A Tale of Two Pots: seeing with divine vision

I love the following story. I discovered it a few years ago and I felt called to share it with you today. Enjoy its simple...yet beautiful message of uniqueness and seeing a perceived weakness as a strength.

The Broken Pot A water bearer in India had two large pots, each hung on an end of a pole which he carried across his neck. One of the pots had a crack in it, and while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water at the end of the long walk from the stream to the masters house, the cracked pot arrived only half full.

Becoming a visionary gives you wings to fly

People today feel frustrated and discouraged more than ever. Often times their good intentions, dreams, hopes and desires run into brick walls or completely fall flat. They might have even tried several times to restart or recalibrate an incredible idea, only to have it never lift off the ground. Is it any wonder that many of us feel that the Universe or Life is conspiring against us?

Why can’t our ideas gain the momentum we so easily see in our mind’s eye? When we envision ourselves living the life of our dreams it seems so easy, but the harsh reality of the physical realm can be a tough pill to swallow.

To delve into this all too common dilemma I will turn to one of the greatest inventors, thinkers and visionary’s of modern era for inspiration - Albert Einstein.

Are you ready to let go of your past?

Have you ever wondered: What if. . . it’s my future self that is walking me towards it, not my past self pushing me? Most of us I imagine have been strongly influenced by the thinking of past events being what catapults us and motivates us forward. And to a point, I believe this is true.

However, I am also of the opinion that as we move through life there comes a time where we arrive at the realization that our past is literally complete. Not in a macabre, dark sense. What I mean is the knowledge, reasoning and intellectual pursuits that once gave us so much satisfaction are no longer enough for us. We have outgrown them.

Can you unplug for one whole day?

How do you feel when you hear the word unplug? Does the thought of a one day media fast send you into a cold sweat? How about two days? A week? Just to be clear, when I refer to media I'm talking about the whole enchilada--phone, internet, social media, TV, movies, newspapers, books and articles. Are you starting to get the shakes like someone going through major withdrawals? Eye twitches. Cold sweats. Dry mouth. Muscles tensing up.

Or, are you on the flip side?

Where just the thought of going one day or several days without an invisible leash feels like you drew the prized Get Out of Jail Free card?

When you hide parts of yourself, you lose yourself

We all have a side of us that is typically quite a bit different than the face, mask or persona we commonly project out to others. You know the filtered persona I'm talking about. This is the mask we work really hard to keep on so people only know the aspect of ourselves we want them to see. Flawless. Perfect. Organized. And quite honestly - exhausting!

Different names have been attributed to the various aspects of ourselves: think alter ego. The alter ego embraces the wilder, edgier, sassier side that always gets you what you want. And has a whole lot of fun doing it.

There are no happy perfectionists

Procrastination and excuses can suck the life force right out of us. So many ideas, dreams, endeavors and projects can stay stuck in our heads - never to see the light of day. Fears, worries and anxiety’s over what if and worst case scenario’s can cast an unwelcome shadow over the most hopeful of dreams. To the point that we literally believe all these negative, self-sabotaging voices to be true.

And, in spite of our best efforts at positive thinking, positive affirmations, meditating, journaling, reading uplifting books, listening to inspiring podcasts - we still stay frozen. Just waiting for the “stars to align” and for “everything to be just right” before we proceed.

Books I love that Inspire Me

Often I am asked by friends, clients and students about books or teachings that have inspired me.  That is an excellent question.  I've heard it said that you can tell a lot about a person by what books they have read AND the books that stay on the shelf evading the donation run.

I am part of a book club in my hometown that I absolutely love.  I joke with Eric that it's a good thing I am part of one because it encourages me to read books outside of my preferred genre of angels, yoga, self-help, motivation and inspiration.  I also typically have anywhere from three to five books I am reading through at any given time.  To say I love the written word is a definite understatement!

Motivation vs. Inspiration...is there a difference?

A biographer of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart tells a story given to him directly from Mozart. A would-be student came to Mozart one day and said that he wanted help writing symphony's. To this Mozart asked if he'd written any yet. The would-be student said no. Mozart goes on to say that since the student was young yet it would be good to start with minuets. The student, pressing Mozart, says.. No. You don't understand. I want help with writing symphony's, not minuets. 

Does your definition of success have love in it?

We’ve all grown up with a definition of “success.” Often we’ve been told to chase it. Strive for it. Double-down and go after it! We’ve also been told what types of achievements and material objects indicate a truly “successful” life. And, if we’re not living and owning these things then we clearly need to up our game.

Funny thing is, I think you’d be hard pressed to find anyone who agrees that love and joy are KEY ingredients. I know. I know. This is definitely not what we grew up with and can seem too far-fetched and tinged with rainbow, rose-colored glasses thinking.

Now, before you click away because it seems too unrealistic, I invite you to follow a different storyline with me.

Are you in? I thought so.

The Secret to becoming the happiest person you know

We live in a fast paced world. Everywhere you look there are cell phones, instant messages, direct messages, private messages, texts, video conferencing, video calls, email, etc… To say we are globally connected almost goes without saying. The question of whether we can handle and stay up with the pace has yet to be determined.

As much as I am lover of these easy and seamless way to connect, I have also found myself with the challenge of limiting the amount of time I stay connected. It really comes down to choices.

An inquiry I love working with is, does this choice serve my happiness or sabotage it?

The care and feeding of worthiness and self-esteem

What I find interesting about artistic, innovative and creative ideas and talents is that so many people have a very challenging time respecting and acknowledging them.  It's as if we have been downloaded to repeat the negative, shameful habit of feeling embarrassed about these amazing gifts that truly come easily to us.  Maybe I'm alone on this, but I don't think so.  Stay with me as I expand on this thought for a moment.

Are you a professional at worrying? Try this remedy.

Many of us are Gold medalists at worrying. Even when, truth be told, we’d rather not be in the running at all. Like it or not, humans are downloaded for survival and to trouble-shoot situations that look and feel dangerous. Running away from trouble or assessing the possible outcomes of a fearful scenario is literally part of our wiring. It’s what helps us live another day. It’s part of why we’ve evolved through the ages.

With that being said, many of my students and coaching clients struggle to move past this ingrained cycle - often feeling like they’re doing something “wrong” by not thinking enough positive thoughts.

How to end the cycle of regret and missed opportunities

Most of us are experts in beating ourselves up and holding a sword over our own heads. We go over and over how we could have, should have or would have done something differently.

The truth is…we can’t ever control how another person is going to react to us. I know we’d like to think we can, but it simply doesn’t work.

In Angel Tarot the Five of Water represents our relationship to this habitual thinking. The angels remind us that we can only take ownership in “how” we work through a challenge. We cannot ever be the deciding factor in the ultimate outcome. That just leads to suffering and control issues.

Why you need the gifts of the Emperor Card

The Emporer is typically pictured in a throne or meticulously crafted chair.  In his right hand is a staff or writing pen.  These represent the power of the word, the power of intellect and the influence of conscious ruling.  In his left hand the image often shows a heart, an olive branch or a gold ring.  This represents his intention of peace, compassion and unparalleled ability to attract abundance.

This card represents structure, logic, discipline, organization, having a solid plan, stability, prosperity and efficiency.

Rethinking Simple Acts of Kindness

Mahatma Gandhi is quoted as saying, "the simplest acts of kindness are by far more powerful than a thousand heads bowing in prayer." I don't know about you, but this made me pause and read it a second time. Personally, I like to keep things simple.  Like the motto of the Golden Rule states,  "Do unto others as you'd have done unto you."  

The Insiders Guide to Working with The Magician

Imagine… that for 24 hours, you were gifted a whole new view on life. Instead of seeing shortcomings, road blocks or missed opportunities, you saw only experiences of good fortune, good judgement and lucky breaks.

Seem too far fetched? Like there’s no way this could ever happen to you?

Well, what if I told you that you just found Aladdin’s lamp and there’s no limit on wishes? Or, that a magical serum was yours for the taking? All you have to do is drink it and for one whole day luck is on your side

Everything will literally go your way. People are willing to help you out. You only see what’s going right in your life. You have a Yes to Life attitude that is intoxicating.

Sound to good to be true?

Tired of Feeling Overwhelmed? Meet the Two of Earth

There’s a fine line between being busy or full AND being downright overwhelmed. This delicate dance of balance is embodied beautifully by the Two of Earth in Angel Tarot. The scales are temporarily weighted towards an imbalance between work, home, education or finances. Life has momentarily lost it’s joie de vivre, as the French like to say - our joy for life.

Wondering how to get the scales balanced? Stay with me.

Meet the Seven of Fire: Assertiveness and Extreme Self-Care

Are you frustrated by feeling other people are overly reliant on you? Are you secretly exhausted and tired of the job? You may even dream about taking a break from all the drama, excuses and complaining.

Yet… you were raised, praised and conditioned to be a people pleaser. You know the old mantra, it’s better to give than to receive.

Truth be told, you don’t mind some of the time. Just not all of the time. Why? Because it’s emotionally exhausting. Unsustainable.

What would do differently, if you stopped putting off your life?

Many of us have a deep, internal struggle that decides other people are the ones naturally destined to be great. They have the "genetic predisposition" to be amazing.

However, when we turn this inquiry towards ourselves, we balk and instantly think of any number of reasons that we are unworthy of becoming an even brighter, more expanded version of ourselves.

Feeling Guilty About Shining Your Light?

Most people today struggle to see their own talents. When they look in the mirror all they see is someone who is too late to the game, too old to start over, too young to be taken seriously, too average to be unique, or too creative to fit into a world of normalcy.

Whatever the excuses are they are actually false truths. These false truth act as blinders to our own gifts. And these blinders prevent us from seeing our strengths. We are convinced that we’re born with too many shortcomings and weaknesses.

These false truths are simply that - false thoughts that have been mistaken as unchangeable facts.