Frustration means there is a better way

Have you ever noticed how some people "go" through life while others "grow" through life? The growth oriented folks have experienced the all-too-common feeling of being so incredibly close to giving up, yet despite the fact they have no idea what's ahead - they just keep moving on. They dig deep.

And on the other end of the pendulum, we find those that feel absolutely consumed by the pressure and ultimately completely backing off. Bowing out. Numbing out.

If we’re honest with ourselves, we’ve been on and felt deeply both sides of this coin. If you’re anything like me (and I’m betting you are) you’ve found yourself fascinated by the unique individuals that keep moving forward, despite the magnitude of what’s in front of them.

What is their secret? Read on to find the answer.

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These movers and shakers are inspiring.  And, at the same time we may see them as having something we are lacking.  Some missing magical ingredient that must have been out-of-stock when it was our turn to pick out talents.

Let's take this one step further, shall we?

It is an interesting phenomenon that in order to find out what we are really made of, how strong we are, we will undoubtedly find ourselves in unfamiliar terrain. 

Some who have gone before us may have reached the very same spot and said, I can't do this anymore.  It's too much.  I just want the familiar.  I'm going back to what I know.

However, there are still others who keep walking forward.  One step at a time.  And in doing this, they've had to face their own fears.  Learn to navigate the unknown.  Feel intimidated by the sheer amount of information and experiences they didn't know.  Yet, despite all these ghosts and voices they learned to walk through the adversity.

It seems obvious, and almost goes without saying, but in order to keep rising up and up and up we must be surrounded by those who are further up the ladder than we are.  It's all about seeing our situation from a different angle.  A different perspective.

The very thing that intimidates us (i.e. others who are successfully doing what we most want to do) is the very thing that brings forth in us the "magical mix" that we thought eluded us.

How do we know if we are good at marketing, business, creative arts, teaching, writing, speaking, playing music with a band, creating beautiful ceramics, etc... unless we commit to learning it fully?

It's this passion for learning something and mastering it, that separates out those that go on and those that give up.

Granted, there will undoubtedly be times when the timing may not be right.  Perhaps an illness, job loss or family emergency came up that you absolutely needed to deal with first and foremost. 

What I'm speaking to is the undeniable calling, that yearning inside of you that longs to come through.  It might be something you are talented in already but you've just never given it the time, respect and devotion it deserves to fully flourish.  

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Or, it could be something entirely new and different.

Either way, whatever "it" is has a very powerful pull on you.  Instead of having your hands in all types of side projects, why not let the one that most wants to come through right now have its time to shine in the sun?

How can we possibly know how talented and amazing we really are at something unless we fully commit to it?  As mentioned earlier, the ones that have mastered it already can be a shining example that what you most want to learn and master right now can be done. 

These are not your competitors.  They are simply fellow adventurers that are a few steps ahead.  See them as having paved the way for you, cleared the path of debris, so you can be even more of who you are meant to be.  

Growing up means not giving up.  Not giving up on yourself.  Not giving up on your unique talent.  Walking the journey only you can walk.

With love and light,

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