
Live your life as if you found Aladdin's magic lamp

Have you ever dreamed about having a day where everything literally goes your way? You found the lamp, drank the magic potion, won the golden ticket and… voila! Life is for you. Ideas easily pop in your mind. You follow hunches without hesitation. Your creativity is in overdrive and people shower you with praises!

Sound too good to be true? Think again.

There’s a card in the Tarot deck that, believe it or not, embodies the awareness of your potential. The card of being completely and totally absorbed in a creative endeavor that it literally takes on a life of its own and “flows” through you. The card that says YES to you embracing the expert, the master, the wise one. The card of Ka-ching! Without further ado, (drumroll please…)

Meet the Card of Good Fortune and Recognition

I absolutely love this card - the Three of Earth!  Why?  Because this is the "master craftsman" of the deck.  This is the card most of us long for and hope for - the treasured moment of recognition for your unique skillset is here.  The outside world is ready to acknowledge and reward the high-quality work that is seamlessly manifesting into physical.

The Earth suit, or Pentacles, in a Tarot deck has a focus on our financial security.  Our desire to make money.  Our need to pay the bills.  How we are getting our material needs met.  And, the type of material needs we desire.