Elevator to enlightenment out-of-order, you must take the stairs

Were you raised to see happiness and joy as something you must sacrifice and struggle to achieve? Yep. Me, too.

Until the day my worldview changed.

In October of 2015 I joined my Mom and husband, Eric, for a trip of a lifetime. Itinerary name: The Holy Lands and Beyond. Highlighted port stops included Israel, Turkey, Greece, and Italy. I’ve always been fascinated by different beliefs and customs that make up the heartbeat of a culture. Walking through ancient ruins and feeling their stories ~ an absolute dream come true.

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Always a lover of history, I was especially excited about seeing ancient cities, temples and architecture.  In addition to these amazing sights we'd be participating in a Hay House sponsored speaker line-up on days we were at sea.  The amazing Dr. Wayne Dyer was to be our headliner; however, he had passed away a month before the Cruise date.

You can imagine our surprise and overwhelm at losing our leader.  To Hay House's credit they immediately lined up a main speaker to fill in for most of Wayne's times--Dr. Robert Holden. Also presenting: Immaculee Ilibagiza, a Rwandan genocide survivor and author of Left To Tell, and Anita Moorjani, author of Dying To Be Me. 

I was not familiar with any of Dr. Holden's works before the Cruise so I did a little research on Google. I found that he is considered the Wayne Dyer of England.  Best known for his Happiness Project work, Coach Camps and study of the Enneagram.

As soon as Dr. Holden took the stage on that first day he beautifully addressed the monumental loss of Wayne. He also talked with Anita and Immaculee on what Wayne meant to them. They both shared their story's of the almost unimaginable sequence of events that had to take place in order for Wayne to find them.  

They were both completely unknown. Yet, their stories of survival, inner peace and transendence drew Dr. Dyer to find them. He wanted their messages shared with the world.  

I was most impressed with Immaculee and Anita's sharing of traveling with Wayne during speaking engagements for the book signing portion. Time after time a fan would mention that they didn't have much money.  Whose book do I buy?

Without hesitation, Wayne would say buy Immaculee's book or buy Anita's book (depending on who was with him.) It will change your life. Don't buy mine.  You know my message, but you don't know theirs yet.  Please spend your money wisely and support them. You won't regret it.  Wow!...talk about paying it forward.

Dr. Holden no doubt had huge shoes to fill.  Most of his audience members (myself included) were completely in the dark with his life's work and talents. After that first session we found him witty, charming, well studied in Christian mysticism and heart based psychology. Also powerfully motivating in his own unique, unassuming way. 

His work revolves deeply around the concept of how we view happiness.  Most of us chase happiness. We put an enormous amount of energy into the "pursuit of happiness" and wonder when the payoff is going to come. Our thinking is more along the lines of "if I read enough books" or "participate in enough lectures," "make this much money" or "spend enough money studying with this guru" then...I'll be happy.

Remnants of the first church built by St. Peter in Capeneum. One of our stops in Israel near the Sea of Galilee.

"You who chase happiness so incessantly, give up the chase. Stop a while, and let happiness chase after you."   Dr. Robert Holden


I'll never forget a cartoon image Dr. Holden displayed.  There was an image of elevator doors with yellow caution tape running from side to side.  Most notable was the sign that read Elevator to Enlightenment Out of Order--You Must Use the Stairs One Step at a Time. Of course this got more than a few laughs and smiles from those of us in the audience.  I thought of what a clever way this image displayed the path to happiness and/or enlightenment.  

The metaphor speaks volumes. No express way for anyone. We are all on equal ground. Walk up several steps, then there is a small landing.  This is where we can either take a break or continue on.  Or, as in some people's case, they may choose to go back down the stairs.  The climb is too hard they say and go back to living at ground level.

We can take this even further and see that each step is its own level of happiness. As we continue onward and upward the scenery changes ever so slightly. And, no matter what we always take ourselves with us. We can view the climb as necessary and strenuous to "reach" enlightenment or happiness.  

Or...we can be in awe of the process. Allow happiness to chase us.  It's our view of life that shifts our perspective and ultimately our reality. 

To shift myself into seeing happiness as chasing me I liken it to putting on the "what's going right" glasses. Since birth we have been socialized and trained to see "what's going wrong" with our lives.

Switching glasses is a profound and powerful practice. Consciously we begin to override the complaining, blaming, shaming, defensiveness, and short-sided view our brain has been downloaded with. Uploading or reconfiguring our brain with higher vibrational thoughts makes a world of difference when practiced consistently over time. 

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Are you ready to engage in a practice that allows you to see that happiness really has been chasing after you? Even if it seems foreign and completely unlikely--what have you got to lose?  Nothing! Your beautiful, vibrant, full-on amazing life is following you. Always has been. The funny thing is we've all been trained to see it the other way around. That nothing ever works out. Just Change Glasses!

I encourage you to find examples in your life of events and circumstances working out in your favor.  Make a list. Start with last week. Then, the last few weeks.  How about last month? Last year? You get the picture. 

Start with small acts that appeared to be coincidence or just plain old good timing. If there are some bigger acts that come to mind list those, too. Start with 5 or 10 examples. Add more as you feel inspired.  

Prepare to be amazed, my friends. What's going right is more than you think. 

Here's to taking the stairs, loving the view, and letting happiness chase after you...

With love and light,

p.s. Join Joanna’s growing angel tribe community and receive weekly guidance videos, inspiring articles, updates, upcoming events, and be among the first to know about exclusive specials. Click here to join

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