
What you need to know about the 7 abundance angels

Most people I’ve met believe in angels. They trust and know that there is something beyond our realm of understanding that is tapped into the Divine. Many of us may not completely or fully understand how angelic guidance works, but we know it’s there. The invisible world in it’s own miraculous ways makes itself known.

Not everyone knows as much about the Archangel realm. Or, if they do know a little bit about it, they may not know the specifics behind their talents and skills.

Although this article will not be exhaustive by any means, my aim is to help you have a better understanding of the seven archangels that are considered abundance masters.

7 Fears that keep you stuck and the archangels to support you

Did you know the angels are superb beings in helping overcome fear, worry and anxiety of the unknown? They know we can feel incredibly anxious in our perpetual need for certainty and how things are going to work out.

The incessant desire to know our future and fear around making the “wrong” decision literally paralyzes people and freezes them in their tracks.

The truth is most of the logic used to rationalize staying small or staying stuck is rooted in the past. We are literally allowing past memories to replay over and over again in our heads until they are cemented in like grooves.