Creative dreams awaken when your inner critic is asleep

You know that restless feeling of tossing and turning at night? Then feeling anxious because you’re not getting a full nights sleep? The mind racing back and forth in all its glory, regardless of how my times you try to count backwards or count sheep to slow it down.

Believe me, you’re not alone.

What if… it was really your inner self, your wise self, your creative self trying to get your attention?

Below is a powerful line from one of my favorite poems that really sets the stage for the magic that’s happening behind the scenes.

The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell, do not go back to sleep. You must ask for what you really want, do not go back to sleep.”

This line is an excerpt from one of my all time favorite poems by Rumi, the 13th century Persian poet. Well, to be perfectly honest, I fell in love with this particular piece because of the late Dr. Wayne Dyer. He would masterfully weave these gorgeous, eloquent words into a talk he was giving to keep us thinking, searching, dreaming.

Wayne urged us to keep pondering what our waking dreams have to tell us. The dreams that wake us up at night. The inner voice that beckons us to rise out of bed and follow its call.

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What is it you are being asked to do? Are you encouraged to make yourself a cup of tea and read? Perhaps it’s to journal? Maybe it’s to stretch and do some soothing yoga poses or listen to relaxing music? What ideas have you awake? What keeps you up at night?

Instead of the alternative of staying in bed tossing and turning, get up. Actually rise out of bed and do what needs to be done. You are awake for a reason. What does the morning breeze have to share?

Perhaps you’re like me. I would feel anxious when I’d look at my alarm clock and see that it was only 3 or 4 a.m.

I would think forward into how this “lack of sleep” was going to impact my next day and I was not happy, to say the least.

However, I respect Wayne and have integrated many of his teachings into my life. With that being said I made the decision a few years ago to consciously practice this particularly wise nugget of wisdom.

Interestingly, what has evolved is that I typically find myself reading for maybe a half-hour to an hour. Or, I have an idea for a great blog article (like this one) that literally begins to write itself. Sometimes, I journal. Other times I might pet the cat.

I don’t always know what I’m going to do, the important piece is that I do it. I follow what feels right in that moment. More often than not as soon as I do whatever it is I am called to do, my body and mind are naturally tired again. Sleep then comes easily.

As a result of this consistent awakening, what I’ve stumbled upon if you will is the important message that Wayne had tapped into years ago. Humans are meant to create with life. Co-create.

Creativity is vast and expansive. It could be how you innovatively think and trouble-shoot ideas. You might have a natural knack for “linking” together ideas that on their own do not seem to have anything in common. However, you might have the gift of bridging concepts together.

Perhaps you are creative in the way you work with children, teenagers or adults.

Is your home or office space a haven of colors, textures and the like? That’s your creative side having its say.

Now, it could be the more popular, habitual way we’ve been taught to think of creativity. This is traditionally relegated to the arts. Music, writing, painting, sculpting, drawing, acting, singing, wood-working, ceramics, etc…

These are certainly valid and have high value in our culture. I, for one, am a huge admirer of these imaginative art forms and delight in my favorite styles. What I’m also suggesting is that creative endeavors are not limited or exclusive to these forms.

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Think about the designers, innovators and engineers that had ideas literally “pop” into their heads that revolutionized the way humans live.

The Wright brothers and their quest for flight. Henry Ford and his obsession with “a horseless carriage.” Steve Jobs and his passion for a better, more user friendly computer. Walt Disney and his inner desire to bring color, sound and action together in short and full-length animated films.

The list goes on and on. My point being, let your creativity and imagination soar.

What I do know is this. When we stifle our creativity. When our self-talk incessantly says untruths such as: I’m not creative. I’m too old. I missed the boat. I don’t have time, we are limiting our own growth.

What we are really saying is I won’t make the time. I think I’m too old therefore I’m not going to do anything about it.

As long as you are alive and breathing you are meant to co-create. Because all that fabulous energy inside of you needs to come out.

The truth is it takes more energy to keep ingenuity bottled up than it does to let it flow.

Our health can become affected. Our emotional state, our mental state and even our spiritual connections will take a hit if we keep stuffing our talents and natural gifts down deep.

When I decided a few years ago to take the leap of Faith, everything changed. To follow the messages that came to me (even though I didn’t always understand them) my life became a lot easier. It’s as if I literally caught a wave that put me more in the flow of life, instead of rowing against it.

What I’m curious about is this, what is your connection to the morning breeze?

What ideas or suggestions do the whisperings tell you? What can you do that normally you discount because your rational mind tells you it’s silly or a waste of time?

Next time you hear the whisper, why not listen?

Rise. Make a cup of tea or hot cocoa or whatever soothing beverage you’d like to cozy up with and get comfortable. Allow the inner perfectionist to stay asleep. Now is the time for the inner creative, the inner dreamer to have its say.

Just see what happens. Does time stand still? How do you feel when you are tuned into the slowness and gentleness of this time of day? No rushing. No deadlines to meet. It’s just you and you. The perfect match.


from The Breeze At Dawn by Rumi.

The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell,

do not go back to sleep.

You must ask for what you really want,

do not go back to sleep.

People are going back and forth across the doorsill

where the two worlds touch.

The door is round and open,

do not go back to sleep.

With love and light,
“a trusted voice to your angels and guides”

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