Are you tired of avoiding conflict in order to keep the peace?

Are you tired of avoiding conflict in order to keep the peace? Like many people who are frustrated by feeling other people overly rely on them, you are probably secretly exhausted and tired of the job. In fact, if truth be known, you would love to take a break from all the drama, excuses, negativity and complaining.

You’ve probably found yourself wondering on multiple occasions, Why are they always calling, messaging or texting me to complain? Why can’t they just get their act together like I’ve told them to on multiple occasions and get on with their life? When is the drama going to end? Seriously.

Deep down you may very well be wishing for circumstances to be different. However, as the old Buddhist proverb states, Suffering is wanting something or someone to be other than what it is.

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Let’s delve into this all-too-common dilemma for an inspired solution, shall we? I’ll share the wise counsel of the Seven of Fire from my fabulous Angel Tarot deck to illustrate a loving, supportive and practical message.

The Seven of Fire’s meaning, in a nutshell, is the need to be more assertive! 

The call-to-action is to stand up for what you really believe in. Undoubtedly, this can be a hard message to deliver for someone who has prided themselves on conflict avoidance, people pleasing and not wanting to "rock the boat."

However, what often times happens is that by continually agreeing to other people's requests and being afraid to say no, it is at a very heavy cost to your inner self. 

Too high of a cost ultimately. Because you are wiped out. Low energy with a slowly diminishing life force.

Ironically, when I talk with a client who has this card come up in a reading, they agree wholeheartedly that this is definitely the case. It's as if the floodgates have been opened and they feel relieved to finally get confirmation on this trait.

They typically have been raised to be a people pleaser. Their whole existence is gauged on whether they can swoop in and save the day.  

Said another way: Their value as a human being is enmeshed in being “invaluable” to others.  Talk about a slippery slope!

Many clients also share that they were raised with the mantra that it’s better to give and serve than to receive.  To that I gently remind them that in a balanced, high functioning Universe there is respectful energy in the nature of giving and receiving. 

Neither is any more weighted than the other, it's simply our beliefs around this process that form the labels of good or bad.

The Seven of Fire is a message from the Divine realm saying it's high time you stand up for yourself. Hang up the super-woman or super-man cape! You have permission to defend your position and speak up for your wants, needs and desires.

In some cases this card can indicate a need to start taking self-protection or assertiveness classes. Learning from others who have developed the skill to strengthen their physical and metaphorical muscles is very powerful.  

The Seven of Fire is truly about understanding self-care at the most basic level.  

We learn to build our own foundation of what we will and will not tolerate from others. And ultimately be able to maintain that boundary.

These things definitely take time. That is why it's so important to see this card as a reminder that you are worth it. Nothing is more important than taking care of your mental, physical, spiritual and emotional house.

Part of the practice of inner and outer strength is to begin to mean what you say.

Just so you understand what I mean, think of it this way.  
Let your yes mean yes.  
Let your no mean no.  
Let your maybe mean maybe.

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Another great practice is allowing yourself space before answering a request of your energy, time, resources or money.  

Give yourself 24 hours to return with your answer. Allow yourself the grace to answer with complete authenticity and integrity.

Another important message to contemplate with the Seven of Fire continues along the vein of introspection.  

Ask yourself: Is this really a problem with another person or persons? Or, is it possible that I am experiencing a reflection of my own inner struggles?

Does it seem like everyone is asking too much or only one person?  
If it seems like everyone, then it's time to look at your inner people pleaser.  You know - the one that probably needs to be fired?

If it's only one person, then it's probably a good time to set a stronger boundary between them and yourself.  

You may need to take a break from this person. Or, perhaps you can allow yourself to step back and not be so tempted to want to solve all their problems.  

The truth is that if they are having a lot of issues or struggles, they would be wise to seek out professional counsel. Friends and family members are not therapists.  

It's a powerful antidote of habitual self-sabotage to recognize when we or someone we love needs to make the self-honoring choice to get professional advice.

Lastly, the Seven of Fire, recognizes the inner desire to align with impeccable character. When you are proud of who you are and know who you are, no one can intimidate you.

You are completely congruent with the words and actions of your life.  Now, that is definitely something well worth striving for!

Your Turn: What is a loving boundary you’ve set for yourself recently? How is that going for you? Let us know in the comments section below. We’d love to hear.

With love and light,

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