
From Darkness to Light: my brush with grace

In an act of full disclosure I will share with you that the years 2013 - 2015 were incredibly challenging for me. I was tested in ways I had never before been tested. I was pushed and forced to do what I did not think I was capable of doing.

At one point I remember feeling intensely sad and at an absolute loss. For all of my life up until this time I'd had the gift of resiliency. I'd get knocked down. Then, I would shake it off. Recalibrate. Re-center. I would gather myself up and keep moving.

Not this time. I distinctly recall mourning my former self. I was sad. Angry. Depressed. Regretful. Ruthless with myself and internally towards those I perceived had knowingly cut me to the bone. I felt like my soul had literally been sucked out of my body for good. What did I have to live for? The person I used to be vanished. Escaped.

I can't point to any one specific day that eventually led to my turn-around. Although, there were several events woven together that became my life line.

A rising tide lifts all ships ~ a time for giving thanks

Who inspires you?  Or, perhaps it's more accurate to recollect the many voices, faces, words, memories and lyrics that together have been able to lift you up to a fuller, more expanded version of who you are now.

It could be challenging to narrow it down to one singular person that is the sole inspiration for everything in our lives.  In my own experience I feel this is definitely the case.  I believe it takes several key individuals to help us rise to a greater potential.  As they say, No Man is an Island

Thanking yourself is a true gift

You know that feeling of doing something nice for someone or being really helpful? Then, not getting thanked for it? Ouch.

If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone complain about not being thanked for a gift or service I would be very rich, indeed. Don't get me wrong, it is always wonderful to be acknowledge and appreciated for something we've done to help someone else out. However, there will be just as many times that it is overlooked or forgotten.

Trust me, I have been on both sides of this coin. And if we are all honest with ourselves I'm sure we can think back to times we still hold a grudge towards someone we think should have thanked us. Or, they did end up thanking us but it was such a pitiful attempt that it comes across as insulting.