
Creative dreams awaken when your inner critic is asleep

You know that restless feeling of tossing and turning at night? Then feeling anxious because you’re not getting a full nights sleep? The mind racing back and forth in all its glory, regardless of how my times you try to count backwards or count sheep to slow it down.

Believe me, you’re not alone. What if… it was really your inner self, your wise self, your creative self trying to get your attention?

Angel Card Message: Page of Summer (meeting someone trustworthy)

By nature the Page or Messenger energy tends to be more shy, introverted and reflective. And, going a bit deeper here, the energy in Court Cards often embodies how you are currently feeling or it reflects someone you know or will soon meet that personifies these traits.

So, on with the show. What does the Page symbolize?  And how does her image speak to the suit she embodies - in this case Summer/Cups?

Personally, I find that background information is helpful in viewing the card.  In doing readings the first thing my eyes are typically drawn to is the suit and then the corresponding number.  If it's above the number 10 then I see which Court Card made it's appearance.  

Then, I begin to look at the image or picture shown.