The Art of Bringing Your Dreams to Life

Did you know we are wired for expansion, growth and transformation? Even the Buddhist teachings share the wisdom of our innate human need for balance in our lives. It’s important to be grounded in gratitude AND keep reaching, expressing and transforming ourselves creatively.

The rub comes in when we get frustrated by feeling our “dream” life is too hard or difficult to reach. Our mind starts displaying a running screen of pitfalls, challenges, road blocks and obstacles to our path that we ultimately believe we can’t overcome.

But, is this really true?

Stay with me for a few minutes as we look more closely at this all-too-common dilemma and how you can overcome it.

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I read the phrase "The Art of the Small Bet" recently while perusing a fantastic article written by successful leadership entrepreneur Michael Hyatt.  In his blog article Hyatt brought awareness to the popular myth of becoming an overnight success.  This myth he says rarely works out.  

If you are anything like me, I thought that's what you were supposed to do.  That's what all successful people have done, right?  Well, let's really look at this belief system for a moment.

In the American culture, we've come to romanticize the illusion that one must throw caution to the wind and just go for it.  To pull from a funny slogan...Shoot now, ask questions later.  Go all in.  Leave your job immediately. If you don't throw caution to the wind, you're not believing in your dream strongly enough.

Trust me, I have struggled with this one for a long time.  Like most folks who have a dream of starting their own business or bringing their creative talents to the world, there is a back and forth belief system working behind the scenes.

It typically goes something like this...

  • I want to work for myself.

  • I want to be part of something more meaningful and bring my talent into fullness.

  • I want to be able to do my art/creative niche and make a living doing it.

  • Not just a barely-making-it-by living, but a living that can fully support me.

  • What if I don't have what it takes?

  • What if I'm too old, too late? Maybe I missed the boat.

  • Yikes! How can I possibly do it? I'm scared, afraid. What if I fail?

The problem really compounds because most of us have been downloaded with the starving artist archetype. You know the one: All artist's starve.  They never have any money.  They are angry all the time.  Brooding.  Moody.  Mad at the world.

Quite honestly, that archetype has kept countless numbers of incredibly talented people from stepping into a world that for them would be quite magical.  Sure there are certainly those that are like the above mentioned descriptor.  However, there are far more that are doing very well both emotionally and financially AND they share their gifts of beauty, creativity and unique perspectives with the world.

With this being said, Hyatt supports the newer school of thought (which I completely agree with) where you slowly increase your "side-hustle."  

Take care of your household needs first and foremost.  Then, start putting your dreams into action.  Plant seeds, water them, watch them grow. 

I really like this term "side-hustle."  The side hustle is the business you build in your off time. Your hours away from the day-to-day job that does actually pay your bills.  There is nothing wrong with staying in a job that gives you the security and steady income you need while you build up your dream job.

That way we bust the myth that real artists starve. And instead insert the newer, more empowering belief of real artists thrive. We make slow, steady steps over time. Eventually, the side-hustle may end up being the full time job of your dreams.

Some exciting statistics cited that I personally found intriguing pointed to the success rate of current entrepreneurs who started slowly. One story Hyatt told was about the now famous author, John Grisham.

While still practicing law full-time and a new Dad, Grisham would wake up an hour early, go down to the law office and type one page a day. That's right - just one page a day.

In the beginning it wasn't to have a best selling novel.  It was to see if he could actually do it.  Write and finish a book.

Two years would go by before he had a manuscript he was happy enough with to send out to publishers. It was another year before it was published and put into print. However, when it did come out it was an instant hit.  Hollywood quickly bought the movie rights for it.  The Firm, starring Tom Cruise as the lead character... Wow!  Block. Buster.

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Surprisingly, Grisham didn't leave his law practice at this point.  It was only after his third book came out that he finally left his law career and became a full time writer.  A very interesting side note is that he started a whole new genre-- the legal thriller.  Talk about the art of the side bet!

So... if you've been thinking for years about that dream job you'd like to have.  Or, the thrill of starting your own business.  Or, bringing your creative talent forward in the world - I have great news for you.  Now is the best time.  You read that right.  Now. Is. The. Best. Time.

Start slowly. Resist the temptation to scare yourself with your thoughts.  Don't worry about what others will think.  Do it just for you.

What the world really needs now is for you to embrace your creativity.  

Who knows, it may end up leading to the life beyond your wildest dreams.  A final bit of encouragement is to not get bogged down in the how.  The how will take care of itself. All that is needed from you is to show up for your own life.  Say yes!... then yes again (and again.)

Remember, the art of the small bet is an art.  One step at a time.  One day at a time.

Your Turn: What is one courageous step you’ve taken lately that is aligned with your inner yes? Leave a message in the comments section below. We’d love to share in your success.

With love and light,

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