.s. Join Joanna’s growing angel tribe community and receive weekly guidance videos, inspiring articles, updates, upcoming events, and be among the first to know about exclusive specials. Click here to join

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