
Angel Card Spotlight: Queen of Air, drama free and declutter master

Introducing one of my all-time favorite Queens in Angel Tarot- the Queen of Air. In a traditional deck the Air suit is congruent to Swords. Swords embodies our relationship to the realm of the mind, intellect, reason, rational thinking and logic.  No heart based thinking allowed.  

To be fair, some situations in life require us to use our minds to think things through without emotion. Too much emotion can allow us to fall prey to worrying about how our decision would impact others, therefore wandering into the precarious area of sabotaging ourselves so we don’t “rock the boat” and possibly upset someone else.

And in possibly upsetting someone else, we keep ourselves uncomfortable so someone else can be comfortable. Yet once again bend ourselves into a pretzel and jump through hoops in order to try to show how accommodating we are.

Not so with the Queen of Air!

Angel Card Message: Gifts of the King of Winter (Professional, Motivational, Legal Matters)

By now many of you know that I love working with Angel Cards. They have an incredibly precise way of sharing sacred messages with the soul. Angel Cards are exquisite at articulating the language of the Divine, clearly giving us a way to see into a situation. They also share wisdom in how to see a situation differently, and often times highlight energies that would best serve us on a specific day.

Today, I’ll share with you an incredible card that is sure to help you when you need an unemotional, discerning and wise perspective. Introducing, The King of Winter. In other Tarot decks you might see it as the King of Air or Swords.

Why you need the gifts of the Emperor Card

The Emporer is typically pictured in a throne or meticulously crafted chair.  In his right hand is a staff or writing pen.  These represent the power of the word, the power of intellect and the influence of conscious ruling.  In his left hand the image often shows a heart, an olive branch or a gold ring.  This represents his intention of peace, compassion and unparalleled ability to attract abundance.

This card represents structure, logic, discipline, organization, having a solid plan, stability, prosperity and efficiency.