
There is a fine line between helping and enabling

You know that friend or family member that seems to always be in some type of crisis? And just when you think your most recent “pep-talk” or “marathon phone conversation” actually worked you find out that, despite your best efforts, their life is once again falling apart.

They’ve crashed. Hard.

You may even begin to question what’s going on? Why doesn’t this work? I thought we really got somewhere. The truth is most of us are walking a blurred line of support and enabling. You may feel they are similar, one in the same. Yet, I assure you there is a huge difference.

Let's take a look at this interesting inquiry a bit further, shall we?

Are you ready to let go of your past?

Have you ever wondered: What if. . . it’s my future self that is walking me towards it, not my past self pushing me? Most of us I imagine have been strongly influenced by the thinking of past events being what catapults us and motivates us forward. And to a point, I believe this is true.

However, I am also of the opinion that as we move through life there comes a time where we arrive at the realization that our past is literally complete. Not in a macabre, dark sense. What I mean is the knowledge, reasoning and intellectual pursuits that once gave us so much satisfaction are no longer enough for us. We have outgrown them.

Become a Master in the School of Life

I heard this analogy to life being like a school and having different classes with lessons and exams in it a few years ago. Personally, I like to think of it as Earth School. I know. I know. This sounds really wierd, right? Now, before you stop reading let me explain further.

My inner inquiry sounded something like this: How is my life and my experiences within it anything like school? I finished formal schooling years ago. What are these people talking about?