A rising tide lifts all ships ~ a time for giving thanks

Who inspires you? Or, perhaps it's more accurate to recollect the many voices, faces, words, memories and lyrics that together have been able to lift you up to a fuller, more expanded version of who you are now.

It could be challenging to narrow it down to one singular person that is the sole inspiration for everything in our lives. In my own experience I feel this is definitely the case. I believe it takes several key individuals to help us rise to a greater potential.  As they say, No Man is an Island

Thinking back, I see the common theme of powerful and useful guidance from those who are further down the trail than I am. This includes embracing decades of books, lectures, audio guides, videos, discussion groups, seminars, training programs, family, friends (and let's not forget experience) to form who I am today.

In this season of giving thanks, I would like to dedicate this article to a few of the extremely powerful and influential people who have made a huge impact in my life.

  • My Mom

We are highly influenced by our parents and I'm no exception. My Mom, Mitzi Grover, is a big time go-getter. She has shown me time and time again, through her actions, that anyone can make themselves into someone they are proud of. From circumstances beyond her control, my Mom became an orphan at a young age. 

Her resilience to not let her past define her is absolutely amazing. To this day she travels the world, still sells real estate like nobody's business and continues to embrace the New Thought principles of self-love, self-care and self-empowerment. 

Thank you Mom for showing me that we truly can be whatever we want to be in Life.  The sky is the limit.

  • Dr. Wayne Dyer

The late Wayne Dyer penned over 40 books that span five decades. His tireless work in the field of Self-Actualization has influenced millions of people. I have read and listened to many of his works since the early 2000's. I have always been most impressed at his ability to take complex, high-level pieces of information and break them down in such a way that even the most common person amongst us can clearly grasp these concepts. 

As a teacher, mentor and educator I deeply appreciate this talent that so few have. Wayne has a beautiful way of delivering his work that does not make you feel as if you are being talked down to. Rather, he has the ability to make it so familiar and so basic that you realize you can't live without these guiding principles in your life. He gently and lovingly lifts you up to his level.

Thank you Wayne for showing me the path of a true Teacher.

  • Louise Hay

Another fabulous Teacher. Louise came from extreme poverty and ran away from home at 14. She never graduated high school, yet in the latter part of her life she would go on to become one of the most sought-after Inspirational speakers in the world.  Her books are very easy to read and include simple, yet very powerful exercises. 

Louise taught me to look beyond the seeming "simplicity" of words and affirmations. Our thoughts really do become things. If we don't like our circumstances, we need to take an honest look at our world view and the words we say. Her famous affirmation, "Life Loves Me. All is Well and I am Safe" is permanently etched into my mind. 

Thank you, Lulu, for lovingly reminding me of the importance of my thoughts and words. They truly shape my reality.

  • Nancy Levin

Nancy's powerful integrative coaching style and ability to compassionately hold me accountable for my personal growth has truly been a game changer. 

I have a natural love of reading and enthusiastically pursue intellectual concepts at great length. Self-help and self-empowerment are no exceptions. Living these principles out on a daily basis had previously baffled me. 

Why? Why was it so challenging to put into consistent practice what I read and understood on the written page?  (Enter Nancy.)

Nancy has helped me create the much needed bridge between intellectually understanding these pieces of information and successfully practicing the integration of them into my daily life. Journaling, discussions, visual meditations and deep-dive exercises have all contributed to me being able to truly embrace newness and change. 

I am learning to hold curiosity around the unknown instead of fearing it. And, learning to trust myself and my ability to have my own back. This is HUGE for me!

Thank you Nancy for holding the guiding light and giving me the courage to jump fully into my life.

  • Dr. Robert Holden

Robert, a trained psychologist turned mystical teacher, co-wrote the book Life Loves You with Louise Hay and is an incredible source of inspiration, motivation and wisdom. He founded the Happiness Project and Success Intelligence in the UK and has worked tirelessly to champion people’s connection to happiness as an achievable state when looked at through the lens of love. Love your life first, all of it ~ even the parts we don’t necessarily feel are lovable ~ and say a sacred and holy yes to following our bliss. This is what truly helps us to experience a life of meaning and purpose.

I was fortunate enough to spend the last year in a Success Intelligence Mastermind group led by Robert. There were 18 of us and to say it was life-changing would be a complete understatement. Dare I say it’s been a true catalyst for transformation to live an extraordinary life I always felt was “out there” somewhere, yet elusive to me. Now I feel the ripple effects of the powerful connection and teachings that have changed my life view.

I’d like to share several words of wisdom from Robert that have resonated deeply with me this past year.

  • A successful life can only ever be the one we are living now.

  • Humans gift to humanity is love.

  • What we do can’t be measured by the world.

  • Our work is we are meant to be a blessing to each other.

  • Ordinary is perfectly miraculous if we are willing to see it in a different way.

  • If you want to expand, have more success, experience your purpose… just add love.

I could certainly go on and on and make an exhaustive list. However, in this season of Thanks and Giving I will wrap up this article with a Thank You to you, my friend and reader. Some of you I have met personally. Others I have only had the pleasure of knowing through cyber-space.  

YOUR TURN: Who inspires you? Who is on your list? By the way, I hope you remember to include yourself.


You really are the best thing that's ever happened to you.

In deep gratitude,

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