Live your life as if you found Aladdin's magic lamp

Have you ever dreamed about having a day where everything literally goes your way? You found the lamp, drank the magic potion, won the golden ticket and… voila! Life is for you. Ideas easily pop in your mind. You follow hunches without hesitation. Your creativity is in overdrive and people shower you with praises!

Sound too good to be true?

Think again.

There’s a card in the Angel Tarot deck that, believe it or not, embodies the awareness of your potential. The card of being completely and totally absorbed in a creative endeavor that it literally takes on a life of its own and “flows” through you.

The card that says YES to you embracing the expert, the master, the wise one. The card of Ka-ching!

Without further ado, (drumroll please…) the Three of Earth.

The Three of Earth Explained

I absolutely love this card - the Three of Earth! Why? Because this is the "master craftsman" of the deck.  This is the card most of us long for and hope for - the treasured moment of recognition for your unique skillset is here.  The outside world is ready to acknowledge and reward the high-quality work that is seamlessly manifesting into physical.

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The Earth suit, or Pentacles, in a Tarot deck has a focus on our financial security.  Our desire to make money.  Our need to pay the bills.  How we are getting our material needs met.  And, the type of material needs we desire.

Other suits in Tarot represent the different aspects of our psyche.  

For example, Air or Swords represents the intellect, logic and truth.  Summer or Cups symbolizes our connection to intuition, emotions and decisions of the heart.  Spring or Wands speaks to our inner fire, creativity, passion for life and career.

Since this post focuses on the suit of Earth and the elements that make it a very practical, pragmatic part of our life I will add a few more interesting attributes.  

It recognizes our role in society.  How we interact in our community.  Also, our way of taking care ourselves (physical and personal health.)

The Earth suit may also speak loudly to our inner desire to care for the planet in a more proactive way.  We have deep concerns for the planet and all its creatures.  

In continuing to look at the symbolism, imagery and deeper meanings, a card with the number Three in a Tarot reading symbolizes the need for creativity.  The desire to grow. The need for self-expression.  It's literally the combination of two energies desiring to create, or birth, a new idea or project.

Three's also speak to our need to see more clearly where we are going.  

Some Three cards remind us to have patience, as gifts are being loaded onto the ship of our dreams (Fire.) Or, we might be taking ourselves way too seriously and need to have more fun, silliness and laughter (Water.)  Or, there could be the gentle and loving reminder to honor the sorrow and grief in your heart before moving forward (Air.)

The Three of Earth combination is fabulous.  You have the power of creation combined with with the elements of abundance, prosperity and education.  

Do what you love!

Follow your passion, work with others who appreciate your ideas.  The resulting mixture results in being very well compensated for your talents.

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In both my Fairy Tarot and Archangel Power Tarot decks by Radleigh Valentine the images displayed say it all.  

In the Fairy Tarot the card shows a fairy in full concentration, working completely with his hands to create beautiful crystal calla lilies.  He has the ability to focus, undistracted and see the flowers perfectly in his mind as if they were real.  Then, he effortlessly manifests into physical these beautiful works of art for others to see.  

The Archangel Power Tarot deck shows a man in a creative shop with all materials imaginable available to him.  It's like an inventor's toy shop of the mind.  He is surrounded by fantastical creations that he has made.  

The sky is the limit.  Dream big, dream bigger and now even bigger!   The message being that your imagination is currently high-voltage and truly connected to the Divine - go for it!

Abundance, prosperity and education. . . oh my!

The Earth or Pentacles suit is our connection to abundance, prosperity and education. So, you may feel the urge to complete a degree program or specific trade that would truly allow you to "master" your area of interest.

Others have noticed your incredible attention-to-detail and unparalleled work ethic. People of similar morality and integrity are wanting to work with you and this would be a very good thing.

However, if you prefer to work alone - no problem.  Either way, your heart and pocket book will be full.  And, who doesn't want that?


What is a talent you have that comes so easily to you that you think everyone can do this?  (Hint, hint- they can't.)  Noware you willing to see yourself as making good money and feeling happy from this endeavor? This is where the magic happens.


I wish you a day full of magic, miracles and angel blessings.

With love and light,

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