Make yourself your most important investment

Do you struggle with seeing yourself as a worthy investment? Be honest. Because if you’re anything like most people, you’ve been told it’s better to give than to receive. Support others and put yourself second, help someone else shine and dim yours down because you don’t want to be seen as a “show-off” or a threat.

Pretty strong beliefs.

And powerful enough to stop most of us from feeling the freedom to truly invest in ourselves and see ourselves as worthy of our own time, love, education and support.

You might be wondering what truly stops us from going all in, going for broke and shining our light. Follow along with me as I shed some light on this all-too-common dilemma.

You daydream about a course, workshop, class or weekend intensive you really want to take and how it will greatly impact your current life, but when push comes to shove, it rarely happens.

In my experience it has nothing to do with the age old excuses of time and money. Although those are handy to use at times, the truth is there are deeper underlying beliefs around worthiness and success/failure.

In fact, it’s common to see someone spend enormous amounts of money, time and energy on another person (valuable commodities, indeed) rather than actually earmark money and resources for bettering themselves.

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Seems strange I know, but think about it. If someone has deep fears of failure and low self-worth, the thought of actually trying something new and being a true beginner can be terrifying. To the point that they literally won’t take any chances or put themselves out there.

Believe me, there are probably several people that just came to mind in the last couple of seconds that fit this description. Am I right?

If you found yourself nodding your head in agreement to the description above (either because you saw yourself or you know of someone that fits this illustration) then join me as we explore and dive further into shifting and changing this habit.

Because after all, patterns and ways of being are simply habits. And once light is shed on a self-sabotaging habit it no longer has the power it once had.

So, without further ado I’d like to introduce you to the Angel Tarot Card that embodies this inner dilemma and how to navigate it beautifully. The Eight of Earth.

The suit of Earth or Pentacles, depending on the deck you are using, symbolizes more earthly pursuits and desires of daily living such as our relationship to abundance, prosperity, and the pursuit of education. For those interested in the number assigned to a card, you might find it interesting to note that eight's represent choices.  

What I find most telling about the particular eight shown is the card that precedes it - the seven.  When I’m doing a reading for someone, this gives me a more holistic view of the client's circumstances and what is going on in their life, at that precise moment.

Sevens represent soul searching.  The inner yearning and knowing that there is more to life than meets the eye. The seven is symbolic to an epiphany or awakening we have just experienced that causes us to see life completely differently.  

It's like the spiritual alarm clock that rings and we no longer hit the snooze button on our life anymore.  

We literally "wake-up" and begin to say Yes to wanting a more colorful, rich and deeply connected life.  The monotony of the old no longer appeals to our new way of seeing ourselves in this particular life.

It's important to see the sequence in the cards in a reading.  It's very telling and helps to thread or weave events together.  They may seem unconnected; however, that is rarely, if ever, the case.  

Every choice we make or do not make sets off a series of actions that ripple out into all areas of our life. 

Getting back to the eight and how I see it's importance in a reading.  Symbolically, the eight comes immediately after the seven in our soul's journey.  Again, eights are choices and symbolize the infinity sign turned on its side.  

Now that you have been "awakened" to a new way of thinking and feeling, you are ready for the next step.  There is not one exact step to take, as many are opening up to you.  

This represents a time to think expansively. There are unlimited, expansive steps available. None of them are wrong. Just shift your thinking from no choices to an infinite number of choices. 

In this case, the Eight of Earth's message coming through loud and clear is to pursue education.  This is the card of further study.  It could be in a completely new area or it could be to further dive into an interest you currently have.

Plus, I love the artwork on this card.  In several of my Angel inspired decks it shows a youthful person delighting in books and learning.  Several books lay open as the young deity or fairy looks at them eagerly.  Beaming from ear to ear.    

What is also important to note is the use of coins or magic dust that surrounds the books and the smiling youth.  

Angel Tarot speaks to our psyche through archetypes, images and symbols.  With that said, it encourages us to look beyond the physical age of the image depicted and see them through the eyes of symbology.  

The youth is representative of a "youthful approach" or "beginner's mind."  

We are encouraged to move away from the literal and embrace the symbolic.  If this card shows up in a reading I do for a client, I know they are being called to embrace the engaged student archetype.  

It would be wise to consider continual learning or start looking more seriously at specialty trades and schooling that really light them up right now.  

The benefits are two-fold.  

First, they’ll enjoy the act of being the student and with all the coins used in the imagery it indicates that this will become a prosperous endeavor for them.  

Second, the money needed to follow these educational pursuits will manifest seamlessly.  Possibly through scholarship or grants.  

Or, the funds needed will be very do-able.  Meaning, there might be a loan payment plan that makes it incredibly feasible.  It could also mean that any savings or money set aside will easily cover the costs.  

Bottom line is it doesn't need to be expensive to follow your dreams.

They may decide to learn virtually by purchasing an affordable on-line course versus flying somewhere to take a high-dollar weekend course with that same instructor.  

The Eight of Earth asks us to think outside the box in our pursuit of higher learning. Think more creatively.  

Most importantly, now is the time to see yourself as worthy of the investment.  Your talents, desires and cravings for more out of life are speaking loudly ~ follow them and you won't be disappointed.  The money will be there.  No more excuses.  No more procrastination.  

No more delays.  

With this card, it means all systems GO.  You are ready.  You are supported.  Your Angels have your back.  The effort, passion and love you are showing towards this new area will pay off through your heart account and your bank account.

What has been calling to you that is inviting you to rethink investing in yourself?

 With love and light,

p.s. Join Joanna’s growing angel tribe community and receive weekly guidance videos, inspiring articles, updates, upcoming events, and be among the first to know about exclusive specials. Click here to join

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