Angel Card Message: Gifts of the King of Winter (Professional, Motivational, Legal Matters)

By now many of you know that I love working with Angel Cards. They have an incredibly precise way of sharing sacred messages with the soul. Angel Cards are exquisite at articulating the language of the Divine, clearly giving us a way to see into a situation. They also share wisdom in how to see circumstances differently, and often times highlight energies that would best serve us on a specific day.

Today, I’ll share with you an incredible card that is sure to help you when you need an unemotional, discerning and wise perspective. Introducing, The King of Winter. In other Tarot decks you might see it as the King of Air or Swords.

You may draw this as a card of the day for yourself. Or, you might choose to take the card out and place it on your altar, near your computer, bathroom mirror, etc... and have it act as a Talisman for the day or week.

For those of you who are reading for others, it will give you a helpful insight into what the other person needs to know to best navigate current or upcoming events.

Each card in a Tarot deck has specific qualities that are meant to help us see ourselves and our choices more clearly. They are symbolic expressions of impressions from our psyche and collective unconscious. Think of the card as a way for the soul to speak to you symbolically. It's the language of the soul.

With that being said, stay with me a few more minutes as we dive further into the meanings of the King of Winter.

A King in any suit brings enormous amount of energy with it.  Whenever I see a King appear in a reading for myself or a client I know that guidance, decision-making and ideas that embody that suit are at an all-time high.  In this case it's the symbolism of the Winter or Swords suit.  Winter speaks to our logical, rational, thought-based mind.  

Winter also represents intellect.  Quick thinking.  Inquiring.  Logic.  Truth.  The ability to use insight while fully analyzing a situation.  It also embodies justice and the legal system.

The court cards (Page, Knight, Queen, King) in a Tarot reading have the unique ability to represent a person or a situation.  The person could be, and often times does, represent you - the person asking the question.  It could also speak to a way of seeing or handling a situation from a different perspective.

Let me give you an example.  

Since we are specifically looking at the King of Winter, we'll stay with this energy.  Let's say I'm asking a question for myself in the morning, "What message do I need to know for today?"- and this card appears.

I am essentially getting a "heads-up" from my Guides that a person or situation is heading my way.  It is in my best interest to use the energy of this King.

It could be a person that I meet that embraces the King of Winter's traits.  They symbolize being at the top of their field, especially in an intellectual area such as law, science or business. 

This person could also be someone who has incredible speaking abilities.  They are known for their capacity to be objective, diplomatic, impartial, balanced, motivational.  They have mastered the art of getting right to the point.

Now, to bring in an extra layer of interest here I will mention that all the above traits could be skills that I need to embody for the day.  Again, my question was about knowing what I need to know for the day.  

So, I could find myself in a situation where I naturally embrace these needed King of Winter traits.  They may not be my typical way of approaching a situation; however, with this energy today I will seamlessly become these traits.

Let me use a different example of asking a question that has to do with a specific situation.  My sample question is, "What do I most need to know about the vehicle (insert specific make) I want to buy?" 

Remember, this is the suit of truth, honesty, legal matters, open communication and business.  In having this King show up in my reading I know that I definitely need to keep my emotions out of the decision making process. 

Even though I may be in love with the car I'm inquiring about, it will not serve me well to get caught up and swept away.  The truth is there are lots of cars out there that would be a good match for me.

This King's message does not mean to forgo buying the car.  To me, this indicates that if I have any uncertainty at all it would be wise to hire an expert mechanic to look it over.

I will be best served by the advice and counsel of the card to make sure I understand all the language of the contract.  And make sure the person or business I'm dealing with is known for their integrity.

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If I remember to stay balanced and objective with this particular vehicle AND make sure all the cards are on the table, so to speak, then I'll be happy with the outcome.  I'll know that the car I'm buying is exactly what the seller says it is.

If it turns out I have concerns about what I find out then that's okay, too.  There are other amazing cars available.  I'll keep looking.

The last important note to mention with the King of Winter is the reminder to take an easier, less stressful approach to our lives.  Fear, worry and anxiety live in the mind.  The Winter suit typically indicates struggles, overwhelm and concerns in our lives.  

The caution here is to be mindful of how much time you are spending in your head.  Cultivating balance by having fun simply for the sake of having fun, and not taking yourself too seriously will serve you well.  

Your Turn: Is there a situation you are currently dealing with that would benefit from a less emotional approach?  


With love and light,

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